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Everything posted by needo

  1. What are Everyman skills and how do they work? Thank you.
  2. Re: Help is on the Way You mention in your article that you are going to show us the Tally Sheets you use, but I cannot find it at the end of the article? Am I missing this or is it just not there? (This is Unearthed Mechana by the way)
  3. A couple real newbie questions... page numbers and books are acceptable answers. 1. - What's the difference between PD and resistant PD? The same goes for ED. 2. - How can you block an attack? If the enemy goes before or after the PC? Does the PC say "Im blocking." for his action thus getting the added DCV? Thanks!
  4. I currently own... Fred UNTIL Superpowers Database Champions I'm contemplating purchasing Champions Universe, Millenium City, or Killer/Crooks. I can only afford one or two. Which ones do you recommend for the new GM? Thanks!
  5. Re: Help is on the Way Is that the August's issue or the September issuer? I just bought the August issue and I dont see it with what I glanced through...
  6. Next week I am beginning my brand new game with brand new players. Woohoo! However, I've never GM'ed or played a Champions game before. Neither has most of my players. I was wondering if any one had any good guidelines to designing the first mission. Including number of enemies, strength of enemies etc. All my char's are standard Superheros with 200 points and 150 points of disadvantages. Thanks!
  7. I've been really looking forward to Champions Battlegrounds. It says the release date is July 2003. Seeing how it is now August, when can I expect to see it in stores? Also, are there any other module books out there a new GM could start to use? Thank you.
  8. I dont have the charecter sheet in front of me. So I'm trying to remember... He punched him really hard, using Density Increase and a power focus I believe.
  9. Well I ran my first Champions game this weekend, with 7 people with limited experience in this system. (Not counting myself who doesn't have the a lot of experience). It was interesting. The thing that took the longest honestly was the Speed/DEX for people going. I think that's because I was trying to keep track of it all instead of letting the players do it. My problem however is this... I let them all become Standard Superheroes. (200 points, with 150 points of disadvantages) Well we had a test session this weekend first time in combat. One guy completely killed one of the enemies out of Champions in one shot. (I believe it was Icicle). Since these guys made such powerful charecters, what points should I base my enemies on to give them a chalenge and to keep things balanced? Thanks!
  10. I've been reading FREd as I seem to be doing more and more as my GM career begins to start in 1.5 weeks. I was reading the portion on Change Enviroment. It says that the charecter chooses the target hex. However, it never mentions how much they should roll? Do you have to make a successful attack roll? If so, what is the OCV/DCV? Thanks!
  11. Having gamed with Nymaz for a couple years now. I can fully attest to him wanting everything with whipped cream and cherries on top.
  12. I received this from one of my players regarding Hero Designer... Lets say I've got a 50 point multipower and I want to put an energy blast in it... OK, 50 points equal a 10d6 EB. If I buy it with the 1/2 END advantage (1/4), I could only have a 8d6. So if I want the original 10d6, I figure I'll take a limitation, right? Wrong. No matter how many limitations you put on the power, the program only recognizes the advantage, so I couldn't have more than a 8d6EB no matter what the limitations. The way Im parsing this right or wrong is that this isnt an effect of a MultiPower. If he makes a 50 point MultiPower he can have as many powers as he wants in there up to 50 points. Why create a Multipower with only one 50 point power?
  13. I'm going to start running a Superheroic Hero Game. Half the players have played before, half have not. I'm really trying to decide if I should use END or not. I fear it may make things too difficult for the new players. Thoughts?
  14. Wow, thank you for all the info! Does any one have any screenshots of the Hero Designer. I would like to purchase it but I would also like a sneak preview. Since I am short on cash. Thank you!
  15. Does a Hero Fifth Edition GM screen exist?
  16. I realize GM Organization really depends on the individual and the type of game they are playing. However I was wondering how all the GM's out there organize their binders before each game, etc. I have some good ideas but I really do not want to reinvent the wheel. Plus learning from experienced GM's would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  17. I fully agree, the problem is finding someone. In my opinion it is *always* better to learn the system as a player and then if you like it enough move to GM status. Unfortunatley it doesn't seem I have this luxury at this point.
  18. Well, I threw my two cents in... if only it was that cheap. I bought FREd, Champions, and UNTIL Superpowers Database. My girlfriend even bought me one. Im only 20 pages in to FREd and I've flipped through the other two books. All I can say is "Wow." I can't wait to GM this game. I already have a couple post-apocolyptic Superhero ideas involving ghouls, ghosts, and zombies. It's a good thing I have three weeks before I will have a chance to GM the game. It will take me a bit to go through all this material. As I have never GM'ed before does any one have any hints, tips, etc? Thanks!
  19. Two more questions Two more questions... In Shadowrun there is a program called NSRCG to help charecter's and the GM create charecters quickly. Is there such an application for HERO? Also, has any one attempted to run a HERO game over OpenRPG before? If so, what were your thoughts on it, and how did it go? Thank you.
  20. Great! Thank you. I plan on heading to the local comic book store tomorrow and picking them up. From reading the forums it sounds like I will be more impressed then I was with the Marvel RPG books I bought last week. What is FREd?
  21. I'm an utter newbie. What is GUI/DOS and what is the difference? Thank you.
  22. I've been looking around for a "Superhero" RPG. I've been reading up on the new Marvel RPG, but Im not too impressed. If I would like to start GM'ing HERO, knowing that I have never played it before. What books do you recommend I pick up first? The Hero 5th Edition Rules I know is a given. Thank you.
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