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teh bunneh

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Posts posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    In our light-hearted fantasy game, our group is on a long sea voyage, and Dutch (my barbarian who lives to fight) is bored out of her skull. When we spot a pirate ship, she begins gleefully preparing her weapons for the coming battle.


    The pirate ship pulls alongside our ship and the two captains begin parlaying, shouting at each other (very polite pirates, it would seem). Dutch is growing more and more frustrated as the exchange continues.


    Pirate captain: Do you have anything actually worth plundering?

    Our captain: Not really, just some...

    Dutch: Gold! Piles of gold and treasures from the orient! And you'll never get your scurvy hands on it, you dogs!!!!

    Our captain: Oh, shit.


    Dutch got her fight. ;)



  2. Re: Champions miniatures


    In City of Heroes' date=' I've got Teen Anthem, the online version of my character Anthem. Eventually you can buy multiple versions of your uniforms. Well, I liked this one enough that I'll likely use it in my campaign when we reconvene.[/quote']


    Blue, she looks great, but can I give you a piece of friendly painting advice? :) It looks to me like your paints are too thick. Add about 3-6 drops* of clean water (from an eyedropper if you've got one) to your paints, especially the flesh color you're using. This will thin them out a little and make them easier to work with; the final result won't look as lumpy. If it's still too thick, add a couple of more drops at a time, stir/shake the paint really well, and test it again. You won't regret it! :thumbup:



    * If you're using 1/2 oz paint bottles... if your bottles are larger, you may need more water. :)

  3. Re: Champions miniatures


    OK, I just finished her. She's got nothing to do with Champions per se, but I think she's my finest work yet. The face is beautiful, and the skin tones are just perfect (it helps that the miniature is superlative, too). :thumbup:


    She's Elise the Witch (by Reaper) with a Ral Partha Crucible Pumpkin Head Scarecrow coming up from the ground behind her. A couple of the pumpkins are Pumpkin Heads with their heads cut off; the rest are putty. The vines are floral wire; the leaves are bits of paper cut out with a hole puncher.


    What do you think, sirs? :D



  4. Re: The First (Hopefully) Semi-Annual Great Champions Challenge Modding Contest!


    Prod: Are you gonna start a new thread and post everyone's pics, just so voters don't have to search through 6 pages to see all the figs? And is it gonna be a public poll, or will people be PMing you their votes, or what? And do we just vote on our very favorite, or do we rate 'em? Or should I just read the instructions and find the answers there? :stupid::)



  5. Re: The Zombie Game


    Every since George Romero's Night of the Living Dead scared the sweet bejeezus out of me when I was about 10, I've been a big fan of zombie movies. So whenever a new one comes out, I rush to see it. I saw the remake of DotD when it came out, and rushed to buy the DVD when it was released. So many memories...


    But it brought back a question, something has been going through the back of my mind since I first saw the movie... How is it, I wondered, that the zombies know who to go after? When no living humans are around, they sort of wander around in large groups, moaning mindlessly. As soon as a human being shows up, they turn into rampaging, murderous monsters, hungry for the flesh of the living. So what triggers this instinct?


    It can't be sight. A living person looks pretty much like an animated dead (though the dead start to rot after a couple of days, but before this time, they all look about the same). But if a living person decided to join a mob of zombies by shuffling and moaning, I'm pretty sure the zombies would tear her to shreds in a matter of seconds.


    Then I thought, maybe the zombies could see into the infra-red spectrum, and found their prey by seeing their warmth. At one point in the movie, a character mentions how cold the zombie's touch felt, so zombies don't have any body heat. But later in the flick, a dog manages to trot right through a hoard of the undead without attracting their attention. Also, the zombies don't seem to be distracted by fire (though they do burn pretty well).


    So maybe it's smell. Do zombies release a pheremone that indicates "not a target"? But at one point, a zombie with no nose (or face, for that matter) chases after one of the living, so I don't think that follows.


    The only thing that I can come up with is that zombies have some sort of "Undead Sense" that lets them detect living souls. I suppose if you're already postulating that the dead can walk the earth, one more leap of logic isn't too much to ask. But this is such an inelegant and clumsy solution, I'm sure there's a better one.


    Anybody have any thoughts on the matter?


    (And yes, I do realize I think about these things *way* too much).



  6. Re: Champions Clix Mods


    Hey, Rapier. You've come to the right place -- there's lots of talented people doing mods on these boards. Not to toot my own horn, but take a look at this article from Digital Hero 14 (helpfully placed in the free sample articles section!):




    It'll get you started with the basic tools you'll need, plus gives a few hints on technique. If you can afford it, I recommend buying the magazine -- it's got color pictures of the step-by-step instructions which I think are quite helpful.


