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Posts posted by BadTodd

  1. @bluesguy Hey David!!   It's been awhile!  Hope you and the family are still doing well!!


    9 hours ago, BarretWallace said:



    Hey, awesome to have Minnesotans on the board!  I'm in Oakdale, not terribly far from the former Carmike Cinema.


    I have drifted somewhat away from Hero System in general, as my current circle of gamer friends favors D&D 5E, FFG Star Wars, and board games.  I still have fond memories of Hero though, and maybe some day can join a regular crew again.


    I know what you mean - it is hard to find other Hero Systems players in Minnesota.  I mostly play D&D 5e, with a little bit of Pathfinder 2e, because that is what everyone else plays.  I love me some superhero gaming though! 

  2. Re: So why was the old man killed?




    You could go a completely different direction. They haven't found anything in the house, because the thief/murderer wasn't after anything that was hidden in the house. Its not an item that is important - its a location. The third floor window just happens to have the only clear viewpoint to the neighbor's bedroom (where something illegal or illicit is going on), or maybe the decorative cut glass window is actually a magical portal to view into another dimension..




  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Okay, that is the link that I have (the fabricadeherois.blogspot.com one). I havent tried to go there in a month or two, and I got the error last night so I thought maybe he had moved it again.


    Thanks for the reply. I'll give it a day or two and try again!



  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Okay, I figured out the trick.


    When you choose a new part, for example, the arm. You need to click on another body part, like the leg, then click BACK on the arm. (the actual leg and then arm, not the bar on the left that says "arm" or "leg" in Portuguese). THEN it will let you change the color.




  5. I need a little help coming up with ideas for knowledge skills for my character.


    Here is the reader's digest background: Requiem (original Japanese name "Indoo", which translates more directly to "Death's Prayer") is the current incarnation of a martial artist whose power (and title) has been handed down from father to son for many generations. In an angle stolen directly from The Phantom (among others), most people believe that Requiem is immortal, and has been the same man for all these centuries.


    So here is the dilemma: I am trying to fill out the types of knowledge skills that I would have studied up on so that I could pass (at least on a casual level) as being hundreds of years old.


    I took the obvious "history" on a fairly high roll, as well as Martial Arts Styles.. but from there I am hitting writer's block.


    Does anybody have any ideas on additional knowledge skills that would fit in with this type of background?


    Thanks for any help!



  6. I'm working on a character for a new game, and need some help coming up with some interesting and useful skills that fit the character background. (the GM has stressed that he wants ALOT of skills for the characters for this campaign).


    Reader's digest version of the character background: Police officer, wounded in the line of duty by a "creature" (that turned out to be a lycanthrope). After recovering, found that stressful situations caused her to turn into a lycanthrope (were-tiger specifically). Unable to control the changes, she was forced to leave the police force. She wandered aimlessly for a few years before meeting with someone who specialized in occult matters, who offered to teach her to control her changes. After learning to control the change, she did several "favors" for the man and his friends to repay them. (favors were mostly along the lines of tracking down/rescuing missing people, etc). She eventually turned this work into a small PI business specializing in locating missing people and still does alot of work for the "occult/magic community".


    Okay, so thats the short version of the background. Basically I'm looking for the kinds of interesting/useful skills that a person would accumulate from these experiences.


    I've got the obvious ones (ks: criminal law, ks: occult, ks: lycanthropy, ps: private eye, etc), but could use some more ideas on skills a former police officer would have, some interesting occult/magic related knowledges.. and especially the types of skills that would be useful in finding missing people.


    Anybody have some ideas for me?


    Thanks in advance!



  7. I've got a question on martial grab, and how it affects DCV.


    On page 245, on the table of DCV modifiers, it says that grabbing another character puts you at half DCV.


    But on page 254, it says that martial grab has modifiers of -1 OCV and -1 DCV.


    So what happens when someone uses martial grab to grab someone, but then maintains the grab across multiple phases? Are they at half DCV, or at -1 DCV?





  8. Thanks for all of the responses. You guys have given me quite a few ideas, and quite a bit to think about.


    I'm going to stick with only giving about a third to half of the NPCs flash defense... but giving at least some of the others another targeting sense, or skills to compensate for being blinded. It also turns out that I was allowing flash to give harsher penalties than it actually does. He loves to flash the bricks.. I just need to make sure that there are plenty of large objects around for the bricks to pick up and target hexes with.


    Let me clear up a few things that people have commented on.


    First of all, I realize that flash is a standard power in the book and that there is nothing inherently wrong with it. I don't want to remove it from my game.. I was looking for ideas from other GMs on how they keep it from overpowering their game. This same player played a flashing character in the previous GM's campaign, and that GM dealt with it by just giving every NPC flash defense. (yes, he whined just as much for the other GM as he does for me). I was hoping to come up with a solution that wasnt quite that heavy handed. I am trying hard not to "screw" the player, no matter how much he annoys me.


    Alot of you also picked up on the fact that the problem really isnt the flash as much as it is the player. Having his flash resisted isn't the only thing he whines about, its just the most common, and tends to kick all of his other whines into high gear. He also whines if he gets hit in combat, or if he misses a villian, or if he fails to stun a villian with his EB, or if the villians have an attack as big as his, or if they get out of his entangle, etc, etc.


    Several of you have asked what the other players think about his constant bitching and whining. Well... most of them have commented on it at one point or another, and some of us have discussed it in depth. In fact, about 2/3rds of the group have already discussed breaking off into our own group just to get away from him. I think at this weeks game, when he starts in, I'm just going to pause the game and politely inform him that I am not there to be his punching bag... and that he can either grow up and act like an adult, or I will no longer be wasting my time running a game for him. I'm pretty sure some of the other players will step in at that point.


    Again, thanks for all of the advice and suggestions. We'll see how things go this weekend. Cross your fingers for me!




  9. I've got a problem with one of the players in my game, and I'm hoping some of you other GMs have some advice for me.


    How do you guys balance the use of flash (by the players) in your games?


    I've got a player who uses flash as his main attack. He has a full multipower of attacks (energy blast, entangle, etc) available to him, but mostly sticks to flash because of its ability to "one shot" opponents (12 dice of flash basically removes you from the fight if you have no flash defense).


    His latest trick is to spread his flash to hit multiple targets at once. And OMG, he whines like you wouldnt believe if ANY of the villians have flash defense, or have another sense that still allows them to fight back.


    My first instinct is to boot the ass from the game, but unfortunately its not "my" group. I'm just filling in for the regular GM for a couple of months, so I'm basically stuck with him.


    My second instinct is to just go ahead and give the majority of the bad guys flash defense, and just let him whine... but that tends to make the entire game session miserable for everybody. Once he starts whining, it becomes a non-stop marathon ordeal for the rest of the night.


    I've tried to talking to the guy, but he is completely unreasonable. Every time the subject is even brought up, he basically sticks his fingers in his ears and starts chanting "la la la la la". Well, not literally, but thats about how willing he even is to discuss it.


    Sorry, I got off on a bit of a rant there.


    So... how do the rest of you handle flash in your games? What percentage of the bad guys do you normally give flash defense? Any other tips or tricks you can suggest?




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