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Posts posted by proditor

  1. Re: The cranky thread


    Yo, @$$#@+, they are called "Best practices" for a reason.


    Trying to do a mass deploy of Office using YOUR OWN LOGIN as the template is sub-moronic. It's even more annoying that you now refuse to own the problem and I have to spend my days cleaning up your laziness.

  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos


    So you already know. They are not to be underestimated. Especially if they have a steady supply of Pocky.


    The part that had me thinking I was going to a very warm afterlife was watching a bunch of just college aged ladies, dressed in garb (usually schoolgirl), waving around "I love Yuri!" spanking paddles...

  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Every now and then I wonder if Fred logs on anonymously from some internet cafe, sees that the "Musings on random musings" thread is still running, and reaches out to the touch the display fleetingly, his fingers just brushing the screen. A murmured "It's still there..." whispering from his lips as a single tear falls from his chin into his no-foam skinny decaf latte.


    This btw, is probably why I have insomnia. But I still wonder.

  4. Re: Return To Doctor Han's Island (advice needed)


    Special Request -- If you'd like to help with this project, I could use character sheets for any of the heroes or villains. 150 base, +100 disads, for a total of around 250 to 275. Please realize I'll probably modify them further, but I could use the help, as I suspect my weekends and such will be eaten up with a NASA HQ hardware refresh, and I'd like to try and run this at GenCon.


    I have sample character sheets for Bruce Lee, Jackie, and Sho on my website already if you'd like to work from there.




    Ya know, if you drop Sho's VPP, he comes out to 236. Though I'm not sure how you feel about giving him things like smoke pellets and Fukumi-Bari for free.


    I can take a whack at tuning him though if ya like.

  5. Re: Submarine Aircraft carriers of the world!


    Love the submaplane!


    When I first started following this thread I was reminded of a book I once had, but lost in a move before I could read it. The cover featured a large submarine with two streamlined turrets. It was supposed to be the (never built) sister ship of the Surcouf.


    More about the Sufrcouf:




    Any chance you could pass along the name of that book? I have a weakness for the Surcouf, and a sister ship peeks my interest. :thumbup:


    Also, if anyone wants to see an interesting and incredibly over the top take on the gun sub, check out "Lorelei the Witch of the Pacific Ocean".





  6. Re: Submarine Aircraft carriers of the world!


    That's right--C is for "Cruiser"' date=' right?[/quote']


    Yes and no.


    C is for cruiser, and it's also for carrier.


    CVN Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier

    CV Aircraft Carrier

    CGN Nuclear Power Guided Missile Cruiser

    CG Guided Missile Cruiser

    DDG Guided Missile Destroyer

    DD Destroyer

    FFG Guided Missile Frigate

    FF Frigate

    SSBN Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine

    SSN Nuclear Powered Submarine


    More (MUCH more) here: http://www.hazegray.org/worldnav/usa/designat.htm


    Now what would a Nuclear powered submersible aircraft carrier be designated?


    I don't know, but when they were going to make the Phase II modification to the Iowas, they were bandying about BBCV as a designation. It had some precendent in the Hyuga and Ise which had been converted from Battleships, to battleship/carrier hybrids.


    Logically, SSCVN would make sense.

  7. Re: Submarine Aircraft carriers of the world!


    Somewhere I have an HDC of the Surcouf as refitted by US yards...it used to be linked here, but I obviously took it down a while back.


    The Surcouf was more of an artillery platform, but it did carry a spotter plane. Now take the concept of the battle-sub and add the carrier-sub, and you get a nice mini-fleet of scary awesomesauce.


    I'll have to dig up the hdc file again, but in the meantime, I have some nice sub pics here: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/champsstuff/sea/sea.htm


    Including the Surcouf, and the always nifty Seaview.

  8. Re: Most Oscure Reference You've Ever Worked Into a Game


    TORG game. The PCs are in Orrorsh, the land of all things pants-filling terrifying.


    They're questioning a little boy who is picking his nose like he's trying to scratch his brain the whole time.