    HeroClix models are generally very easy to convert, since the plastic is easy to work with, cut pieces off of, glue pieces onto, reshape areas with an X-acto knife, etc.


    If you have any specific questions, please ask! :)



  7. Re: Champions Clix Mods


    Red: The tattoos were done with a .35 mm pen, and then I painted the highlights on with a very new, very crisp 10/0 brush. First time working with the pens, seemed to turn out pretty well.



  8. Re: Superstitions


    Those are some great ones, Phil and Blue Jogger. I might have to adopt those, with your permission. Thanks for the tip, Alhazred -- I'll see if I can find that one in the back issues at my FLGS. :thumbup:


    Here's some more of mine:


    The first of the month (the full moon) is an auspicious time to begin new undertakings, but the 15th of the month (the new moon) is a bad time to start anything new. Weddings seldom take place on the 15th, and few people are willing to open new business ventures or start a journey on this day.


    Women who follow the druidic faith know that if they want to become pregnant, they should sleep on the bare earth in a hollow. Dwarves believe that to go three days without seeing the sun is a sign that good fortune is on its way. In Demoria, people leave offerings of food at crossroads in order to placate the unquiet dead and to ensure safe journeys. They also believe that mirrors frighten ghosts away, and so to break one is to bring bad luck. People from the Empire of Kidbod think that the sound of thunder in the distance is a harbinger of bad luck and ill fortune.



  9. Re: Champions Clix Mods


    Thanks, Eyendasky. It wasn't too long ago that I decided I needed to take my figs to the "next" level, and started seriously working on the bases. I think the final results are worth the extra effort. :)


    Last one for a while: Hummingbird!


    She's a MarvelClix Wasp with the wings cut off, that's it. I hunted high and low for a 15mm figure that looked good, but there is a distinct lack of females with midriffs in the 15mm range. ;) Oh well, this one works pretty well.


    The first picture shows her belly-button tattoo; the third one shows the hummingbird tattoo on her arm. I'm particularly proud of those touches.


    And... OK, I know it's disgusting and perverted and wrong, she's only 30mm high and made of plastic, but dayum that figure is stacked in the rack and the back. Yow. :shame: :eg:;)



  10. Even in a world where magic is an everyday occurance and monsters really do lurk in the dark, people will have superstitions -- things they believe that (probably) aren't really true, and only make sense in the context of the culture/history. What superstitions do people have in your fantasy games?


    I've got about a jillion of them in my fantasy world. Many of them, my players came up with and I decided to adopt.


    For example: An Elf will never sleep on the ground, for to do so is to invite death. Likewise, they will never wear white unless in mourning for a loved one, because that's the color of death. People from the Empire of Kidbod will never board a ship after nightfall, because it's bad luck. People from Demoria believe that to see three crows sitting together means good fortune is coming. People from Nekia always carry a pierced coin on their person; this brings monetary luck.


    There's a lot more I'll post later. What are some of yours? :)



  11. Re: Campaign: Lomyrian Relic Hunters in Fahla


    Sounds like a tres cool campaign, Arcady, with a nice set-up. Everyone working as treasure hunters for the University is a great hook.


    If I were playing, I'd be full of all kinds of questions: "If this place we're exploring is supposed to be 3000+ years old, why does it have a working lock that we're able to pick, tapestries that appear to be in good shape, still-legible papers and maps, and furniture that doesn't fall into dust the second we touch it?" ;)


    I have my suspicions, so I can't wait to see how this plays out. Good jorb, looking fwd to seeing more!



  12. Re: gods among men...


    I think if you stuck a well-designed 350-point super up against an average medieval/pre-medieval human, there's no doubt that the super would seem like a god.


    A brick (Mars/Ares?) with 15 rPD/30 PD and 30 CON is pretty much invulnerable to 2d6 KAs (trained swordsmen) and pretty hard to hurt with even 4d6 KAs (berzerkers with big axes). An energy projector (Apollo?) with a 12d6 EB will kill an average 2 PD/10 BODY human in one shot, and hurt even an armored warrior (assuming something like 10 PD, 35 STUN) -- an average STUN roll of 40ish will drop him to 5 STUN in one shot, and a decent roll will KO him. I suppose it depends on what the average/max DCs and defenses are going to be in your campaign, but I don't know how many FH campaigns get much higher than that.


