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Everything posted by Eosin

  1. Re: Shadow Angelus I dislike the whole elves, dwarves, and orcs. Pthooey, however, I don't harbor any inherent dislike for the magic aspect or psi aspect. Yeah, I think the corporations would only have limited autonomy. On an island city the authorities would have to have the power to override. Like Susano's example - "We went in anyway."
  2. Re: Shadow Angelus Here is the post with the quick mock up of the west coast. Post 44 On the mag-lev the questions was where to place "central station." I'd put it in the Government Sector. It would be nice, when you can find the time, for you to write up a magic and esper history. Right now they are mostly hollow. I'd like to see how you figure magic into the world and who really has it in the 20th century (sorta like Mage does). Ditto for Esper history, I understand the K5 stuff which is the government experiments in the 20th century leading to minor powers then with genetic & pharma treatments blowing into full powered psi and that kinda stuff will be confusing until it is cleared up.
  3. Re: Shadow Angelus Things awaiting Edsel's Comments Map of the West Coast - Does it work or do you want to try something else? Mass Transit - the central hub for the "Lev" or maybe the locals call it "Maggie" needs to be placed. Angelus Design Essay - I assume no issues exist? I assume the Sector Locations are set as of map 5? Esper History and Esper/Magic simultaneous resurgence or go with the K5 Esper and then after quake Magic? Comment on History at First Blush 1 before I work on History at First Blush 2 Problems with 700 Terrace? Does the direction issue work for you? What about neighborhoods? If I read your post right you want me to go with ethnic hoods. Extra-Territoriality? Organized Crime Structure? I'll need to put some flesh on the bones and include a few more groups including an alternate form of DEMON that works with the Entities but the big three would be Yakuza, Vory (Russian/Eastern Block), and South American Death Cults. American criminals would be cyber gangs and Entity Cultists but they don't rise to the level of being in the "Big Three." Eosin List Write up Lake Angelus Neat City Locations (underground rivers, maglev through buildings, super-mall, etc...) History At First Blush II - incorporate some of the magic theory into the background work, incorporate entities, science advancements, and energy storage (I got a good idea for this last one). Re-write the vision building as a standard (example) Angelus building. Write Neighborhood descriptions Angelus Fact Sheet Develop Organized Crime [make notes of Entity involvement but leave the details vague for Edsel] Finish Map [place maglev central station, sweep up corners, adjust colors, settle on icons and text issues] I just wanted to have everything in one place. I am forgetting where I am headed next or what I've touched on but meant to come back and flesh out. If I am forgetting than I know Edsel is forgetting. This is just a reminder note. PS - Edsel, I have all the articles in a word doc that is laid out but until it passes the "fly this by Edsel" test I leave it here in rough form.
  4. Re: Shadow Angelus Hmmm, that makes my brain tumble. Yakuza, Vory, and Muerte. The old, the mature, the young. Yakuza could be in on most of the white collar crime and control parts of Sigma, Zeta, Omicron, and Alpha Sectors. [muscle = Espers, ninja, and some bad monkey martial artists.] The Vory could control much of the weapons and munitions type of crime. They'd have a concentrated area of control (maybe Epsilon, Beta, or Iota) and then territory that they held in Rho. [muscle = clades, borgs, and scads of high tech weaponry] Muerte (or Santa Muerte) - South American death cults - would be the vice traders replacing modern street gangs. Each temple would control their own little area and there would be lots of strife as well as a few powerful overlords. [muscle = magic, creepy stuff, and a horde of gunch dummies to throw at their enemies] You'd still have other types of crimes but this seems like a good three way rivalry that could develop. It also seems sustainable. I'll develop this one further if Edsel likes the idea. We'll have to wait for input from Edsel but I kind like it. I've never played Shadowrun but I grok the "Extra-Territoriality" clause. How did you guys work that one out? My first blush is that legally defined corporate entities have the right and responsibility to defend their "person" from hostile action. Many would run their own hospital, fire departments, civil engineering, social safety net, and police. There would be trigger events (or "Reportable Events") that necessitated involvement by Angelus City Council. Any major fire or chemical/industrial accident. Any arrest of non-corporate personnel. Any discharge of firearms by corporate security. Most of these are simple cases of filing the paperwork type events and the corporations use them to bury much more serious events - like a protracted gun fight that leaves 8 dead. Also, the corporations are allowed to investigate internal crimes but if the crime invoves non-corporate persons then they will work in conjunction with the Angelus Police Force (Slang; "Apes" as in "Dude you keep this up the Apes are going to be all over us"). They probably work with a special division of the PD, one that is highly susceptible to bribes. Again, I'll work this into something usable if Edsel likes the idea. No, I was just thinking that the Hudson City Fact Sheet was always such a good hand out that something similar would be nice for Angelus. It is in HC: The Urban Abyss near the front.