    This goes on for like 5 minutes real time as I mime the boy's actions. As they wind down amid comments of "looking for gold" and "Scratch harder and it'll uncross your eyes", the little boy pulls out his finger, looks at it quizically for a moment and then extends it and its bounty toward the party.


    "They mostly come out at night. Mostly."


    Play resumed about 20 minutes later.


    The reference wasn't all that obscure, but I'd argue that the setup qualified. ;)

  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


    Actually' date=' I'm fairly certain we're in the middle of S4 now; unless I've been watching it for so long that I didn't even realize when S4 went and I'm on S5, but I'm fairly certain we're in the middle of S4 (House: Survivor!)[/quote']


    Heh, nice. :smoke:


    I'm hoping my Amazon order gets here today. 2 'Zilla flicks, Latitude Zero, and Super Inframan!!! I defy you to find a better combo than Kaiju, Toho aliens, and shaw brothers sci-fi hong kong kung-fu.

  10. Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


    House is... uhm... addicting? I guess I can put the DVDs down whenever I want, but....


    It's basically a mystery story clothed in medical jargon. Initially the episodes were really repetitious -- strange illness, false diagnosis, seizure, risk of death, then House puts the clues together and "bang!" healthy patient. But I kept watching as the interplay between House, Wilson, Cuddy, and House's three specialists was great. Now, as the show has progressed they've mixed things up a bit, so every case doesn't seem like the last one. They aren't afraid to kill people either. I'm tearing through season 2, and would love to borrow 3 or 4 on DVD is possible. On the other hand, I don't see myself owning them, as they come across as "one-shot" viewings IMO.


    Nice dissection, thanks!


    If I hear about anyone with a 3 or 4 to loan, I'll make sure to pass along your name.


    EDIT: The above makes sense if you realize I have a friend with a 600+ deep Netflix list, and no fear of using it!

  11. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Congrats! Which server are these guys on?


    Pinnacle. That was my main from roughly a year ago when I started.


    And yes, allegedly Villain AT's are coming...which means I have to get Wayne Brady to 50...


    Cuz yeah, he's my highest level villain. :ugly:


    And thanks guys, I'm still pretty jazzed. :D

  12. Re: Return To Doctor Han's Island (advice needed)


    A correction, Sho was the villain in Enter the Ninja, true. But he has a family that is attacked and must be revenged, making him the hero of Revenge of the Ninja. He was also the Hero in Ninja III, though that was almost soft core...NM. He was the good guy in Black Eagle (Which also had Van Damme) and Nine deaths. The explanation is that in Enter, he was under cover. "Dying" allowed him to go back to his true job as family man for Revenge.

  13. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    The Monster mash continues. We now have four, count 'em, FOUR Dual Blade (Khopesh)/Willpower Brutes.





    Bubba Kho-pesh


    And we're strangely proud of this...


    In other news, my main just hit 49th and completed the "Get Shivans" temp power quest. :smoke:


    We are so gonna whomp on Kronos...

  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos


    That movie was so bad it was awesome. I just bought a used copy last weekend. :thumbup:


    Also, Ayame's hair looks like they scalped a Jem doll and glued it to her head. :rofl:




    That's Kane Kosugi...


    Okay, this movie is just filled to the brim with awesome and win.


    EDIT: SO I just explained the climax of the movie to my co-worker Shawn...



    Me: "So when they first arrived on the island, each of the fighters was injected with nanobots that allow this computer to analyze and then remember each of their moves. Now, they've gathered it all together from the four top fighters, and they're downloading it into Eric Roberts."


    Shawn: *Spit-takes Ice tea, coughs, sputters* "Seriously?"


    Me: "Seriously. You saw Best of the Best, didn't you?"


    Shawn: "Good point, he's going to need those nanobots."


  15. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Two new toons. Mine and my friend Leigh Anne's...


    Brother and Sister Brute Mummy toons with Dual Blades (Khopesh of course) and Willpower.







    EDIT: Oh, and we got a team for our D&D toons on Champion. We somehow got Knights of Myth Drannor (Or Dranor, I didn't check spelling) Ubergeek FTW. ;)

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