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Posts posted by Zephrosyne

  1. I am just wondering if it is really necessary to reduce Adjustment Powers to half effectiveness versus Defense Powers and defensive Characteristics? Adjustment Powers seem to require enough bookkeeping as it is. Granted, remembering to reduce Drain or Aid (or whatever) by half against PD, Stun (or whatever) isn't hard at all. It's just that in concert with everything else is kinda annoying. I wonder if this exception to the general rule is really needed. I am hoping that those of you with more practical application of the rules, since I haven't gotten my campaign started yet, could provide insight. Thank you.

  2. I am a little confused about the Based on Con Limitation on 6E1 pg. 153. In the first paragraph describing the Limitation, it states that a target's Physical or Energy Defense works against a Mental Power with this Limitation instead of Mental Defense. However, in the last paragraph where it gives an example of building a "mind drug," it mentions using AVAD (defense is PD). Why is AVAD needed? Isn't that an inherent part of Based on Con? I am a bit confused. What am I missing? Thanks

  3. Re: You ARE Dr.Destroyer


    Well, I would probably be playing a good guy in a rpg so I would more or less do some of the same stuff as the others mentioned. Now, If it was me in real life, as I am for real in the real world, I would try to find the real Destroyer's psyche so I could obliterate it utterly to make sure that he is no longer a possible threat. Then I would find a way to transfer my mind back into my body and still keep Dr. Destroyer's suit (since I'd have his knowledge, intelligence etc.). After I was certain that I could keep my own youthful body with Destroyer's superior intellect, knowledge, armor/powers, and stuff, I would fire/kill most of his minions. I would kill the powerful ones like the Destroyers outright. The rest I would just fire. I would possibly consider trying to murder Menton as well since he might come after me, depending on the opportunity. Perhaps even send the Destroyers after Menton and then while they are weakening each other slaughter whoever is left. I would then sell off his secondary tech (keep the good stuff for myself) and live well off his considerable wealth. Of course, those are my objectives. With Dr. Destroyer's superior intellect, I would have a much better way of executing those objectives that I would with my own modest intelligence.

  4. Steve, I have a question regarding Drain versus Regeneration. I understand that when expendable Characteristics are Drained, the victim can only Recover up to the lowered Characteristic's new maximum until the Drain recovers. For example a person with 30 Body who gets Drained down to 20 Body and then later takes 5 Body from a KA is reduced to 15 Body. Lets assume the Drain Body has a Recovery of 5 points per year for the sake of argument. The Drained character can Recover up to a maximum of 20 Body until the Drain begins to Recover as per Recovering an expendable Characteristic. I get that.


    However, what if the character has Regeneration? Basically does Regeneration supersede the Drain's Recovery Rate in that it Recovers the Characteristic fully or is it treated exactly like normal Recovery (the Characteristic); albeit a bit faster. In other words, if the Drained Character in the above example had a Regeneration rate of 1 Body per Turn, could he Regenerate up to his maximum 30 Body in a matter of several Turns even though the Drain won't Recover for years? The reason I am asking the question is that under the Power, Regeneration, it states that Regeneration works against any loss of Body including Drain Body. I hope this all makes sense.

  5. Re: Champions Villans Vol. 1: Master Villains


    I really like the book a lot (the second one as well). I think the characters were pretty interesting and I like all of the background information. The only thing I don't like is this Shadow Destroyer business. I really hate the whole concept...a lot. I do think Dr. Destroyer is a bit over the top. I could not even imagine stating out a character with over 3500 points and 34 Science Skills.

  6. Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?


    LOL, I thought I was the only one who loathed that character. In fairness, I started hating him as a teenager because he was my best friend's favorite character; soooo naturally, I had to hate him :). Of course, it got pretty easy to hate him for just being him and being sick of seeing him everywhere after a while, especially the over the top portrayals of him. I did like his portrayal in the movies though. Still, I think the character I learned to hate even more is Plastic Man. When he was in JLA, he grated on my nerves. God, I was glad to see him go away!

