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Everything posted by MordeanGrey

  1. Re: Converting Skyrim to Fantasy Hero ... any thoughts? Hi all, thanks for the continuing discussion. My personal schedule has become busy during the past couple of weeks so I haven't had much time to work on this lately. I do intend to move forward with this when my schedule clears up a bit. I'm going to search for the websites that have catalogued the contents of the various Skyrim books that are found in the game. If anyone already knows of some, please feel free to share. The books have lots of great plot ideas and world history details.
  2. Re: Converting Skyrim to Fantasy Hero ... any thoughts? Thanks for the examples! I agree that some of the powers will have to be modified/reduced to make them fit in an affordable racial package. I'm really more interested in achieving the feel of the Skyrim setting, and I'm not hung up on having every literal power translate exactly to the FH version. Balancing the racial packages as far as ability gained vs. cost is probably the primary challenge to getting this going. I think the spell lists from the game should be fairly easy to recreate using minor tweaks to existing spell college samples from previous Hero products. Now I need to sit down and crunch some numbers on the racial packages. Thanks for the help so far!
  3. Re: Converting Skyrim to Fantasy Hero ... any thoughts? I prefer a dark-fantasy type of world, and I think Skyrim will definitely lend itself to that end. I like a gritty and tough feel to my games. I'm thinking somewhere between 100-150 point characters. I normally ask my players to create characters with a good balance of skills vs. stat points. We've always used a house rule in previous games that limits your OCV/DCV bonus to +10 max combining skills and combat maneuvers. A 3d6 HKA or RKA is usually around the upper limit for damage from spells or weapons. I use the rules for hit locations, stunning, and knockout in all of my games. I try to challenge the players with a mix of roleplaying and combat, and I'm not afraid to add in opponents and adversaries that probably should be avoided (at least in direct head-to-head combat). My long-time players have learned this through a couple of games that ended with 75% of the party dead when they tried to use brute force to solve problems. I've already told the players that they should think carefully about what race they want to play. The Nords tend to be xenophobic toward other races. Argonians (the lizard people) are second class citizens in most of the world, and tend to be laborers and servants. The Khajiit (cat people) are seldom trusted, and most are assumed to be liars and thieves. Many cities don't allow Khajiit inside the city walls. On the other end of the spectrum are the Altmer (high elves). Because of the recent war between the humans and high elves, the Altmer and their superior attitudes are disliked by just about everyone in Skyrim. As far as starting ideas, I'm hoping the players can decide on a group made primarily of Nords or other humans. I would like them to start out being sympathetic to the Stormcloaks. I would then offer them some opportunities to do small missions and possibly join one of the factions. Of course, there is also the opportunity to be mercenaries working for merchants or lesser political figures. The ruins of Skyrim are filled with ancient treasures and everything from Draugr to Dremora guard them. It should be fun!
  4. Hi all! It's been a long time since I've posted. I'm in the early stages of creating a Fantasy Hero game set in the Skyrim world. I'm planning to avoid having any "Dragonborn" characters, and focus more on the civil war between the empire and the storm cloaks. I'm just curious if anyone has done this, or if anyone has seen something similar, even in a different game system? Mainly, I'm just looking for feedback from anyone who wants to chime in on the concept. There are already a plethora of plot ideas available directly from the game. My first challenge is to create racial package deals (Nords resistant to frost/cold, etc.) and recreate some of the spells lists from the game. Thoughts?
  5. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus Here is the Ranger. aka Silent
  6. Re: (Sigil Campaign)Record of Brill Cool. Thanks for posting! The combined character history and first journal entry is worth seven character points.
  7. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Ranger's Tale Typhus is smart... and evil. I particularly like the addictive healing potions he makes.
  8. Re: [sigil Campaign] Typhus Cool! I hope people enjoy reading what you've done. Typhus is a great character, probably one of the best you have played (besides Bik). Your whole concept of him is very well developed.
  9. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus Sure. Christoph/Undertaker/Underhill aka "The Shoveler"
  10. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus Here are the followers of Nehrull. The first pic is Typhus, Arrum, and Lord Pathos The second pic is Crux, Rhage, and Toxas
  11. Re: If you were a Duke... Think like the Romans! What have they ever done for us?
  12. Re: Creature: Khysothemis The evil, game-master side of me applauds your horrifying creation! The player character side of me just wants to avoid her all together! Nice write-up. A little character history goes a long way toward making memorable villains.
  13. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Ranger's Tale LOL Poor bird costume. That's what you get for dressing up like a Vrock!
  14. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Ranger's Tale Nirenn was on the roof with you. Ziran is the wizard with the Solar Wand. Looking forward to the descriptions of Typhus' "friends."
  15. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus Tonight we're adding a couple of new characters/players to the group to replace two players who have conflicts and can't make it this semester. It will be curious to see what the new people play. One of them is working on a multi-form character with several physical forms and one MAJOR defect. His concept is a wizard who had a magical "accident" that bound every living creature in the room at the time into one body with the ability to change between the various forms. (Think people, animals, etc.) Should be entertaining! I'll have some more updates in the next few days, and will try to get the players to update their character journals.
  16. Re: [sigil Campaign] Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics Do you mean that the game was full of liars/characters with alternative motives? Or something else?
  17. Re: [sigil Campaign] Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics Bump for the revival of the campaign.
  18. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus Bump for the revival of the campaign.
  19. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Ranger's Tale Bump for the revival of the campaign.
  20. Re: What to do with your stuff... Yep, I saw a few minutes of Krull on cable a month or two ago... and it sucks... TREMENDOUSLY!!!! (and yes, I liked it as a kid. )
  21. Re: [sigil Campaign] Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics You should have seen and heard the roleplaying when Typhus and Darkchant first met!
  22. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus [crickets] chirp, chirp, chirp [/crickets]
  23. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Ranger's Tale ... and thus begins the mad rush for Mental Defense/Power Defense among the other characters! LOL (Jon, you've got them right where you want them! The Deceiver would be proud.)
  24. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus Update coming soon? !!! ;-)
  25. Re: [sigil Campaign] Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics I'm enjoying this and getting all sorts of nasty ideas for the game! Keep it up.
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