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Everything posted by TheNaga

  1. Re: Rings of Power I based the gem on an Undead graft (3.5 D&D) which did 10D6 damage with half of it being fire and the other half being divine. But the gem which replaces one of his eye is related to his ring of fire.
  2. Re: Monstrous Character
  3. Re: Rings of Power I have chosen to combine the character that describe with character described below that way I can use the description listed below since I like it a whole lot. The description below is how will look as of right now. I figured I could not get to play the character described below as the way he was so that is why I combined him with this character. His gem eye can fire a blast of energy that does 5d6 fire damage and 5D6 damage. I am thinking that gets superstrength (+15 STR) from a ring and possibly the ability make duplicates of himself. I like this character a lot even more then my Gremlin-based character. I like magical and magic-based characters very much. Physical Description: He is a male human who towers a full ten feet in height. Two vast leathery wings protrude from his back. The joints of the wings are laced with razorlike joints. The wings crest three and-half feet higher than the shoulders and have a wingspan of thirty feet. Eight horns, ring his head in a crown like fashion. The left side of his body is hairless and thickly knotted with muscles. Black, glowing veins running throughout the gnarled sickly yellow-green skin on the left side of his body. The right side of his body is attractive and muscular with brown skin. The hair on the top of the right side of his head is black and reaches down to his right shoulder. Above his large round left eye which has a vertical slit, black sclera and a blood red iris is a large thick ridged brow. The right eye is crimson gem. The enormous left arm is bestial in appearance and long enough to drag on the ground. The left hand has five fingers and a thumb that each end in a large sharp claw that resembles a knife blade. The right arm is normal in appearance except for a housing for a long tentacle that is within his right arm.
  4. Re: Gremlin When my GM gives points to make a character he gives 400 points for powers and such and 75 for complication.
  5. Re: Gremlin I have seen other characters with 1D6 KA The Gargoyle has the following: Talons: HKA 1d6 15 Fangs: HKA ½d6 10
  6. Re: Gremlin The GM might make some changes to the points if they are not too high to help me out.
  7. Re: Gremlin I managed to give him a claw attack for him at 1D6.
  8. Re: Gremlin My GM told me 400 points and 75 for complications. I have reduced his BODY to 15. He has hollow bones just like a bird,
  9. Re: Gremlin I am missing the being as immune to electricity and lightning as possible and athe ability to attack with his bite and claws. The following is part of his description which clearly shows he should have the ability to attack with his claws and his bite. I got11 points back by lower his DEX to 20. Razor-sharp curved, blade-like teeth line his long deep powerful jaws. Fifty percent of his upper teeth are visible even when his mouth is closed. The wide monstrous looking hands are 50% larger than normal. A sharp claw comes out of each of his hand’’s fingers and thumb. The thing with Heroes Unlimited was I get his ability to attack with his claws and his bite through mutations.
  10. Re: Gremlin I may not get what I want with character.
  11. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I like the Houston Astros.
  12. Re: Gremlin The Hero Designer lets me give mutlipowers the Unified limitation. Then what should I do then since I cannot use the Unified limitation on a multipower? I have add the Ohm Effect back to his sheet, his prehensile tapering tail, and his claws and bite attack to his sheet.
  13. Re: Gremlin This what i was told about Unified Power. A reduction to ONE of those powers would reduce ALL of them because of a thematic link, then Unified Power is the mechanic which achieves that objective.
  14. Re: Gremlin You think I should have put his ability to control machines and his EB in a multipower? Should I have gotten ability to speak with machines?
  15. Re: Gremlin His description is 100% correct. I am not sure I how I should add the tail, claws, and bite attacks, I would like him to have a healing factor if I can work it out. I need to add back to his sheet Ohm Effect. I erased Ohm Effect some how from his sheet. I am willing to lower his Dex if need be.
  16. Re: Gremlin Here is the most updated info on this character. I know his history is not up to dated. Characteristics: 15 STR 25 DEX 15 CON 18 INT 20 EGO 20 PRE 6 OCV 6 DCV 4 OMCV 4 DMCV 4 SPD 5 PD 5 ED 15 REC 30 END 20 BODY 30 STUN Powers: 27 Ohm Effect: Energy Damage Reduction, 75% (40 Active Points); Only Works Against Common attack (electricity and lightning; -1/2) 40 Lightning Blast: Blast 8d6 40 Machines Obey My Thoughts: Mind Control 8d6 (Machine class of minds) Active Points) 24 Scaly Skin: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) 5 Infrared Perception (Sight Group) 5 Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) Damage Machines: Multipower, 60-point reserve 3f Machine Destruction: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Only Versus Machines (-1) 5f Sap Power: Drain BODY 4d6, any one Electronic Device power at a time (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Limited Range (40 m; -1/4) Skills: Scientist 4 1) Science Skill: Computer Engineering 14- (5 Active Points) 4 2) Science Skill: Mathematics 14- (5 Active Points) 9 Mechanics 15- 0 Language: English (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points) 9 Systems Operation 15- 9 Stealth 18- 9 Electronics 16- 9 Computer Programming 16- Complications: 15 Distinctive Features: Resembles A Gremlin (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 15 Psychological Complication: Curious (Common; Strong) 10 Physical Complication: Hollow Bones (+3" Knockback) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) Physical Description: A diminutive male walks in moving with grace and ease. Hard, smooth dark green scales cover his whole body. His bones are made of a strong internal network of fibers. His skull is short and massive. His pointed ears rise above his head. Above each of his three large ridged brows is a fin-like crest. Each fin-like