  5. Re: Shadow Angelus Other thoughts from today (what else are you going to do for an hour on the threadmill?) 1. If Beta Sector is shilltown then Iota sector should have much more of an artsy feel. 2. Campaign history has Magic and Esper powers coming along in 2035. I'm gonna lobby Edsel for Esper Powers come along as indicated in Kazei 5. It doesn't make much sense that they both develop at once. Using Jama's theory it would make more sense for Magic to go full tilt just after the great quake. 3. Angelus has a fairly unique crime situation. What kind of gangs and organized crime is in the city and do they all fight for Rho turf or do some of them operate in the city. 4. Do the corporations have private police? I'd argue that they do maintain a private security force but that it can only enforce within corporate territory. 5. Alpha and Corporate sector should have a different social strata. Maintenance and menials are never above street level, middle management in the mid-body and leadership in the upper floors of skyscraper city. Other sectors would base social status on building, living space, view, etc... 6. How much of the world is going to intrude on Angelus and what has significantly changed? How much do players need to know? (We know clades, espers, magic, and cyber stuff but what about religions, governments, weaponlogy, computing, etc...) 7. Embassy row in sigma sector should be its own hood. 8. The city needs a fact sheet like the one for Hudson City.
  6. Re: Shadow Angelus Just cause I wanted to do something a little different. Don't think I have this kind of photoshop mojo - I followed most of a tutorial and then added my own sensibilities.
  7. Re: Active Point Levels My point was actually more along the lines of with 100 points + 100 point characters, spending .... 22 points on required Package Deal (none of which deals with magic) 87 point a VPP 75 points in stats (roughly) Equals: 184 points or 16 points to develop a character beyond, "I use magic." The same active/DC/Power can be achieved with 30 points from a MPP. The VPP is certainly more powerful and will result in a much better mage but a much more poorly defined character especially considering some of those 16 points will go into Combat Skill Levels. There is my point.
  8. Re: Shadow Angelus I might put the Fountainhead Neighborhood on the border of Zeta Sector and Rho Sector - it can get sleazy at times. The Corporate Neighborhoods could dominate Beta Sector (derisively called Shilltown or something like that) Clades in Epsilon... They should call their area something like New Hope, Freedom, or Liberty City but others might call it something like "The Kennel."
  9. Re: Shadow Angelus City directions.... You know - North, East, South, and West are useless distinctions in Angelus. The city moves which means that the compass points change. Navel terms really don't make sense either since it isn't a ship based vessel. Ideas... Urbana: Toward the north end of the map [heading towards Iota and the residential sections of town]. Alternitively, "Go Domestic." Corporate: to the east [corporate, omega, and Rho sectors] - others call this direction "Going Ghetto" as a deliberate put down on the corporate headquarters since both Rho and Omega are in the same general direction. Downtown: Towards the south end of the map [near the reservoir and Sigma sector]. Others might say, "Head toward North Hollywood," a reference to all the pretty lights and money flowing that direction. Market: Towards the west end of the map [the industrial and market sectors] "Go to the mall" is a euphemism for heading west on the Angelus map. Speaking of that - Other ideas... Question: Should Angelus have nationalized residential areas? Do ethnic neighborhoods abound (Eastern European, Chinese, Italian, Middle Eastern, European, Distinctly American?) or are there a few (Asian and Eastern Block). I can see first and second generation enclaves but mostly I would think that Angelus would be past most of that... If it is past that then how would people segregate themselves (other than rich/poor)? The sectors are much too big to maintain any kind of identity - I'd recommend including more neighborhoods like "china town." Here are some suggestions for the types of things we could do. Ryukin (a type of goldfish). China Town is fairly generic and could be in 200 cities so why not go for something with a little more character? Named because many Asian *immigrants like to raise their own fish. Ryukin should feature an aquarium for exotic fish and many restaurants, clubs, etc would have large aquatic displays, like a pick your own fish, lobster, crab, etc... and we'll cook it type of place. It remains much more than simply "Chinese immigrants," and more of a Pacific hub. Métropole (French - Metropolis) would be a district merged from Zeta & Sigma sector. A residential area for the yuppie crowd into high tech or climbing the city leadership. Lots of nightlife. Safe. Upscale but not freakishly expensive like Alpha. Cyber residencies. I think those attracted to "upgrading" would probably seek similar resources and thus live in close proximity (specialized doctors, equipment, mechanics/upgraders). Think Silicon Valley but in this case I might call it Fountainhead (from Ann Rand). Corporate Neighborhoods. If 35,000 people in Angelus work for Benthic Petroleum and most of them work in a few areas it would make sense that they would move closer together. These are your friends and people whom you interact with on a daily basis - plus it is fairly close to work or there is a common mode of transportation provided by the company. What other kinds of neighborhoods could spring up? *All residents in Angelus are Immigrants. Interesting thought on how that might translate socially.
