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Everything posted by CynthiaCM

  1. Yep, that's the one. He also draws a fantastic Punisher.
  2. Preview Time! Take a gander at this piece drawn my the fabulous Mike Zeck that depicts Drake Einstein busting through a wall.
  3. Omlevex is going to be laden with artwork. We have over 70 pieces of art going into a 128 page book. So, I'd estimate that we do have a bit more art than the average game sourcebook.
  4. Preview Time Again! Here's a piece featuring one of the Omlevex Universe's lesser known heroes, the Chosen Avenger, as he takes on the heat-ray-producing, limb-elongating bad guy known as the Melt Master!
  5. Re: Re: New Sneak Peek! Or in the Snipe's case, hunchbacks with superspeed.
  6. I'm just dropping a note to let everyone know that the Spectrum Games website is back up and running. Our provider had some major malfunctions, but everything is back on course. Our forums and email groups are also back in operation, though anyone previously signed up will have to do so again, as we had to recreate them from scratch. You can visit our community page here. Thank you and I apologize for the inconvenience.
  7. New Sneak Peek! Here's a team of villains that made the Freedom's Trio sweat quite often back in the '60s. From left to right: the Vanishing Man, Honey Bea, Gauntlet, Scarlet Cyclone (rear) and the Snipe (front). Collectively, they are known as the League of Evil!
  8. I don't mind at all. Thanks, Blue.
  9. Favorite Omlevex Comic As some of you may know, Omlevex will detail five comic series "released" by the ficticious Omlevex Comics Group during the 1960s. On our website, we've posted information about each series. So, hypothetically speaking, if we were to release a graphic novel that "collects" the first five issues of one of the series, which one would you want to see the most? Feel free to check out the information.
  10. Wow! Now that's an unusual coincidence. Great minds...
  11. That's Sweetie Pie. She's an adult and she's far more sinister than her appearance suggests. She "appeared" in Drake Einstein a few times in the 1960s, but became more prominent in the late '80s. Drake was always known to have a highly unusual rogues gallery.
  12. Thanks, Death Tribble. I wish I could take the credit for the artwork, but alas, I cannot. Bong Dazo and Eugene Perez drew it for our big two-page spread. It's currently being colored for use on our promotional ads/posters.
  13. It's nice to see another familiar face.
  14. Check out the mock cover for Lacie Delmont issue #1! The villain shown here -- Spring-Heeled Jack -- is actually one of my favorite Omlevex bad guys.
  15. About 80% of the characters in this picture were NPCs in the various Silver Age campaigns I've been running since 1988. Of course, they'll all get the full treatment in my company's upcoming Hero/M&M Superlink/SAS setting book, Omlevex, available from Z-Man Games in January 2004.
  16. Boy, do I feel dopey! The above post was supposed to be in the thread where people post pics of their characters. In my tired state, I accidentally posted it here. Sorry, gang.
  17. It will be available through normal distribution channels. Very nice! Let me know what they think of Omlevex once/if they pick it up. We're always anxious to hear what our customers have to say.
  18. Thanks. No problem. I'll be posting more soon. Ah yes, that would be Ueeba. Fun fact -- Ueeba was the second Omlevex character ever created, back in late '88. He's a wicked little bugger.
  19. Thank you, Blue. I'm sure you'll find Omlevex useful in some capacity and hopefully entertaining as well. I've allowed four unbiased individuals to read the unedited text and all of them raved about how much of a "fun read" it was. Hopefully, that's a good sign.
  20. About 80% of the characters in this picture were NPCs in the various Silver Age campaigns I've been running since 1988. Of course, they'll all get the full treatment in my company's upcoming Hero/M&M Superlink/SAS setting book, Omlevex, available from Z-Man Games in January 2004.
  21. Fair enough. I can answer that one too. It was 1991. I was playing Wheel of Fortune on my trusty ol' Nintendo Entertainment System. In fact, I'd been playing it pretty much the entire day. After awhile, I stopped bothering to type my name into the space at the beginning of each game. Instead, I just quickly entered a slew of random letters. One time, it actually sounded kind of neat -- Omlevexus. Oddly enough, that word stuck in my head. Several months later, a few friends and I were planning an ambitious (but unrealistic) self-publishing comicbook venture. I came up with a lot of ideas, based primarily on the characters and plots from the games I had run (using the MSH and DCH systems). Many of these ideas are still part and parcel of the Omlevex Universe. Anyway, I was absolutely stuck for a company name. I was coming up with nothing that didn't sound derivative. That's when that word came to the forefront of my mind. Omlevexus. I liked the sound of it, but when you put the word "Comics" after it, the overall effect was just too awkward -- Omlevexus Comics. A friend recommended dropping the "us" at the end and that was that. Omlevex Comics was born.
  22. Hi, Blue. From our FAQ: Hope that helps.
  23. This time, I'm going to let you see a picture of Cliffhanger, masterfully drawn by Herb Trimpe, one of the definitive Hulk artists of the Silver and Bronze Ages (and the fella who drew Wolverine's first appearance)! Click riiiiiiiight here!
  24. I appreciate the kind words, gang! Everyone has been working their tails off to ensure that Omlevex is a top notch product in every way. And just wait 'til you see the next preview pic! It was beautifully drawn by a very popular Silver Age artist. I won't say who it is exactly, but I WILL give you a hint: It rhymes with Ferb Krimpe. Stay tuned!
  25. Since Omlevex is now going to be of interest to Hero fans, I plan to start posting sneak peeks here in this thread. So, to kick things off, feel free to take a gander at the mock cover for Freedom's Trio issue #1!
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