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Everything posted by TheNaga

  1. Re: Ifrit The only reason I am touching this character is because I might not complete the character in the post Energy Being since right thing are not going the way I want them to with that character. Do you know of sites with pictures of the Ifrit? How would be the best way in the long to give him the ability to become as small as a mouse and tall as a mountain (I mean i want him to be able to become very tall at will). Would be better to get them after i get points to spend on the character after playing him?
  2. Re: Energy Being Here is the problem . Very few GM's will allow characters that most attacks can't target, especially if they have viable attacks to use while desolid, so you may want to consider other approaches to making the character highly resistant to damage.
  3. Re: Mutant Inventor with Technopathy Most of my characters where originally from Heroes Unlimited.
  4. Re: Energy Being I would still like this character to be an alien. I am thinking her race will eyes that are bright golden in color and burn like miniature suns and swept back pointed.
  5. Re: Energy Being This happens to be a favorite character of so I will make this the only other character I work on for a while. Would be better instead of the character being a being of made of light the character has light based powers? I would like the character to travel through space on her own So how would fix the following? 20 Solar Storage: Endurance Reserve (100 END, 12 REC) Reserve: (33 Active Points); Limited Recovery (only in direct sun/starlight; -1)
  6. Re: Gremlin He is a mutant who I want to look like the Gremlins off the the first Gremlins movie. I did make some changes to the way the Gremlins in the movie Gremlins look to get his look. I think feeding on electricity would fit with the way I have been think about going with the character so far. He would require two hundred thousand amps per day. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale classifies an IQ Score of 130 as very superior intelligence.
  7. Re: Magical Created Supersolider The way they handle superstrength was terrible. My character Meadyaon in Heroes Unlimited that had a strength score of 106 could only carry 31,800 (15.9 tons) and Lift 53,000 (26.5 tons). In Rifts i wonder how Robots Vechicles and such get back up with such weak strength when they fall over.. I also hated the fact that you say anything that you could not even muse the world Morlock on the their boards without it get changed since thewy are so afraid of getting sued. I know about using the world Morlock on the Fourms of the Megavers Board and they being sued, I was aksing about making a Morlok-like (Time Machine) character and it was change to underground dweller because of the fact Marvel Comics had Morloks.
  8. Re: Magical Created Supersolider I switched from Heroes Unlimited to Champions. I find that you can do more in Champions then you can in Heroes Unlimited.
  9. Re: Gremlin Yes I do . His powers are mainly electricity and cyberkinesis. How much of a problem would it be to have him eating only electricty?
  10. Re: Gremlin I am Using 400 points and 7s for Complications. I am using my friends Champions powers Book and the Main Books. The reason from the high PRE was in the original setting he was from he had a very high Charisma score. Since he is smaller than a human he gets less PRE and STR Jus He has an IQ score wise of 130. I left out that he can regenerated Body and he has Infrared and Ultraviolet vision. The character might get the ability uses his control of electricity to “latch onto” the electricity in cables or wires and travel along with it. The Champions Powers Book has Machine Destruction as follows, RKA 3d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +¼) (67 Active Points); Only Versus Machines (-1). Total cost: 33 points
  11. Re: Gremlin I am going to right now work only on this since he was my first superhero character to make. How do I following since the book does not say much as to the cost and such? Power. Also how should I do his PRE since is he extremely charismatic despite the looking like a gremlin from the movie Gremlins? The PRE Score is his best characteristic. var Short Legs: x½ Running per Size Template (e.g., x½ for Small, x¼ for Diminutive, and so on, but character should typically have a minimum of Running 1m regardless of size) var Weak: -5 STR per Size Template (but minimum of STR 1) var Less Impressive: -5 PRE per Size Template (but minimum of PRE 1) I would like any suggestion you can give me on his powers. 40 Lightning Blast: Blast 8d6 10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV 27 Ohm Effect: Energy Damage Reduction, 75% (40 Active Points); Only Works Against Common attack (electricity; -1/2) 48 Sap Power: Drain BODY 4d6, any one Electronic Device power at a time (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Limited Range (40 m; -1/4) 28 Machine Destruction: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Only Versus Machines (-1) 10 Agile: +5 DEX 50 Machines Obey My Thoughts: Mind Control 8d6 (Machine class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4) (50 Active Points) 20 Ohm Effect: +30 ED (30 Active Points); Only Works Against Common attack (Electricity; -1/2) 24 Scaly Skin: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED)
  12. Re: Mutant Inventor with Technopathy I am get closer to finishing My Magical Created Supersolider's Monstrous form. Also My Gremlin character is getting closer to being finshed aiong with this character. I
  13. Re: Magical Created Supersolider I have played D&D before. My first RPG to play as a character in was in 2nd D&D.
  14. Re: Mutant Inventor with Technopathy I was not asking How I do the triple lobe brain. I was asking if it was a good way to explain why he does not sleep.
  15. Re: Mutant Inventor with Technopathy He is an advanced human from the 23rd century with power armor. I have thouught he might be a transhuman. I do not have to have cyberpathy though.
  16. Re: Mutant Inventor with Technopathy What does you think of this as why he does not need to sleep? He has a triple-lobed brain. At any given time, one of these lobes will be running as an independent brain, allowing the other two to rest. Every eight to ten hours, his primary lobe switches off and another switches on. This gives him the ability to work non-stop without ever sleeping, but their personality will undergo minor changes as each lobe changes over.
  17. Re: Magical Created Supersolider So what should I do then?
  18. Re: Magical Created Supersolider The evil nondemonic supernatural being that killed his family has six feathery wings and attractive looking female body. She could be mistake for an angel. Here is what that character's powers are so far: 70 Too Beautiful to Harm: Mind Control 14d6 (Human class of minds), Persistent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Constant (+1/2), Area Of Effect (16m Radius; +3/4) (210 Active Points); Side Effects (don’t hurt me/mar my appearance;; -1), No Range (-1/2), Only Versus Persons Who Look At Her (-1/2) 15 Domination: Mind Control 10d6 (Human class of minds) (50 Active Points); Only Effects those Effected by Too Beautiful To Harm (-1 1/4), Limited Class Of Minds Up to Six People can Be Effected By this Power (-1) 69 Assume Human Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Smell/Taste, Hearing and Touch Groups, any humanoid form), Cellular, Imitation, Instant Change, Makeover, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (69 Active Points)
  19. Re: Magical Created Supersolider The evil nondemonic supernatural being that killed his family has six feathery wings.
  20. Re: Alien with a big brain What is the Book of the Empress?
  21. Re: Military baseb character with an eyepatch Would the Novel Cyborg aka The Six Million Dollar Man. count?
  22. Re: Military baseb character with an eyepatch How can I have now working for the government? I am think I want him to have a cybernetic eye and and arm.
  23. Re: Banshee To have character to play as. I would some character to be backups in case II need a new character. If some do not work will I will get better at making characters.
  24. TheNaga


    Re: Gunslinger If character is the closest to me with without giving the character powers that shark and/or water based powers. Also leave out the scuba diving. The Master Degree in Native American Studies is due to him being part Choctaw (my nephew is 1/8 Choctaw). His favorite part of US History is the Old West (mine too). He before becoming a hero he taught Native American Studies at a College and on the weekends he was an Old West reenactor. What has been coming to me lately is I was thinking he might have luck and/or precognition powers. I would like to be able handle himself in a h-t-h fight.
  25. Re: Mutant Inventor with Technopathy The character would with his intelligence and 23rd century technology would have figured a way to keep from having all of his armor systems drained when one system is reduced.
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