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Dr Divago

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Everything posted by Dr Divago

  1. Are you Sure? even the PD and ED base? D'OH!!!!!!! well isn't' so much a problem 'cause near total Defenses i've bought for Automatons NPC (and PC of course ) is Resistent (ie Armor) but... ... this is strange... Triple cost for defense is a too big disadvantage... PD and ED reduced at 1/3; triple cost, if even 1 body inflicted, an automaton lose a power, or STR o SPD or 1 sense, and this defense are not naturally resistent?? I trust you, i'm too inexperienced to mistrust you, and to "modifyning" the rules too , but it sounds very strange to me...
  2. One moment: PD for Automaton (who takes "Take No Stun" power) is resistent This is why cost is so high
  3. The problem is: if you read "megascale" advantage description, you read than it's impossible to use megascaled powers to less than 1Km (so megascaling in 10 Km a power make them not usable at shorter distance than 10Km or 1 Km? boh, not so different ) But if you read Example Power for Teleport, Escape Clausole (or similiar name), this power has Megascale "all around earth"... so this mean that is non usable to teleport home if are in the same planet? This appear to be the best solution...
  4. O_O The Creator O_O the original... i'm so excited! :) :) Well i think this is best solution (i'm not very practical in hero system and this is THE CREATOR ) but... whay don't use "Entangle" even with the lasso?
  5. Okay next question Red Cap want to buy a power to teleport her (she's a lady) safe to home So buy Teleport, 5", Megascale 10Km, only fixed location, charge 1/day Use Megascale so can teleport "home sweet home" if is betwen a 50 Km radius. But if "home sweet home" is only 600 meters away?
  6. Well this is the best thing, i suppose... and i want to "playtest" both adventure and game (i'm not playing with game, and i think is almost indispensable playtest both before the con) but the problem is: how can i create the enemy characthers? i mean, i must create an adventure to test, right? and i must start with some "base points"; the plot is gone, so i need only enemy and "obstacles"... but i must start with creation of some "base enemy", and eventually modifing them if too powerful or too weak; and i miss a system to judge if an enemy power is ok or not... Talon say: and this is the point :( so only method to say if an enemy is too powerful or not is to playtest; and to test i must have some enemy created... is an endless loop, I'm Sure, experience can do the difference... experienced masters understand immediately if an enemy is a match or a time loss (or a massacre) But for starting... I Think i'll use this method to evaluate power of the enemy, in the first stances Successively, i'll playtest it if possible ('cause i've an examen this week, and Romics, this Roma Con where i may master this adventure, is next week...) Thank you all PS: add-ons to this message If you want to see a little what i've made, go to La Casa di Alice (Home of Alice) And inpput "dottordivago" as userid and "alice" as password (lower case) This a "little" virtual HDD, and here you can find "enema1_1.doc" and "schlight.doc", respectively sheet of enemies (lack of supervillain) and sheet of 2 PC (other files is italian house rules for "Cavern&Fire-Breathing-Flying-Reptiles" :p Sorry if some history/background is in italian (and some missing ) but is only a beta file
  7. First Thing: I'm new i'm new to this forum and to Hero System too... Actually i'm not playing with Hero System, and, sadly, i dont have possibility to play Hero System in recent future (Why about 90% people i known want to play only "Caverns and Fire-breathing-flying-reptiles"? ) But, i will be in a Con next week; so i'm preparing a Hero Adventure to play:) And this is Second Thing, aka The Problem: How can i balance encounter? I Mean: i've prepared a party of 4-6 superhero with a total point betwen 175 and 220, and i'm preparing some enemies to face the party. And how many point can i put in the enemy creation to be sure is neither too powerful neither too simple to defeat? how many points to create a thug who die with one single fist? and for a just-a-little-stronger-enemy? and for the Big Villain, final Villain of the adventure, how many point i can use? I hope you can help me, and i hope you've understood what i mean (my english is very poor, i know...) Best regards
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