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Posts posted by Chromatic

  1. As a fun exercise for someone to do:


    run through the canonical history of Duncan, and tally up all the quickenings he has had, then roll up the Aids (great way to do it for simplisity, but it doesn't take into account that Quickening power transfers when you kill another Immortal (hence the reason Connor wanted Duncan to take his head--he supposedly got more than just the energy for a single kill, he received the sum-total of energy for all the kills Connor had as well).


    Then we can have a poll for where the Aid points should go.



  2. Actually, a couple game sessions ago, something similar to this happened in Zornwil's game. A villan with one shot powers (was invisible, had some unknown unsuccessful power at the time that we could only sense him attempting to use--it was the power to swap brains presumably personalities (ala that Stagate sg1 episode)), the group ended up using "reasonable force" on him and killing him outright. Granted none of the heros at the time had a CVK, but we kind of glossed over the whole thing and moved on. It's a dangerous world out there, you need more than 2 pd in a 14d campaign.


    A scenario like this can really lose its impact if its done purely to teach a lesson to characters. If its for the roleplaying of angst afterwards, well, its been a long time since I was a teenager and interested in teeny bopper angst filled soap opera tripe. If the scenario was done for the humor aspect (obviously dark) to have the grisly chuckle and move on, I can handle that. In short, scenarios like this are all too commonly used to preach.

  3. Re: Re: yikes! I almost forgot!



    Originally posted by PhantomGM6101

    the Beastmaster


    Originally posted by lemming

    Movies in the 80s. ugh


    But it had ferrets! And Tanya Roberts in a gratuitus bathing scene!



    Hmmm. You're right. ugh

  4. If Rogue were in the mix, tactically it doesn't make sense to go after Superman. Superman is too obvious a target, Batman heck even Martian Manhunter would be prepared for that.


    GL is a ring, so he's not a target.


    Hawkgirl has a great mace, but its a foci too. I also wonder if her wings are a transferable ability. Not a target


    Batman - no real powers so to speak, but taking him out is a good move. In the JLA:AS Darkseid's son (forget his name) is in town looking to bash on Superman. Batman holds him off for a few turns while Superman gets there. As Superman pastes him, he says basically, "you can't take me, in fact you can't take Batman." Possible target


    Aquaman - oooh fish powers! and a nifty hook. pass.


    Wonder Woman her missle deflection and lasso abilities to bring her up to par with the other flying bricks are foci. Not a target unless there's no one left (unlikely)


    Flash is just too fast. The same defense Superman has (he'd just fly away at superspeed), but time and time again, Flash is doubleteamed successfully. If Storm or Cyclops team with Rogue to go after Flash, he could be in trouble. Definitely a target.


    Martian Manhunter actually seems to be the most versitile and has 90-125% of the powerlevels of most of the others on the team. Plus his mind powers and body manipulation. Frankly, he might fall into the Juggernaut defense: too much power to fully absorb. None the less, he's the main target for Rogue in my book.


    So the possible targets and their effect on the outcome if Rogue gets them:


    Batman - the debate is does he have better tactical ability than Xavier? Is this loss of tactics enough of a hinderance to undo the bricks? Nope.


    Wonder Woman - won't swing the tide. In fact I question if her power is even greater than the Ms. Marvel level Rogue already has. JLA losing her is of no consequence.


    Flash - he could definitely help turn the tide. This would make it possible for a cleverly run team of X-men to get a lot further. The problem is JLA has too many members who can come up with tricks to subdue him (ok 3: GL, Supes and MM). Still, superspeed ontop of Ms. Marvel-Rogue I put the odds closer, but JLA wins 8 out of 10.


    Martian Manhunter - With all the combined psionics now on their team, the X-men have a good chance of winning. First target for them is Batman now, then GL. Once Bats is down, Rogue can go through his stuff while desolid and get that Kryptonite in the heel of his left boot. X-men could win this. I say even money here.


    Superman - sure he only has a couple of weaknesses, but they are stupidly debilitating, and JLA knows them too well. Plus he's the obvious choice, they would prepare for his taking.


    Of course Batman is smarter than I am, so he would have figured this out as well, and had a dose of Martian-away aerosol in his kit so who really can tell for certian.


    In the end, JLA wins. Sorry about your chair, Xavier. Do you have insurance?

  5. Hamlet Laughton in Zornwil's campaign touts himself as the world's greatest detective. His base int is 38, through gadgets, drugs and meditation it has reached as high as 138, typically it sits around 98.


    Ironically, he is not always the smartest man in the world. The title trades off with Dr. Sihn another PC.


    Aside from the slew of detective skills and int based knowledge skills, I've toyed with a number of powers for him.