  10. Re: Shadow Angelus Here is a fairly model building I am thinking. It is current design but will give Edsle something to work with in size and scope.
  11. Re: Shadow Angelus 700 Terrace Street There are very few buildings as ornate or powerful as the gleaming synthetic marble edifice known to all in Angelus as simply "Seven Hundred". The rose colored building may be one of the busiest locations, day or night, in the the Alpha Sector. Sitting on the south bank of Lake Angelus, Seven Hundred is where the honored dead of Angelus rest and where friends or relatives come to pay their respects. Three parks, rare in Angelus, surround the building allowing visitors a place to meet and children a place to play with real grass under their feet. Trees and gardens have been bioengineered so that a riot of color tantalizes visitors all year long. The city planners even went to the expense of building several small, rolling hills that are the marvel of many children. Additionally, there is a small rocky river that runs through the heart of the parks providing a soothing noise that can mask the sounds of the city for those looking for a sense of peace. Seven Hundred is a massive building towering above its neighbors. The honored dead of Angelus are legion and even as large as it is, the building is too small to house the urns of all those who wish to reside there. The middle class citizens of Angelus often chose to be interred here at considerable expense. The super wealthy may own wings in Seven Hundred or they may be interred at a private mausoleum. The poor, well, some say the poor end up in the Peaceful Ocean. The more ghoulish say that the homeless wind up at the Great Bay Fishery, after all even the fish have to eat. Inside the atrium visitors check in and are allowed to roam selected halls where fiends and relative rest. Small shrines are scattered along the halls and temples to the faiths of the world can be found on certain floors. The offices housing the padres, monks, sifus, gurus, and priests are on sublevel four. These are open during business hours and as needed on religious holidays.
  12. Re: Shadow Angelus Very cool theory. I love the mass grave bit. I'll reflect on that and see how that changes things in the history. Also, I'm torn between my two characters. There are parts of both that I like. I might see if I can merge the two but I doubt that I will have the points with witch to do that.
  13. Re: Shadow Angelus I'll wait until Edsel says I can read that link.
  14. Re: Shadow Angelus History, At First Blush The history of How Angelus came to be... The big quake. It finally happened but not the way they expected it to happen. California was lost, and the numbers of the dead did not stop with the folks who fell into the Pacific ocean. Millions more died in the aftermath that was as widespread as building collapses in Texas and volcanic outgassing in Montana. America the beautiful was in shambles. The mighty giant slain in one fell blow; however, like the death-throes of of a rattler there was still some venom in the teeth. Numerous "hush-hush" projects had disappeared in the quake including some experimental weapons that still seem like science fiction sixty years later. In a way, these weapons were the impetus for the development of Angelus. The United States was in the middle of a financial and social tsunami while the rest of the world reeled from the loss of America as a super-power. Shorelines were devastated across the world and several island nations simply disappeared. Hawaii was among those missing. Naval power was decimated across the globe. There was little hope for those places where communications suddenly stopped after the mega-quake. Still, some effort had to be made. The United States formally declared a state of emergency welcoming any and all aid in the rescue of civilians. The ever tumultuous South American nations responded with gusto even though several were sufficiently antagonistic towards the US to be on watch lists. It was the small nation of San Alto that got everyone's attention. They dispatched aid and food supplies accompanied by military and exploratory vessels. It quickly became apparent that they were trying to map the ocean floors in search of lost military bases - specifically the San Diego Naval station where many believed that the U.S.S. Coranado was stationed when the quake occured. The Coranado was equipped with the latest weapons system and the surface to space missile system known as Mjölner. The US, like a drunken prize fighter, dispatched nearly every remaining war vessel in its power. It was enough to hold off interlopers but not enough to do anything more. Recovery efforts would have to wait. The next several months were a tense stand off between the US military and canny pirates looking to cash in on Americas disaster. In New York, when it wasn't in the grip of riots, the UN heard the case of granting rights to stake claims in what were now International Waters. Over the loud protests of the US, the UN noted that by Maritime Law the United