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Everything posted by Qelan

  1. Re: Would you allow this I think maybe I am missing something but it seems as if you could put the powers in a Multipower Framework then put charge limitation on the multipower pool.
  2. Hello, I already posed this question to Steve but I would like to see how everyone handles these types of powers so I will repost the question here. One of our players wanted to make a character that has an artifact that is a sentient sword that has its on skills and maybe some powers. This is a Super Heroic setting and I have looked up and found many different ways to create the weapon within the 5th edition rules. What we decided on is an OAF indestructible focus housing an AI mystical intelligence (computer). The AI would have its own skills and powers and maybe a HKA usable by others to simulate that it is a sword. Does this seem rational and within reasons of the game system? I was worried as to what would happen if the AI went rogue or acting of its own accord to aid the character, how would the average "super" stop it?
  3. Hello, one of our players wanted to make a character that has an artifact that is a sentient sword that has its on skills and maybe some powers. This is a Super Heroic setting and I have looked up and found many different ways to create the weapon within the 5th edition rules. What we decided on is an OAF indestructible focus housing an AI mystical intelligence (computer). The AI would have its own skills and powers and maybe a HKA usable by others to simulate that it is a sword. Does this seem rational and within reasons of the game system? I was worried as to what would happen if the AI went rogue or acting of its own accord to aid the character, how would anyone stop it?
  4. Qelan

    Quiet darkness

    Re: Quiet darkness Well, Steves answer was... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=806629#post806629
  5. Qelan

    Quiet darkness

    Re: Quiet darkness
  6. I just had an interesting idea. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a Champions game set in Paragon City ? We could use what we know about Paragon as the source material and run a game using the message boards. I would suggest everyone get a hold of Hero Designer v2 because it would make everything much easier. If anyone is interested let me know. Or if anyone has any really good ideas to add maybe we can pull this off. This sounds like a very fun project. Duplicate thread on this forum.
  7. I know this sounds wierd but my favorite was a mutant origin (so I wimped out hehe) who could control and manipulate dangerous radiation. He could fly, forcefield, and release a terrible force from his hands as a RKA. Since he was a comic buff as a kid and he could fly he called himself Stellar Knight. Here's the wierd part. He could control the energy but he was not immune to it. Everytime he used his RKA he would take a random amount body damage. He didn't have regeneration or any type of healing so he always had to find other ways to try to stop the villans. So many times he had to risk using his Stellar Beams at risk of death. Thinking about that character now I can hardly understand why he was so fun to play but he was. I think it had something to do with having to try to find other ways to stop the villans but also having access to a very destructive attack that my character was very afraid to use... heck, I was afraid! hehe
  8. Ok, I will tell. Mattingly, could I get a critique from you about the Prof. Cyrrius story? I didn't make the character but I liked the core concept. By the way I know it's a little tedious but I wanted to try and develop the character right away.
  9. I can't tell you guys how much I love to read this stuff.
  10. What is or was your favorite champions character and why is it your favorite? I really love to read a well developed character. I don't mean a character who is only powerful or versatile. I am talking about those character that as you read them you start getting goose bumbs because they are just that cool! A lot of times I can just get this just from reading the powers and the special effects but sometimes its the background information that kicks in the "cool" factor. If anyone feels like sharing their favorite character here and maybe a reason why it is their favorite I would love to hear about it.
  11. Qelan

    Speed sorter

    Here is a spreadsheet I was working on. Tell me what you think I should have done with it. Extra special thanks to Fuzzy Gnome for all his help with the formulas. Only thing is you can't use duplicate DEX values but you should decied who you want to act before another character with the same dex and add a decimal to their value (ex. 23 and 23.1)
  12. There is a lot of really good information in this thread, I hope someone is writing a lot of this stuff down. Well the character I am talking about (his name is Jonni Ray Cyrrius or Prof. Cyrrius) has more skills then a 13yr-old has pimples and a 40 int. not to mention rapid sensing, editic memory, and some of the skills are investigation types so he really covers pretty much the full spectrum of what intelligence is. Most of these ideas in this thread are exaclly what I was looking for. I was looking for ways to keep the challenge factor of the game up without making it come to a halt and at the same time letting the super intelligent character feel like he is adding to the story. If anyone have any more suggessions on this topic please feel free to voice them even if they may seem odd or strange.
  13. I have talked to him about sevral of the points you have made and he understands that there will be times when I am going to have to say "I don't want the story to move in that direction because it will end the game." And that is one of the issues I am wanting advice on. I want to be able to avoid having to say this because it will subtract from the "suspension of disbelief" in the game for him and even the other players.
  14. Does anyone have a problem letting players create characters who are mega-intelligent? I have a friend who wants to play this super-intelligent Sherlock Holmes/Buckaroo Bonzi type character in our game. I was wondering how would other GMs handle a character like this in their campaign? The main focus of a character like this would be logic solving and accurate deductive leaps of logic. How would a GM handle a player that could careless about combat and the character is infact almost designed to be knocked-out in any combative engagment? Now what the player wants out of the game is the ability to make the scenario flow around them or even change the course now and then.
  15. Re: disc=discrimanatory I really like the effect microscopic on touch sense would make but I don't think you would need that just to read print from a press or handwritten material. Microscopic on touch sense... that REALLY sounds cool!
  16. Re: Discrimanatory question Why would he not be able to? Just kidding I agree with MisterVimes. Yes you woud be able to.
  17. In a superhero style campaign if a character has 2 Energy Blast purchaced in 2 seperate EC slots could he choose to fire both EBs off as 1 attack against a single target? From what I can tell from the rules it seems this is possible. Second if it is true would this work the same with a HKA and would your base str apply to both HKAs?
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