crest runs across his head and down his neck. His three eyes are red orbs with the third eye being located in the center of his forehead. Razor-sharp curved, blade-like teeth line his long deep powerful jaws. Fifty percent of his upper teeth are visible even when his mouth is closed. The wide monstrous looking hands are 50% larger than normal. A sharp claw comes out of each of his hand’’s fingers and thumb. His prehensile tapering tail measures two feet in length. Both of his feet have three toes that end in a sharp two-inch long claw. His three eyes glow with green electricity with the third eye being located in the center of his forehead. Height: 3 feet, 9 inches tall Weight: 89 lbs History: He was born on September 11, 1985 in Dallas, Texas. Due to his being born with certain unusual physical characteristics, and abilities his parents put her up for adoption. . He was born with all of his mutant powers except for his immunity to energy and electricity and ability to discharge electricity. He lived in an orphanage in Dallas, Texas until at age twelve when a carload of anti-mutant bigots burned down the orphanage. He barely escaped the fire. Unknown to him was the anti-mutant bigots want to kill her since was a mutant and the people harboring him. They also want to send a message that anyone harboring mutant would suffer the same fate as a mutant death. The day after the fire that destroyed the orphanage he was staying at, he transferred to an orphanage in Santa Fe, New Mexico This was done to keep those anti-mutant bigots who where after him from finding him again. The owner of the Dallas orphanage knew the own of the orphanage in Sana Fe, New Mexico which he was sent to. The children in Santa Fe, New Mexico orphanage would tease him and call him names. The children also started calling him Gremlin because they thought he look like an actually gremlin. Six months after turning nineteen he was attacked by a group of neo-Nazi skin and was left for dead if not for his healing factor. While in the hospital his best friend Nathan Daniels, who was also a mutant, was killed by the same neo-Nazi skinhead that tried to kill him. After his friend was killed, he chose to protect mutants from humans, which he saw as evil towards mutants. After coming out the coma, his ability discharge electricity manifests itself. Two month after coming out of the coma he found out, he was immune to electricity, energy attacks, radiation, stun, laser, and ion weapons.
  17. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Dark Matter on the Science Channel which had an episode about creating ape-men.
  18. Re: Gremlin Research represents a character’s ability to locate information on academic and professional subjects. The character knows about standard research methods and sources (libraries, databases, archives, websites, and more), the methods for using them most efficiently, their reliability, and which ones are best for which subjects. He also knows how to organize research materials for best results, how to find the truly useful bits of information amid a flood of semi-useful facts, and so forth.
  19. Re: Gremlin Where would I put Research?
  20. Re: Gremlin Where would I put the skill Research? What skills could I get with my last 9 points which should including the skill Reasearch. I have the Skill Enhancer Scientist. How about this then? Damage Machines: Multipower, 60-point reserve 3f Machine Destruction: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Only Versus Machines (-1) 5f Sap Power: Drain BODY 4d6, any one Electronic Device power at a time (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Limited Range (40 m; -1/4)
  21. Re: Gremlin How does the character sound now? What can I do to get more skills starting out? The reason the character has a High DEX score is the character is suppose to be very agile. Characteristics: 15 STR 25 DEX 15 CON 18 INT 20 EGO 20 PRE 6 OCV 6 DCV 4 OMCV 4 DMCV 4 SPD 4 PD 4 ED 15 REC 30 END 20 BODY 30 STUN Powers: 27 Ohm Effect: Energy Damage Reduction, 75% (40 Active Points); Only Works Against Common attack (electricity and lightning; -1/2) 40 Lightning Blast: Blast 8d6 40 Machines Obey My Thoughts: Mind Control 8d6 (Machine class of minds), (40 Active Points) 24 Scaly Skin: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) 28 Machine Destruction: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Only Versus Machines (-1) 48 Sap Power: Drain BODY 4d6, any one Electronic Device power at a time (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Limited Range (40 m; -1/4) Skills: 9 Mechanics 15- 9 Systems Operation 15- 9 Stealth 18- Complications: 15 Distinctive Features: Resembles A Gremlin (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 15 Psychological Complication: Curious (Common; Strong)
  22. Re: Gremlin Hers is what i have on the character so far. I would like the character to have him being a Technophile if possible as a complication. Characteristics: 15 STR 25 DEX 15 CON 18 INT 20 EGO 20 PRE 4 OCV 4 DCV 4 OMCV 4 DMCV 3 SPD 4 PD 4 ED 3 SPD 15 REC 30 END 20 BODY 30 STUN Powers: 27 Ohm Effect: Energy Damage Reduction, 75% (40 Active Points); Only Works Against Common attack (electricity and lightning; -1/2) 40 Lightning Blast: Blast 8d6 50 Machines Obey My Thoughts: Mind Control 8d6 (Machine class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4) (50 Active Points) 24 Scaly Skin: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) 28 Machine Destruction: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Only Versus Machines (-1) 48 Sap Power: Drain BODY 4d6, any one Electronic Device power at a time (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Limited Range (40 m; -1/4) 10 Agile: +5 DEX Skills: 9 Mechanics 15- 12 +3 with all Intellect Skills 9 Systems Operation 15- 9 Stealth 18- Complications: 15 Distinctive Features: Resembles A Gremlin (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 15 Psychological Complication: Curious (Common; Strong)
  23. Re: Energy Being Well would doing the character like what you posted be a way to get past the fact most GM do not like characters who are always in desolid? That character make me think of Holocaust from Marvel Comics and NRG from Ben-10.
  24. Re: Gremlin I disliked the fact that the Palladium system did not have penalties to skills due to low I.Q.
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