  7. I am just a little confused (again) about something in the rulebook. I consulted both the FAQ and Errata to see if there was an answer there and did not find one so I am hoping you can assist me.


    In 6E2 page 54 (second column) it states "using a Combat Manuever typically costs 1 END (see 6E2 pg. 131), and the character has to pay the END cost for any STR or power used with the Manuever. Ok, I got that.


    However, in 6E2 page 131 (first column, 3rd paragraph) it states "some Maneuvers and other Actions don't have a listed STR value. In such cases, the character spends 1 END (unless the GM rules otherwise).


    One could infer from 6E2 pg. 131 that if the Maneuver uses STR (e.g. regular Strike, Move Through, etc.), you only pay for the STR cost (in END) not for the Maneuver itself. However, 6E2 pg. 54 states you pay 1 point for the Maneuver and then any cost for STR or any Power. I am working on the assumption of the latter. I am gonna list examples and what I think is the correct END cost. Would you be so kind as to tell me whether or not I am right or wrong and if wrong, correct me? Thank you.


    Strong Guy punches Speed Guy (regular Strike Maneuver, STR 50). Strong guy expends 6 END. He spends 1 for the Strike Maneuver and 5 for the STR.


    Speed Guy dodges the attack (using the Martial Dodge Maneuver). He spends 0 END because he is using a Martial Maneuver. However, if he did not know Martial Arts, he would spend 1 END (regular Dodge) but since he does, he spends 0.


    Speed Guy attacks in a later Phase (he is just that damn fast) with an Offensive Strike (using the Martial Maneuver, Str 20). He spends 2 END. The END is for the 20 STR, since he is using a Martial Maneuver he doesn't pay the 1 END for the Maneuver. However, had he been using a plain vanilla Strike (non-Maritial, similar to Strong Guy's punch) he would have expended 3 END (2 for the STR and 1 for the Maneuver).


    Ms. Mental jumps into the fray since Speed Guy's Martial Arts can't penetrate Strong Guy's formidable defenses. She attacks Strong Guy with a 6d6 Mental Blast. She rocked him (hey, he's a dumb Brick after all); however, she paid a hefty 7 END for her effort (6 END for the Mental Blast and 1 for the Other Attacks Maneuver).


    Am I missing anything here? Sorry for being so long-winded (not to mention the cheesy examples) but I just wanted to cover all of the bases.

  8. I tried to search and see if this has been asked before but I didn't see that it had. In 6E2 pg. 102, there is an example in the first column that I can't quite get a grasp of. It is the example regarding the character, Smashtacular, with his Advantaged Strength. Now according to the example, when he performed his Haymaker, his damage increased from 8d6 to 10 1/2d6. That is an increase of 2 and half DCs. However, since Double Knockback is a +1/2 Advantage and the Haymaker adds only 4DCs, shouldn't his final damage be only 10d6. The bonus for the Haymaker is enough to add 2d6 but not quite enough to add 3d6, which would require +5 DCs (instead of the Haymaker's +4DCs) for a +1/2 Advantage. I see the table reads 10 1/2d6 but according to the rules, there are no half DCs. Is Strength an exception to this rule? Is the table wrong? Is this just a bit of rounding on the table to make things simpler? Or am I just missing something altogether? Thank you.

  9. Re: VPPs in 6th


    Well, a Variable Power Pool with a Pool of 60 points, a Control Cost of 60 Active Points, and Cosmic Advantage (necessary for this comparison) cost 150 points. This is the same cost as a Multipower with a 60 point Reserve and 15 fixed slots. This assumes a fairly broad special effect, in other words, no cost break for the Control Cost to the Variable Power Pool (e.g. Cosmic Powers, Magic Powers, etc.).


    On the other hand, if the Variable Power Pool has a more limited special effect such as Fire Powers, worth say a -1/2 Limitation, then the Variable Power Pool Cost 120 points, which is the equivalent of a Multipower with 10 slots, which would have not such Limitation.