    In a Champs game I used to play, it was assumed that the gods of old were once real people, supers like we see today. So yeah, 350-points seems pretty reasonable to me. :yes:



  13. Re: The First (Hopefully) Semi-Annual Great Champions Challenge Modding Contest!


    Myrlyn -- hurry up bro, I can't wait to see your stuff! ;)


    Blue -- Dark Seraph looks fantabulous, seriously. The head is a tiny bit out of scale, but not so much that it distracts from the miniature overall. I'd almost say it's the crown that makes it too big. But (for future reference), you can trim down the back and sides of the head with an X-acto knife to make it appear a little bit smaller (if it bothers you too much, but it doesn't bother me at all so YMMV). Beauty, man, good jorb. :)


    Now... where's Mags' entry? :yes:



  14. Re: "Use the Source, Fluke..." or Does you campaign have a central rationale?


    In my campaign, all people with powers are actually a sort of conduit between this world and another dimension. Supers with flame powers are conduits between Earth and the dimension of flame, and so forth. Supers first started appearing when an accident breached the dimensional barrier; it healed itself, but it is now much weaker and more porous, allowing supers to exist.


    There is no super-tech, no mental powers, and no magic... well, people think there's magic, but it's just another manifestation of the dimensional energy.


    However, people can become "conduits" through most of the classic superhero tropes -- dumped in chemicals, radiation accident, spontaneous generation during puberty (classic X-men mutant style), etc.



  15. Re: Champions Clix Mods


    The incomparable Lady Blue!


    She's really simple -- DCClix Saturn Girl with the Legion and Saturn insignias carefully trimmed off with a knife. That's it. :)


    I'm still working on Hummingbird...



  16. August 2004


    A creature that looked like a cross between a serpent and a spider (long, reptilian body, 8 long spindly legs) came out of the box. It immediately sensed Breena's presence and tried to lure her near by whispering temptations in her head. When she finally shook her head to clear her mind, she realized that the creature had crept closer and was almost right on top of her. She very wisely decided to run. The creature chased her all over the jungle; sometimes she thought she lost it, other times it was hot on her tail. Finally, she reached the old camp site of the Company. She was too exhausted and hurt to fight it, but she wanted to make sure the beast remembered her, so she turned to face it.


    The creature was about ready to kill her just as it had killed the luckless McBride, but then the sun came up over the horizon. The horrible beast turned and ran, leaving an exhausted Breena slumped over in the mud beside the great lake. With the last of her strength, she pulled out her signal whistle and blew.


    Meanwhile, back at the camp, the rest of the party were growing worried when Breena never returned from her scouting mission. Several of the heroes were getting their gear ready to go look for her when someone heard the distant sound of a signal whistle. Immediately, they all headed for the lake. They found Breena, barely conscious, on the shore. The healers rushed to her side while the warriors fanned out to cover the clearing and search for hostiles. Breena was OK, so they put together a makeshift stretcher and brought her back to camp. The other scouts found some odd tracks and tried to follow them, but were unable to get very far -- the tracks just seemed to disappear.


    When Breena came to later that day, she told them what had happened. Lord Dungeness ordered the heroes to find and kill this creature, before it threatened the Company any further. They headed out into the woods to set a trap for the thing (none of them wanted to meet it in a "fair fight"). ;) They found a good spot for an ambush, not far from the ziggurat, and waited until nightfall.


    After a while, Radley got the strangest feeling that he had to go into the woods to make sure the monster wasn't sneaking up behind him. Hathym saw the priest emerge from his hiding spot, and jumped up to grab him. "Where are you going?" Hathym demanded. "I just have to check something," Radley said. "I'll be right back."


    "Oh no you don't!" Hathym said, holding Radley's arm tightly. He signaled the others that something was going on, and they all grew even more alert. Radley continued to insist that he had to go into the woods, and eventually Marina came over to see what the fuss was about. At that instant, the snake-spider thing leapt from a nearby tree and latched on to Breena! The heroes rushed to support their paladin, while the incredibly fast creature leapt from tree to tree, from hero to hero, tearing at them with its claws and clouding their minds with strange thoughts (Arialle, for example, was left useless throughout the fight because the voice in her head kept telling her "Don't take the shot, don't take the shot...").


    Finally, they got the creature on its last legs. It tried to flee, but was shot down in mid-air by Hathym. Marina and Breena ran to its body and hacked it's head off, just to make sure it was dead. Once everyone was back on their feet, they bundled the creature up in a blanket and brought it back to camp. The figured that Lord Dungeness might want to take it back to civilization and put it on display in a museum.


