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Everything posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. Opinion Hosts. I don't to roast anyone on the police thread though, so to each their own.
  2. In theory it certainly can be interfered with or falsified. But that's harder if you track whether someone voted or not to begin with. Now, voting machines can definitely be interfered with
  3. You aren't supposed to wear a mask when you drive. Rather, if you are moving from place to place, you generally need to switch masks. This is why PPEs are used up so fast - if you don't want to spread coronavirus, you have to remove the mask between room-visits and get a fresh one. I try and make only a single trip to a single location at a time, so I swear the mask at the location and remove it when in the car. Politics is about deciding what the best approach to resolving a problem that will cause the least damage/ruffling the least feathers. Given this definition, I'd have to say politics in our country's been damaged for a long time. Many people I know are/want to participate in the protests because this has been the first protest for something remotely close to what they believe in for their entire adult lives - when counting large protests that the government actually has 'noticed'. As in, can't ignore, bulldoze, or pretend it didn't happen a few weeks later. But we'll see if it gets suborned or ignored or made irrelevant later... As wrt to my comments in the pol thread, it may very well be one of the last real protests we see - we are simply getting better at misleading/busting/ignoring. I don't like the timing of it, but most of the people I know would have certainly preferred it sooner, or a different time. You can't really pick and choose that momentum... at least not as an individual civilian. But yes. The quarantine is important, the protest overall is ill timed, and we now have "Coronavirus" as leading cause of deaths-by-day on some days. ie- more people died of coronavirus that day than any other cause. It won't hold yearly because it only took off partway in March, but it's working on catching up.
  4. That is good (on his fact checking). Before anything else, knowing the details is important
  5. True, that memetic BS affects me too. The whole Dem nomination events were a mess.
  6. The best we are given, of course. Unfortunately I don't think either of our plan b options have the connections or support to do anything once they got elected. But unfortunately simply following DJT's twitter feed has been enough for me to give him no slack nor consideration. Forget the news about him, having picked up his thoughts and opinions even tangentally like that has been enough to drive me to Biden - I basically have no choice in the matter. The fact that almost every agency/department he's put his fingers into has had literally hundreds-to-thousands of (sometimes ex-)employees talking about what's going on has not endeared me to him either. EPA, NASA, DOJ, now maybe even part of the Military and the CDC.
  7. I don't disagree that I feel like some comedians are problematic to listen to. A lot of 'new news sources' online feel that way to me, however. When it's an issue I haven't heard of and am concerned about, I can do research online to see more on the topic. Unfortunately, which is probably why I need to drink more tonight. XD Exactly. It's gotten to the point where people are calling their own ideas Communist or Marxist in direct retaliation or misguided understanding from those scared people. Look at the 'satanist' groups in the US. I don't know about that. But having non-experts highlight issues isn't wrong in itself, we just have to make sure Oliver holds to a good standard of information... so I can start holding some other #$(*$ers to that same standard. "opinion journalists" indeed.
  8. I'm so sorry. 😕 Yeah, human beings are terrible against 'invisible threats'. It's literally not in our programming. We are getting the same kind of maskless attitude. But I only go in wide open areas where there are few people anyway, so I'm not going to see many masks. But when I have to hit a grocery store... yeah. It's not good, and it surprises me not at all that we are now near hospital capacity.
  9. It's definitely the people around him that have an agenda... and they'll be around regardless. I think any victory 'over' Trump is going to be narrower than I'd like. There will be plenty of excuses he/others can use to throw mud, and that's part of the political game. Throw all the mud you can. Nowadays, even if it means burning down the entire country to do so.
  10. I had a whole rant based on that but I buried it. It serves no purpose. If someone's going to be so livid that they are incoherent, I'll wait. If someone's so stressed that they are incoherent, there's no point in making it worse. If someone's being incoherent to be a malicious b-st-rd, then I can let them imagine what I'll say. Neither of these things have any use, and I don't see a point in being nasty to someone.
  11. I can't really tell, from parsing your post, what you are saying or responding to, though. Or even if you are calling the mayors/governors hypocrites, or someone else.
  12. I saw tons of masks at the protests... Which I have mentioned many times, I believe are so big because (and not in spite of) unemployment.
  13. I've been looking at this like Boris Yeltsin. It's whoever adopts the same tactics and tools that Trump has been using (and the same 'activated'/religious base), combined with modern surveillance state, that scares me more.