    Detect Lies - his keen perception and understanding of physiology and the human thought process.


    Largish gadget pool - items he's collected and improved upon, no changing during adventures


    overall levels -


    Really high Tactics.




    Lightning Calculator


    Eiditic Memory


    Bump of Direction


    in the untried, and denied pile:



    Danger sense

    levels UBO when he tells you what you're doing wrong and how to improve

  6. Wait a sec, is this just asking how to change the hex size on the battlemat? Good Lord! just get one of the many PDF hex files out there, change the hex size to suit your needs and print out an overlay on transparency plastic sheets.


    There are also mats in different scales. I have some with 20mm squares, 25mm hexes, and 36mm hexes.


    Given that you are going to be making 3D diorama's, you are likely going to not have any hexes down at all, so I would revert to something like the old StarFleet battles tabletop game and use indexed cords with the proper lengths on them for the scale you want.


    This way you can make everything fit whatever size you want, even 4" tall vinyl figures from fast food meals would work--assuming that you build everything to fit.

  7. In one of the Matrix DVD special bits, Keanu Reeves mentions that in some of the battles, the Brothers would ask him "how many maneuvers can you do in ten seconds?" He would answer "seven?" They would respond "Do eighteen".


    92 takes later, he gets it perfect.


    The point is, Keanu Reeves is a slightly trained normal, sure they had intensive martial arts training for the movies, but it was only for nine months, and it was only to look good and move fast. However, being able to do 18 punch, kick, block, throw combinations in 10 seconds could certainly be construed to be more than a 2 speed. Of course this was with the special effects folks doing their tricks, so perhaps he actually did these moves a bit slower (like in 20 or 30 seconds) it's hard to judge without seeing the whole process.


    So sure Neo has like an 8 speed maybe even a 10, but even a trained normal can get up there.

  8. Originally posted by zornwil

    Artie from Pete and Pete - I'm surprised Chromatic didn't say that, he "threatened" to play it in one of our games. Good Mysteryman candidate.


    (smacks head) How could I forget him?


    Artie, the strongest man......in the wierld!


    And who says that threat has been completely averted?


    I just might follow the Captian-Sprite-Neumann-???'s player's suit.....












    nah, I still have 7 more forms to figure out.





    (still not satisfied with animated avatar, feh)

  9. Originally posted by lemming

    Though I think this is where we'd want to just put MegaScale on Strength for throwing.


    Though I like the cut of "Ghost who Walks" jib. :D


    Now there's a thought! Does MegaScale allow you to get a huge area effect as well? I supposed we would make it a lot cheaper by the lim "only for throwing"


    I'm doodling the calculations on the DI and lever thesis.....I think its a lot more expensive, but that's highly dependent on the lever's length.....

  10. Don't forget the double secret surveillance network for PRIMUS to spy on the heros without their knowledge.


    and the cached internet on a secret server so that they only have access to the information PRIMUS wants them to have.


    and the special hypno-sleep pillows on the cots so PRIMUS can plant subliminal messages into the heros' dreams.


    and the dna recovery spurs on all equipment so PRIMUS can keep tabs on the heros as they gain power and abilities.



    hmm. Maybe this might not be apropriate for your campaign.....

  11. Why do all these what would your character do threads assume that characters have secred ids? I've only taken that disad on like 2 or 3 of the hundreds of characters I've played.


    Is it really that popular? I suppose it is genre for comics. Which publisher DC, Image or Marvel has more heros with Secret ID? I haven't actively read comics in many years.

  12. Icestar was Glenn Thain's character if I recall correctly. He was, well he nearly cross the line between being gross and being dead.


    I seem to remember his costume had more head covering. This could be wrong, I'm working on 20 year old memories.


    Icestar makes more sense than Crusader. Good catch BN.

  13. Remembered another:


    Tracker - Adrian Paul (the tv highlander) plays an alien bounty hunter sent here to recapture a group of 230+ alien bad guys that escaped from prison. Paul isn't toooo egotistical, the form he supposedly takes upon landing is that of an underwear model.

  14. Originally posted by Outsider

    Superleap with lots of multiples, Useable against others?


    Movement powers usable against others have to have a lot of magnifying glasses and stop signs though. Putting a Limitation "Only useable for throwing unresisting or greatly weaker characters/objects into orbit."


    I always liked the old version of superleap: double your standard leap for 10 points. Extrapolate this to


    Superthrow: double the distance you can toss something for +10 points. Now its not so expensive to get to 5700" in a toss.


    50 str + 80 points of Superthrow gets you there.


    To move the Earth, you need 383 strength, assuming Earth has a specific gravity of 5.5--and yes I worked it out mathematically

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