    But when they returned, they found the place in an uproar! While they were gone, a large group of lizardmen, giant snakes, and snake-men had attacked the undefended camp! Lord Dungeness was sorely wounded, Slick was laid-up with a broken arm, and Huang-Jin had been bitten by one of the giant snakes and was even now on death's door!


    The healers immediately rushed to aid the injured (especially Huang-Jin, who was in bad shape). The others began questioning Slick. "A few hours after sunset," he told them, "out of nowhere about two dozen of those Saurians rushed into the camp. They were backed-up by 2 giant snakes, like the ones you guys fought back in that village, except these ones were brightly colored and poisonous! They beat down anyone who resisted (I got a busted arm for my troubles!). Lord Dungeness went down fighting -- four or five lizardmen beat the holy tar out of him with clubs. Huang-Jin tried to use her magic, but one of the snakes bit her on the leg and she went down instantly. I tried to help her, but she's in bad shape."


    The heroes asked Slick what the lizard men were after. He shrugged. "All I can tell you is what I saw," he said. "After the lizard men beat down the resistance, four half-men, half-snakes came into the camp. They immediately grabbed 4 porters and dragged them into the old palace. We didn't see anything of them for about an hour, and then the four snake-men came out -- this time, without the porters. They didn't say anything, but they looked mad as hell. They slithered back into the jungle, and about 10 minutes after that, the lizard men and the snakes left, too."


    "Has anyone gone into the palace to check what happened to the porters?" Hathym asked. Slick shook his head. "No one's been brave enough to go," he said. "While the healers are busy trying to save lives," the White Elf said, "The rest of us should see what those snakes were so interested in."


    As they prepared to enter the dark passageway, a thought occurred to Breena. "Has anyone seen Ulkiel around since the attack?" Slick thought about it for a minute, then shook his head. "I saw him at dinnertime," he said. "But not since then."


    Hathym, Arialle, Slick, and Breena lit torches and once more headed down into the palace...


    To be continued!

  17. Re: Champions Clix Mods


    Here's one more member of GRAB -- the dreaded Black Diamond!!!


    The body is a MarvelClix Boom-Boom (http://www.wizkidsgames.com/heroclix/marvel/figuregallery.asp?unitid=5362). I carefully trimmed the sleeves off her tunic, and the buttons as well. The diamond cut-outs on her bodysuit are just painted on -- no mods at all.


    The head is from The Foundry's Street Violence (http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/collections/SV/3/index.asp) line ("Mistress Medusa's Dominatrix Coven" to be exact).


    I know her description says she's got short hair, but the "Foxxxy Cleopatra" look was just too perfect for me to resist. :)


    The broken girder she's holding is just a plasticard H-beam that I picked up from my local model train store. I heated it up with a lighter, then when it was soft I bent it into the shape I wanted.


    Coming next: Lady Blue and Hummingbird!



  18. Re: Champions Clix Mods


    Whoa! How'd I miss this thread? :no:


    Nice job, Red. I think Marksman looks terrif -- the paint job is spot-on. Actually, they all look good, he's just the one that caught my eye. ;) So are you gonna share the secret formulas?


    Maybe I should start a thread or write an article about photographing miniatures... :winkgrin:


    I'm currently working on the rest of the members of GRAB (my fave villain team). I need to find a good model for Cheshire. I think one of the Reaper monks will do, if I can find a good one. Y'all are gonna love my Black Diamond. :D



  19. Re: FH Campaign


    This Treasury of Archaic Names you mention... is it a published book for sale somewhere, or something on the net? I may have to pick this up...


    And thanks for the nice compliments. The game's been a real blast, I'm glad y'all are enjoying the write-ups. :)



  20. Re: Reccomended Reading: Fantasy Novels


    The Chronicals of Master Li and Number Ten Ox (Barry Hughart) are a great read. It's a trilogy of mysteries set in a semi-mythical China. The three books are Bridge of Birds, Eight Skilled Gentlemen, and Story of the Stone. Bridge of Birds is the best -- I literally couldn't put it down. I set it down at about 3am, went to bed, and then got up a half hour later to finish it. ;)



  21. Re: FH Campaign


    Maybe "Trogdor" is the reptilian version of "Smith"....


    I dunno about that, but I do know that that Trogdor was a man.


    Er... he was a lizard-man.


    Well, he was a lizard.


    But he was still TROGDOR!!!!


