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Posts posted by Chromatic

  1. I just have to comment that they trailer used the music from the TV series Stargate SG1, which while good music, is still the utmost of cheeziness in a trailer. Who cares if it has Angelina Jolie in skin tight leather suits.





    Wait, did I just write that?

  2. Originally posted by lemming

    Here's a list of villians Sam Bell wrote up:

    • The Purifying Fire of Communism, consuming the decadent regimes of the past and lighting the way towards a brighter future for all workers
    • The great people of China, reaching the Peak of Human Achievement through correct application of Marxist principles
    • The Winds of Change, sweeping through the world, awakening every member of the proletariat to the great message of international communism
    • Correct Thought, guided by the wisdom of Man, free from the decadent weakness of the west
    • Neverending Progressive Movement towards the glorious goal of worldwide worker solidarity
    • The Iron Resolve of the working class, united against Western Imperialism


    I'm in the midst of entering them into Hero Designer since there may be a china adventure in my game.


    Hmmm, I was kind of eager to see them (since I don't have a copy of that Sam-binder), now I'm not so sure.

  3. Superman -


    Sure he's super strong, super fast, super invulnerable. He's also the favorite scapegoat of the writers to be taken out easily (to show how tough the villan is). Much is made about his inability to deal with Magic in the series, and he has taken body from attacks the others would have shrugged off.


    He is also extremely stupid when it comes to tactics and using his powers. I hate that writers think this is an appropriate counter measure to having a powerlevel about 25-30% higher than the rest of the team (except for Bats I guess).

    Nonetheless, he is still very, very powerful, and someday his player may wise up and not play him like the one dimensional dork he seems to be. (like the episode where the JLA crosses over and meets their counterparts, that Superman was cool. Had a great costume too)

  4. J'onn J'onzz


    As has been said many many times, he's like Superman with Desolid and telepathic abilities, but maybe just a squeek lower on the power scale. It's also frequently said that he is the world's greatest Telepath. Personally, I think he and GL are actually more powerful than Superman, and either one of them could take out the rest of the team solo.

  5. Green Lantern


    I'm kind of pleased with how he turned out. He's still supremely powerful, but given the lack of limitations I put into the VPP, it's not outrageous for what he can do. I used an EC for the innate powers of the ring, this GL's eyes glow green he has had green energy flow through his veins for so long. I took that to mean that he has some base level of power without resorting to the VPP. I also make the whole 24 hour touch the lantern thing/end reserve simply a Physical limitation. That's about how often he is effected by it (1 half adventure in 4 seasons so far).


    Again, he is near the top of the power curve in what he can do, and infact could surpass it if he throws everything into an attack. But usually when he has everything in one aspect, its in defense.

  6. Hawkgirl -


    another supposedly easy one, however, her Mace has some interesting design aspects. When she powers it up with electricity, it is easily the most powerful attack, even more so that Superman's Haymaker. It also does superior damage to foci and vehicles.

  7. Flash

    He's kind of one sided (combat oriented twid). The show's designers said, "If he weren't such an idiot, he would be fearsome and could easily take out everyone else on the team." Flash seems to either sit around and make smarmy comments, or run at varying speeds of fast, faster, fastest. He does not seem to have much in the way of useful skills, relying on Bats to talk him through stuff.

  8. Batman-

    Alot of this is speculation based on the other animated series with him in it, as well as information from the web from the series designers.


    This batman can give the rest of the team a run for their money, but he's not all powerful (within the context of the power level of that campaign)

  9. Caveats:


    1) I have kids that love the show ages 9, 10, 13

    2) we've been snow bound for 5 days with no school

    3) TiVo rocks, they can watch all the episodes in one sugar-rush induced coma.

    4) While we had power the internet connection was down on and off.

    5) I got HeroDesigner 2.0 for xmas and was looking for an opportunity to flex it out.


    So, flame away, but here is my interpretation of the JLA as protrayed by the animated series.


    Even after watching 18-20 hours of the show this week, its still hard to get a consistent powerlevel. So I started with the extremes (Superman) and scaled from there. 25d6 damage seems to be apropriate. It has the numbers, when combined with the various limitations and such on the characters to be able to be one shoted if the situation dictates, or be able to shrug off the barage of attacks.


    So without further ado, here are the hdc files for the JLA

  10. I do not think that I have ever played with someone that would run something this offensive. That being said,


    This is one time Laughton would very likely follow through with his often times threatened: "turn them into stone, and drop them into lake michigan."


    Note: when he turns something else into stone they revert back to original form. He can also cancel the effect at will. The results are patently obvious.


    As I dwell upon this, I think the option of "Make this sicko go away forever" in whatever form my characters are capable is going to be the standard answer.

  11. Some names that I've used, thought were cool sounding, or run across in games:



    Jacomo (one of my PC's back at Cal Tech)

    Legionaire (French hero with the power of a Legion)

    Meson (part of a team with)

    Boson (also was half a PC I had with Duplication)

    Boston Strangler (was a real world villan....)

    Penultimata (the not quite ultimate combatant)

    Rumbler (jackie chanish combatant)

    Cogmo (you have to say it like Steve C. did, "Caaaaaaaaaaaaahhgggggmmmmmmooooooo", the bovophobic taxi driver/gadgeteer. Sadly one of my earlier PC's, goofy in concept, but kinda cool name. or maybe not)

    Pied Piper (mentalist, duh)

    Phidippides (speedster, duh)

    Sacrosanct (mystic)


    I supposed you will can the punnish Endless Sumerian (immortal guy from ancient Sumeria)


    Some other player's characters that had good names not on the list:

    Crimebuster (Sam Bell's PC)

    Battledroid (Steve Barnes' PC)



    I actually had a villan named Torc - would put collars on heros and make then mindless drones to serve her. But you tossed it early in the thread.

  12. I saw this point in another thread, and rather than derailing it (Deadlands is cool enough that it deserves its time in the spotlight) I started a new thread.

    Originally posted by Bozimus

    Some thoughts on chips and Hero....


    You gotta be careful when tinkering. I told my players that rolling a natural 3 meant full damage from the dice (champs game, standard superhero level).


    This seems like a common practice. Roll a natural 3 get max damage. But really, shouldn't it be get the best result? So the question here for discussion:


    When a natural 3 is rolled, what should be the results in your game?


    Same question for an 18?


    Should the result differ for combat versus skill rolls?

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