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Lord Liaden

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Article Comments posted by Lord Liaden

  1. A most intriguing concept that a Game Master could use in any number of ways. Michael's suggestions for how the Keeper of Gates could manifest make every encounter with it unique, mysterious and unsettling.


    A product worth far more than its price.

  2. 59 minutes ago, steriaca said:

    I would love to feel that he was greated by Death of the Endless and taken to where he wanted to go (as it is her job to be the ultimate soul transporter...the Greeks have a word for that, and Mercury was one of them, but the name escapes me).




    Honestly, for the former President of Hero Games, I can't think of a more fittingly-named escort. :)

  3. It strikes me as rather odd that, for a product that advertises itself as focused on the superhero genre, the cover image looks to have practically nothing to do with superheroes. It's much more fantasy-like, maybe with a dash of horror in one corner. If I saw this as a printed book on a shelf at my FLGS I'd never guess from that cover that it dealt with supers.

  4. " A lot of you will ask “why not use Hero System, Sixth Edition or Champions Complete?” And that is an excellent question. One which I have no answer to. Licensing is a strange mistress and the rites must be observed."




    Okay, when I read the blurb about this on the main Hero Games News page, I was excited. This is in broad terms the sort of product I've wanted for years, opening up the splendid world of M&M supers to Champions players. Now I'm just perturbed. I know many Hero gamers have a nostalgic fondness for Champs 3E, but for me its coherence and flexibility fall far short of later iterations of the system. I have to assume there are legal or financial complications involved, but I'm afraid this product went in seconds from "must-buy" for me, to "probably pass." :(

  5. This is one I can't even remember, which makes me curious for more information about it. Was it written for a particular genre? Who's the author? And artist if it includes art? What's the page count? How many characters, and what are their point totals? Heroic or superheroic? Anything in it that's appeared in some form in earlier or later publications?


    I just don't feel like I know enough about this to be interested in buying it.

  6. These are very original concepts and designs, with clever and imaginative use of 6E Hero System mechanics to model some unique Special Effects. Although actual illustrations of the creatures aren't included, their vivid textual descriptions are appropriately alien, grotesque, and disturbing.


    The Tatterdemalion Terrors will add distinctive flavor to any supers, fantasy, or weird sci-fi campaign.

  7. Having been a test-reader for Dean Shomshak's manuscript, I can personally attest to its reality, and its quality. Moreover, I received this email from Dean today:


    "Because of my computer troubles, I get only the briefest glimpse of the HERO Announcement comments and cannot reply. Would you mind replying for me?

    Of course Spells of the Devachan is real. The announcement came on March 31, not April 1!
    I've finished everything but the conversion to PDF. Getting some problems there: Twice now, the first lines on one page slid to the bottom of the previous page, upsetting the formatting. When I fix that, the final product goes to Jason "HERO Overlord" Walters, and then for sale.
    Incidentally, the picture Jason posted with the announcement goes amazingly well with one of the spells in the book, Globe of Revelation. Kudos to Jason!
    Dean Shomshak"
  8. More like Dr. Strange goes interstellar. ;)


    If you have a supers, space-opera, or high-fantasy campaign setting which allows for both alien races and magic, this would be easy to add to it. And if you like Dean Shomshak's writings on magic and mystical cosmology, this work takes concepts like those in innovative and imaginative directions.


    And I have it on good authority that this will be available for purchase soon. :)

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