    So Kishara's player casts a "Charm" spell on him, and the first thing she asks is what's his name. The thing that instantly popped into my head was "Trogdor." Thanks, man. ;)



    (Burninating all the people!) :eg:

  22. July 31 2004


    Props to James Gillen, who's own "Trogdor" inspired me in some ways... ;)



    The party moved across the hall and opened the second door. Inside this room was a large, corroded brass statue that looked like a bull with a big copper bowl on its back. No one wanted to go inside and touch the statue, but finally Ulkiel prevailed on someone tall to lift him up to see what was in the bowl. He saw nothing but slimy water, so the team decided to leave this room untouched.


    They opened another door and found a room filled with leaves, soil, and other detritus. They could see a little bit of sunlight filtered in from a crack in the ceiling. They decided to check it out – maybe there was something buried under the dirt. Breena, Ulkiel, and Kishara were looking around when Breena saw something move. She shouted a warning to Kishara, but it was too late – a large, colorfully-banded snake sprang out of a pile of leaves and bit the mage on the leg. Breena flung her axe at the snake and cut it in half, but the damage was done. The wound on Kishara's leg was already starting to turn purple.


    Marina rushed into the room and cast a spell to prevent the poison from spreading through Kishara's system. Radley and Breena picked Kishara up and carried her outside, where Dungeness and the others were still waiting to hear news. Radley tried to help the stricken wizard, but he had no experience with poisons. Kishara, who knows at least a little about poison, was already growing delirious and woozy.


    Dungeness called out to see if anyone in the expedition had any knowledge of snakebite, and Slick stepped forward. Deftly, he cut her wound with his knife, then sucked the poison out. He then took some of Kishara’s herbs, crushed them, brewed them, and applied them to the wound. At this point, he told Marina to let her spell down. "If I did it right," he said, "she should be OK. If not... well..." He left the last part unsaid.


    Though the day was over, Hathym and Arialle volunteered to stay at the palace to make sure that nothing came out, and that nothing went in. Kishara was carried back to the camp. That night, she thrashed and sweated under her blanket, and had bad dreams of snakes. In the morning, though, she felt much better. The swelling in her leg went down and she was able to walk again (though it still smarted quite a bit). Radley cast a healing spell on it, which reduced the pain and brought the swelling down even more.


    A new crisis had come up in that time. During suppertime, Radley's porter Seamus asked if anyone had seen another porter, McBride. No one had. McBride hadn’t been seen since that afternoon. Radley asked Breena to accompany him back up the hill to the worksite to look for the wayward porter. Ulkiel volunteered to come, as well. Priest and paladin, ranger and archer, bard and porter all searched the immediate area, but couldn’t find the man. They decided that they should try again in the morning, when the sun came up. They left Ulkiel and Radley behind to guard the site.


    The next morning, Lord Dungeness was informed of the missing porter. He ordered the three woodsmen to find him, so Breena, Hathym, and Arialle headed into the woods. McBride's trail wasn’t hard to find. He wandered into the woods about 50 yards... and then his trail vanished. Breena couldn’t find hide nor hair.


    Hathym looked up in a nearby tree and found the trail – something pulled McBride off the ground and carried him through the treetops! Hathym clambered up the tree to follow the trail... and fell. He scrambled up a second time... and fell again. He tried a third time...and fell. Arialle was greatly amused by his plight, and mocked his bad case of "White Elfism." =;)


    Meanwhile, back at camp, Radley cast a spell that would seek the missing porter out and find him, no matter where he was (so long as he was within 15 km or so of camp). Radley was certain his spell would work, but he didn’t find any trace of the porter. He had to admit that either McBride got further than 15 km away (a nearly impossible task, given how thick the jungle around there was), or he was dead.


    Back in the woods, Hathym finally managed to get up into the tree and stay there. The three heroes followed McBride's trail about 20 more yards, and then Hathym spotted blood in the tree. It would seem that McBride was no more. Still, they had to find his body – not to mention whatever took him.


    They stalked their prey until they came to a large tree. The blood on the tree indicated to Breena that whatever had killed McBride stashed him between two large limbs, but the body had been pulled down recently. Large, semi-webbed tracks led to the tree, and then away. Then, Hathym heard something – like heavy footsteps, and something being dragged behind. The three trackers peered around some bushes and saw a large, strange-looking creature dragging a bloody mess behind it. The beast had green, scaly skin and a huge, crocodilian-face – but it walked on two legs like a man. Breena started to wonder if this creature had actually killed McBride, or had only found his body. On her advice, Hathym asked Arialle to shoot the creature – but only to wing it.