  14. Pretty much why I think these protests have to happen to begin with. I can understand why some people say "it's not good for outsiders to be coming in and telling them how to do their job", but this is one of those factors that shows clear reason that it's not working as it is right now. There was a huge rash of bodycam footage catching police officers in Baltimore planting evidence before confronting suspects. This is because the devices ran on a cache-buffer all the time. They continuously fed visual input to the temporary cache, holding the last 30 seconds of footage. (Perhaps it was done this way in case an officer was ambushed?) Once they push the button to 'activate' the camera, it changes to start writing to the long term storage. Essentially half a dozen officers were caught planting evidence during the cached footage, then going to confront the person on their property, check evidence in a car, and so forth, turning on their camera to 'conveniently' discover it. After the first few were discovered, more voluntarily came forwards for fear of being caught. They certainly did not volunteer until fellow officers were being charged.
  15. I will say, I think that individuals' quality of reporting has gone quite downhill... But it reminds me of Giuliani. Methinks less lawyers need to be going on TV for their client... -shakes head-
  16. I dislike using youtube as a 'source', but it does look like someone else is responding to the question I had before, about 'scanning'. I haven't watched the full video (its more about the tweet), but at least other people are beginning to go "that's not how that works". To set aside the problematic issues of Trump's words for a moment, the remark (by anyone) of "he was scanning to black out their equipment" clearly isn't how that works. There's literally no such thing in any technology I've ever heard of or had access to. Any such requirements to even scan a credit card can be done from fifty to a hundred feet away now, and any electronics is much easier than that. And that's just to pick up information, interference can be done similarly, without a scanning 'requirement'. ALL of said equipment would require a backpack, not a phone, and would be done from further away. There'd never be a need to approach anyone for it, and there's been no reports I've heard of that any police have experienced that kind of signal interference (so I dunno if anyone has attempted it either). Now, civilians/protesters...
  17. I wholly agree. That's why I don't think this is going to end with an election no matter how it goes. More stuff I think I ranted about on the pol thread 😕
  18. Sure, I've heard that before (ie- it's all fake because there were other terrible things that people should be outraged about). I won't talk about the political angle of who may fed this (sure, that's probably a thing), but I will point out that everyone on the streets are outraged for a reason. We can claim that outrage is timed or being fanned, but are we implicitly arguing then that it's wrong? I guess that depends on what is done about it, and to me that states that the most important thing is to find a direction and resolution to the conflict that'll actually work. Whoever may have and be fanning it, there's a lot of direct evidence of bad stuff being done to people regardless of that. A reporter's eye being destroyed, an old man getting his head cracked open, numerous cars damaged (strategically?). The DC protest being flash banged and gassed, and a number of other 'apparent spontaneous gassing/flash banging'. Why now? Maybe the election. But that's not what's going to get people outside in droves. I will point out most people spend all their time working (at least one job), and it takes a lot to get people out nowadays. 40 million unemployed is going to give a lot of people the energy to get on the streets. For over a decade I've been aware of this, and this has been a huge complaint of a lot of people - they are too damn busy to even complain. People have the actual time and energy to do something, and have felt helpless for a very long time. I also have seen a clear number of people (interviewed on live streams) who clearly don't know much about the person who died, and are just out there to scream and shout and be angry at the system. I could be upset at those people too. Then again, if I was out of work and protesting, it would be about the financial inequalities that drive this racial treatment, the surveillance state, and the lack of action on climate change. BLM and this protest would simply be folded into those reasons, for me. Important, but not the only reason I'd be out there.
  19. You are right, I think I was talking to someone (here? in face to face?) that I doubt it was about the person so much as the direct camera and the gruesome way it happened. That's a very substantial third factor. . I loathe the radio show influences that have directly spread provably bad information (on climate change, for example), effectively created generational brainwashing, now reinforced by memetic phrases and images (literally 'thought terminating cliches'), and I happily will lay some responsibility on the feet of a number of people like him. But that's a conversation (ie rant) for the politics thread.
  20. I do think the very existence of Donald Trump (and the specific inflammatory media he refers to) is a major contributing factor to these protests... as is unemployment (from the lockdown). I don't think it would be this size without either of these factors.
  21. It's pretty awful. I saw the man with a helmet and a phone in his hand, but I didn't see how a phone would cause a 'blackout'. It looked like he was returning the helmet and was holding the phone with the intent of recording the interaction (just in case). He never really did, or got much of a chance.
  22. 'Scanning' police equipment? https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/xg8dnz/trump-accuses-75-year-old-shoved-by-buffalo-police-on-video-of-faking-fall
  23. I definitely appreciate the sentiment of the protest, but they require leaders with a clear and workable plan... and I'm not sure which options work in this situation. OTOH, this is the largest protest I think I've ever been alive to see...
  24. I agree, though some of it was definitely related to 'violence in other positions'. A cop's job is to be confrontational, which is part of the difficulty.
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