States could not enforce a no sail zone in international waters. Legally handcuffed, the US turned to its own industrious people for a solution. They outsourced the recovery effort. At this point, several years had passed since the quake. News agencies picked up reports of naval vessels suddenly sinking in the ocean without sufficient time to issue a distress call. At first, many accused the US of waging piracy on the high seas but when the US lost a carrier class vessel few harbored such suspicions any longer (although some still did). Tidal Subsidiaries, the company charged with recovery efforts on behalf of the US, began a ocean mapping program to get an idea of where, what had shifted. Several large swathes of terrain were unimagable. Many believed the source of the interference to be leaking nuclear reactors that had been swallowed during the quake. The location of one such power station was known so an effort was undertaken to study that region by an ecologically friendly science think tank - Pacific Science. The true expedition and environmental sampling was never finished. The initial results indicated that there was no leak which seemed impossible but a closer study using deep sea gear confirmed that something truly impossible was happening - not only was there no leak but there was no radiation. None. The plant was grossly intact but all the radioactive waste was gone. Tidal Subsidiaries brought in the Oil Platform Angelus to base their operation. They would be here as long as it took to figure out what happened to the radioactive waste. The scientists from Pacific Science remained on the Angelus platform as well. Little did anyone realize that they had witnessed the birth of the greatest city in mankinds history. Tidal Subsidaries spent two years on the Angelus Platform researching the Corona Power Station. It wasn’t the results of the study that were what brought attention to the Angelus, it was the number of Espers that converted while on board. Thankfully, on a ship of scientists it was quickly noted that this was outside the norm and they had plenty of friends to call. Hexion Industries, Viratech, and Stain Pharmaceuticals all sent teams to investigate the phenomena. Viratech was denied residency on the Angelus platform. Instead, they brought a refitted floating hospital. The SS Clarion had been partially gutted and refitted for science research. The new corporate researchers had little interest in oceanic research, they were interested in the emergent Esper abilities. A three year study demonstrated not only increased activation of latent Espers but those Espers who remained in the area for several months began to see an increase in their ability to tap the power. Suddenly, the flood gates opened. Locke Securities, a private firm specializing in unique security needs, was brought in to keep the peace by Tidal. Although Locke employed some of the best trained paramilitary personnel in the world there was quite a stink raised by many of the other firms who claimed that Tidal had violated contracts. There just didn’t seem to be a better alternative. The Angelus was inundated with Esper hopefuls, with true Espers looking to increase their power, and with the simply delusional. Thomas Croft a multi-billion dollar corporate news mogul added fuel to the fire when he purchased three additional platforms and brought them to moor near the Angelus Platform. Food and space were both priority issues during these year, so many Esper hopefuls had smuggled themselves on board that the malnourished dead were found daily. Others died attempting to swim to the Angelus during the dark of night. Riots broke out when food boats arrived. Angelus and her sister platforms were closer to a high tech battlefield than a city. Behind all of the civil unrest the corporations played another, far more dangerous, game. Assassination and scientific theft were common. There were more security guards than there were scientists. The situation reached a head when an armed conflict raged for two days on board the Vladokov Platform between corporate security companies. When it was over nearly 200 were dead or wounded. Mediation was requested by Tidal. Dozens of corporate and community interests met with UN arbiters on board the Angelus. A binding agreement was reached that established Angelus as a chartered city with rights of self governance. The office of the City Coordinator was established as well as rules for electing the City Council. A police force was commissioned that was answerable to the City Coordinator and the Council. Taxes, fines, and residency fees along with corporate penalties for the war fought on the Vladakov supplied the city with its initial funding. Corporate Partnerships proved to be the most manageable source of steady income during the early years since there were few corporations that did not want a stake in Angelus. Once again, space and food were to prove to be critical factors in spurring further development. Angelus hired engineers, horticulturists, oceanographers, and structural engineers to