    I guess one has to decide how much is such great flexibility worth. Me personally, while I realize that 15 or 10 slots is a lot for a Multipower, it isn't a whole lot compared to "anything I can come up with for my special effect that the gm is going to be willing to allow" and this is assuming a gm like me who doesn't exactly buy "anything I can pull out of my ass is acceptable." I just think the Variable Power Pool is too cheap for what it does. Frankly, I'm inclined to alter the cost of the Control Cost since that is what gets modified. My two cents of course. Once again, lol, probably not too much help to you.

  10. Re: VPPs in 6th


    Hmm, I'm working on a campaign now. I don't have a problem with the concept of Variable Power Pools and in some cases they are necessary . I just think they are too cheap for what they do. I am just not sure how I want to adjust the point cost. I have number crunched a few ideas but I haven't decided on a solution. Of course, Doc Democracy, that doesn't help you at all with your query since I don't yet have 6th edition practical application to share with you.

  11. I'm a little confused about the mechanics of a power built in Champions Powers and I was wondering if you can tell me what I am missing.


    On page 40 under the power, Contagion, I am a little lost about the value of the NND for the Drain Con part of the power. According to the book, it is a +1 Advantage but I don't understand how. Under the rules for AVAD (6E1) it seems that Drain Con, which is normally defended against with Power Defense, is a +1/2 Advantage when the defense is shifted to Life Support. However, once the defense becomes NND the Advantage is reduced by -1/2. Therefore, shouldn't the total Advantage by +0 instead of +1? What am I not getting? I got a feeling that I am gonna feel pretty dumb once you answer this. Thanks.

  12. Hi, I am contemplating a Hero System campaign and I was hoping that I can get an opinion on something. I ran a game a while ago and one thing that was really rather annoying was the bookkeeping for Adjustment Powers, particularly Drain. I have a bit of a house rule but I want to run it by more experienced Hero System gms to check for any balance implications.


    Basically, the problem I have with Drain is that each and every attack is recovered separately. I can understand the logic but it was a book keeping nightmare. Drains are not exactly uncommon and having to keep up with several different recovery tracks for different characters was a pain in the butt.


    I was thinking about handling recovery a tad bit differently. Instead of every single attack recovering separately, how about every different Source? For example, if Leech Boy drains Strength, the Strength recovers 5 points per increment regardless of how many times he attacks instead of 5 points per increment per attack. However, if he teams up with his sister Leech Lass who also has Drain Strength and they double team a hero, he recovers from their attacks separately. In other words, one has to only keep up with two recovery tracks, one for each sibling, versus several of them (one for each attack by each sibling).


    The only thing the concerns me is that it can bit too big a boost for Drain since it doesn't have a cap in the way that positive Adjustment Powers do. But it seems that since Defense Powers and defensive Characteristics are harder to drain, it isn't as bad as it might appear. What do you all think? Thank you.

  13. Re: Multipower imbalance


    I think that Multipowers are ok except when they are allowed to be overly broad. Special effects such as "magic" and "cosmic" have been used to justify putting half the rule book into a Multipower (based on my experience). However, when you use special effects such as "gravity," "fire," "brick tricks," etc. it is not nearly as egregious in my opinion. I think Multipower is just one of those mechanics where the gm has to willing to put his foot down.


    For the record, I do think Variable Power Pools are too cheap;).

  14. I am just a tad confused about Grab-By as well as Grab as it applies to grabbing an object in another's possession. If you look at the example on 6E2pg68, the evil sorcerer rolls 3d6 in the Strength contest against defender. However, according to the Grab-By (and Grab) rules just above the example, he should only be rolling 1 1/2d6 because he should only be able to use Casual Str. I know grabbed characters can use full Strength against a grabber on their own phases when they have them, but don't they only have access to Casual Strength when the Grab-By or Grab is initiated? Wouldn't this apply to the sorcerer in the example? What am I missing? Thanks.

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