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Posts posted by Catacomb

  1. Superman is still only a 'terrestrial'(I use the word loosely) hero though. Thor is brought in to fight the likes of Thanos, The Celestials, and other cosmic entities. His power is so incredible that there is not set way to describe his powers. He also uses one of Supes' two weaknesses...magic,and he's also been fighting for thousands of years so his combat prowess isn't even matched by the likes of Captain America or Wolverine. Is he as fast as superman in a fight? This is truly the only advantage Superman has over Thor, but when you have a area of effect attack that can drop a Celestial then I'm thinking you could drop Supes as well. Superman is very powerful yes, but Thor is unbeatable when he takes an opponent seriously and doesn't have some dimensional shift disease(Like when he fought Juggernaught.) Speaking of the fight with Juggernaught can Supes breathe in space(It's been awhile since I've read Superman comics and I don't know what his current power level is.)? If not then the same strat would work...transport Supes into deep space and game over.

  2. Originally posted by Lord Liaden

    Catacomb, that is definitely one of my two all-time favorite lines from Thor. The other was not quite so low key, though.;)


    Way back when Count Nefaria first acquired his awesome super powers, he attacked and succeeded in defeating most of the Avengers, and planned to kill them while they lay unconscious. Suddenly lightning bolts erupt around him. The next panel is a panoramic view over Nefaria's shoulder of Thor, lightning blazing, cape swirling in the wind, face contorted in rage, hurling his hammer straight at the Count's face as he shouts: "THOU HAST DARED MUCH, VILLAIN... AND VERILY, THINE HOUR OF JUDGEMENT IS AT HAND!"


    Probably the best Presence Attack I've ever seen - gave me goosebumps. :)



    Yeah...cool...I soooo remember that one. You know, every time I see the Thor vs. Superman thread I think 'Yeah it would be close, until Supes pissed off Thor and then...'. Everyone seems to forget that there are two levels of Thor.

    1) The Thor who plays with kid gloves and gives all mortals a chance to actually live against him.

    2) The Thor who gets pissed, and I'm not talking 'I say thee nay' pissed. I'm talking when Crusher Creel had almost killed one of the Warriors Three pissed. I'm talkin Thor taking it to Thanos pissed. I'm talking Thor dismantleing Ultron pissed. The kind of angry I remember seeing in him maybe 10 or 11 times in comic history. Against that guy Supes is toast.


    Anyway sorry to bring that thread here, but you had my blood pumping with pimpy Thor quotes.

  3. My group loooovvveeess to jack with me so one night about a year and a half ago the actually wrote the word 'gullible' on the ceiling above my head and said it was there all night and I tried my damnedest not to look, but the problem was that it was actuallly there...punks.

  4. Originally posted by rayoman

    Cat, it looks like we both posted a Star Wars rpg story. Anyway, I like your quote. How about putting your brother's name or just his rank and last name in the quote. I would love to use that sig on my emails.






    Cpt. Jason Jones 1st Marine Force Recon

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