meet their growing problems. They also hired lawyers. Soon, the UN recognized the sovereignty of Angelus (which had already expanded beyond the original four platforms). The United States launched a vigorous protest but was once again unable to exert the might that it had once possessed. Angelus became an independent entity with territorial rights including the rights to its’ waters. Civil Suits were launched against many of the errant corporations who had sponsored and profited from underwater recovery efforts near Angelus. Billions of dollars flowed into the City Treasury. These funds were spent on a gamble. Structural Engineers had little faith that the current city could survive a major storm. The city population was nearing the 50,000 mark if you counted the Orthan Deep Sea farm (Lilypad) and most of those citizens shared sleeping space in shifts because there was nowhere on the Angelus to stay. Something had to be done [this is a bad period of about 10 years before Angelus blooms]. Evan Danzig had developed the anti-grav devices used in the first generation of flying cars and one of the only men in the world who understood gravatetics. His company, Dyna-Grav, was based in New Mexico at the Private Space Center built just after the turn of the century. The City Coordinator met with him in a private meeting and offered to relocate his whole company to Angelus if Danzig would help with the platform issue. The specifics of what prompted Danzig to accept the offer are considered state secrets but Dyna-Grav enjoys a near monopoly in some fields. Within five years the first hydrolyzer is produced but not before Tropical Storm Claudia kills 7,000 citizens of Angelus. The new Angelus platform is capable of housing buildings up to 20 stories and an auction is held for the 18 sites open to the public. These funds build the additional, more powerful hydrolyzers. The metropolis of Angelus has been born. There is a ton of other stuff to cover – such as the development of the university, scientific patents/advancements, energy production and storage, ect… the sub-plots of how Angelus came to be. I just wanted to get comments from Watson and Susano about what might need to be changed or altered to make the city work. I have seen much background on the city so I am making an assumption that you guys never wrote this type of stuff up? Edsel has looked over a very quick jot of this but it is no way official. This is just me ruminating on how the city came to be. Quirks of this story... What other super weapons are out there? What was causing the naval vessels to sink? Why was there no radioactivity? What is causing the Espers to "power up?" What other kind of experiments would the corporations run in lawless waters before the institution of Angelus Authority? What was Danzig offered? I'd like to find a way to add some more mysteries to this - including why the Entities are here on Angelus? Did they cause the quake? Did the Quake release them?
  15. Re: Shadow Angelus The Kazei stuff didn't inspire the idea so much as Silent Mobius where Yuki(?) escapes from the Esper facility with the other two girls. I channeled that episode while flipping through Masterminds and Madmen looking for cool stories... I didn't find one for me but I liked Feng Shen and his daughters. I jumped off the boat there.
  16. Re: Shadow Angelus Since we are play testing, I'm reconsidering my player choice. I was playing a strait gun-bunny with a bit of mysterious power in the form of enhanced senses and gun-fu. That doesn't do much for fiddling with the power parts. So, I am tinkering with a concept for an Esper. Hooks Mother & Aunt Grandfather Monks Dad's Spirit Mirko is starting off as a strait TK Esper but he has the potential to go anywhere. Mom & Dad were both Espers and dad had just about every type of experiment performed on him - so there can be all sorts of weird effects. There is also the second soul residing in him that can be another source for "power stunts." Finally, I got the whole monk thing in there because of the multiple references to Shinto stuff both this thread and on Silent Mobius. I figured that would be a cool family to have but I left it non-specific in case I need to alter it for plot reasonings - such as Edsel saying, "Oh, I want a way to bring these guys into the story."
  17. Re: Shadow Angelus Giant sized for Edsel.. Remember this is still a rough draft. I haven't swept up all the corners yet.
  18. Re: Shadow Angelus See the email I sent. For the rest, I basically wrote this from a GM POV rather than a player POV so it isn't all handed to you in a neat wrapper. I designed it in a vector based program - Adobe Illustrator so it should scale as much as we want. We'd love to have you but Oklahoma is pretty much the smelly armpit of America when it comes to tech and jobs. It would be real fun to get You and Killer Shrike out in good ole Oklahoma. Maybe, just maybe we could try a Gencon get together (not this year - I'm broke). We met but never gamed together in '06 at Gencon. Damn shame we missed the opportunity.