    She did so. The creature screamed in pain and tried to run, but the arrow in its backside slowed it down enough for Breena and Hathym to tackle it. They wrestled it to the ground and tied its hands and legs together. The thing whined piteously. Arialle wrapped McBride's remains in a blanket and dragged it behind her while Hathym and Breena strung their strange captive up on a pole and carried it back to the worksite.


    When Radley saw what it was, he recognized it – sort of. Back in his home city, he had seen creatures like this. They were called "Saurians" – kind of a cross between lizard and man. Kishara asked if they were intelligent, and he said that they were smart enough to be used as bodyguards and legbreakers back home. He cast a spell to see if he could communicate with it. Sure enough, he could. The creature whined pitifully and begged to be released. It was hurt and frightened and wanted to go home. Try as he might, though, Radley couldn't get it to say more than this.


    Then Kishara came over to see what the fuss was all about. When she saw the poor big thing, her heart went out to it. She cast a Charm spell to make it think she was its friend, then spoke to it in soothing tones. "Old friend who's name I don’t know," it begged, "Please let me go! I’m sorry that I stole your meat, I didn’t know it was yours. Please don't shoot me anymore!"


    After calming it down, she learned that its name was Trogdor. It came to this area only recently with its people. Actually, it came out that Trogdor and his tribe were brought to this area by their masters, who Trogdor refused to talk about except to say that they would punish him if he didn't return. Trogdor had run away, and had found the dead porter in the tree.


    Thinking it was some jungle animal's game, he took it because he was hungry. He didn't know that it was a sentient being (he had apparently never seen a human before). Kishara couldn't get much more out of Trogdor – he wasn’t very bright, and was pretty frightened (not only of its masters, but also of Arialle, Hathym, and Breena). Though Kishara tried to convince him to stay, all he wanted was to go back to his tribe.


    Trogdor also told Kishara that his masters claimed this area as their home, even though they had not lived here for a long time, and they would not be happy to find strangers poking around.


    Kishara and Breena brought this info back to Lord Dungeness. He thought about it for a while, and decided that the expedition was faced with three challenges: the first was to finish exploring the temple. However, in light of the new challenges, that had to wait. The second problem was that whatever killed McBride was still out there. The third problem was this group who claimed the area as their own and didn't want strangers around.


    Dungeness decided to let Trogdor go, and have Breena follow him back to his base. That way, the company would know where their potential rivals were. Kishara complained loudly – "Trogdor wants to stay with us, he just doesn't know it yet!" she cried. "You can't send him back, they'll punish him and he'll be a slave again!"


    Radley tried to explain that some races were just meant to be slaves, and they didn't know any other way. Kishara wasn’t buying any of it. She demanded that Dungeness remand Trogdor to her custody. Dungeness ignored her and told Breena to report back as soon as she found anything. Kishara sulked.


    Dungeness asked Radley, Marina, and Kishara to set up a field clinic, in case more people got injured. Radley and Marina got to work, but Kishara was too busy sulking to help. He assigned Slick to set up alarms outside the perimeter of camp. The rest of the porters and characters were assigned to move the camp away from the river and up to the palace.


    Breena took a handful of porters and Huang Jin and brought Trogdor back to the place where they had first found him. The paladin hid in the woods while Huang Jin and her guards went back to camp. Trogdor sniffed around the area for a while, then headed off, away from the river. Breena followed his meandering path for the rest of the day and into the evening, until they finally came to a heavily overgrown ziggurat. Trogdor crept around the ziggurat cautiously, as if deciding whether to approach it or not.


    Then, Breena heard a noise, like boulders scraping together. A door which she hadn't seen before slid open on the ziggarut. Several saurians came out, some of them carrying torches, others manhandling a huge (3 meters long) stone box. Upon seeing them, Trogdor disappeared into the jungle. Then a man came out of the ziggurat, but something was odd about the way he moved. The lizardmen put the box down, and he moved out into the open. That's when she realized what was wrong – he didn’t have legs, he had the lower body and tail of a gargantuan snake!


    The horrible snake-man slithered over to the box and said a few words that Breena couldn’t make out. The box's lid slowly slid open. The saurians ran back inside the ziggurat, and the snake-man followed at a more leisurely pace. As the door closed behind him, he turned to look back, and Breena was afraid that he may have seen her. Then, she saw something moving inside the box...




    Quote of the Week:

    Radley: "You know, my god is a joke god."

    Kishara: "Well, maybe you should worship a real god, then."

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