  19. Re: Shadow Angelus Rough draft 4... just cause I got the scale and I went ahead and shaded all the districts so that Edsel could figure out where he wants what...
  20. Re: Shadow Angelus An idea for the Hydrolyzers.... Electrogravitics was a field of science relegated to crackpots and amateurs during the early 21st century. Much like it's predecessor - flight - true scientists scoffed at the notion and ridiculed those children playing with cobbled together maglev devises. Scientists did not get involved until the debates were already over. Espers were the key to developing true gravatetic devices. Advances in high speed data transfer along with increased public monitoring of electro-magnetic fields (for meteorology and terrorism among others) demonstrated a connection between photonic and gravatetic states for those net savvy and overly curious. It was all public data and once Espers were in the news it took little more than a few key strokes to view the event on cameras and access the public safety grid. Soon, advanced mag-levs were patented in the United States designed by people who played in the garage. Many fringe websites advanced the theory that the Mag-Levs were actually preventing true anti-grav devises. Evan Danzig took these theories further than anyone - patenting his works and founding a multinational corporation that still maintains a virtual monopoly on gravatetics devices. Dyna-Grav worked closely with interests in Angelus as the city began to outgrow traditional means to remain afloat. Together, scientists from Angelus and Dyna-Grav built the Hydrolyzers. Security concerns have prevented public disclosure of how the Hydrolyzers work but the general public is aware of the following: Hydrolyzers are powered by advanced nuclear reactors (Cored EM Reactor) They create huge volumes of steam. Hydrolyzers minimize but do not negate weak gravity fields. The Hydrolyzers are secure against any and all threats. Building a new Hydrolyzer takes many months and is done on an isolated platform. So, how does that work? Edsel - you might want to pick the # and locate the Hydrolyzers on a special GM Eyes only map. I assume they are mostly underwater? When we are done, I'll send you a blank map.
  21. Re: Shadow Angelus So, here is rough draft number 3. I brought this one a little further along just so we could experiment. I've incorporated some of Edsel's wants - the channels are a little more extensive but much closer to scale (I don't think they can actually be scale). The district and locations are my suggestions based on what limited text that I have access. I flipped Sigma and Alpha because of the placement of other sectors. Sigma now touches all but a few sectors and those sectors are residential areas and the Omega sector. It maintains its "hub" status. I also figured Omicron would be butted up to the Alpha district. Rho was planned as tres chic so while its location is odd - right up against some posh neighborhoods - it makes perfect sense. I've placed Icons and some labels to start roughing in where things would be located. I can go with lots of variety in the icons and text or keep them all fairly uniform. I'd personally go with XSWAT/Police/Government buildings with a red square and everything else with a black/gray circle. Parks in green. The peach color is just to see if Edsel wants me to shade the districts? I can do different colors. I just happened to have red as my fill when I did this one. I can also add more channels fairly easily but the map seems to have found some balance to my eye. [EDIT: I added a scale bar to the Illustrator file which means I've noticed how small the lake and reservoir are... I'll need to increase them some and the reservoir just looks ugly.]
  22. Re: Shadow Angelus I forgot the esper and mage angle. I'll bet it does not get hit by that many storms. I still imagine that it is engineered to withstand them on the off chance that it ever did but that system might be in poor repair. I had some thoughts on the hydrolyzers and I'll see about posting them tomorrow. Thanks to Susano for reminding me that Anti-Grav (Spinners --- duh) is canon. That makes it simpler. I also agree that a smaller number makes for dramatic license - less than 10 but more than 5. Failure of a single station might cause a fairly large loss of life but not a total city-wide disaster. Loss of 2 or 3 and suddenly things aren't looking so sure. How does that sound? I assume Edsel has his own opinions as well but the lower number sounds better than several hundreds, at least to me. I'd figure they all have to be packing a nuclear reactor (fission or fusion). I keep wondering about world economies and the US structural integrity after the loss of California. The other red herring is that people spent billions looking for lost artifacts from California - I can't help but feel that it isn't right. It may be a cover story but it needs more elaboration. I doubt I'll have time to work on the map much until Monday. Dang. I may still try to squeeze it in. Then it'll be time to start locating everything and seeing what we can do about major roadways.
  23. Re: Shadow Angelus I can't cross post this image cause it is flash but take a look. Holy cow. It is image #2 if it does not direct link. "The Mall"
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