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Posts posted by ThothAmon

  1. Re: Planets of SF Author Hats


    Gibson I - Isolated but moderately technologically advanced world, socially and morally fractured. Corporate entities effectively rule the planet from high orbit. Seething masses huddle in poverty watching endless reality TV. AI and genetic engineering normal for the wealthy, sought after by the poor masses. No trans-system spaceflight. Societal malaise has led to excessive navel-gazing in virtual reality.


    Varley I to VIII - A completely colonised system notable for advanced bioloical and technological achievements including cloning, full-body transplantation, memory / personality transfer, AI and harnessing of black holes as power sources. The system supports a huge number of social, philosophical, religious and sexual variations with governing AIs set up to reinforce individual freedoms, population control and identity control. The exception is Varley III which is a closed world, having been forcibly colonised by an unknown alien species that is inimical to all tool-using life forms.


    Morgan I - Human colonies amidst alien relics that have so far failed to yield their secrets. Advanced computer / gene tech but limited spaceflight capabilities. Distinguishing features of this system include inter-world transfer of personality via electromagnetic transmission and the reduction of the physical body to the status of clothing.

  2. Re: Twisted Cross, Silver Bullets


    Why not water down the Delta Green WWII history - Nazis looking for Thule uncover the Elder Thing city in Antarctic (shoggoths) and the fabled Tectonic Agitator that separated Australia from the Asian continent - the Karotechia using Herbert West's formulae to resurrect dead German soldiers for use as shock troops against the Allied advance - Himmler's occult plans to summon Azathoth as a superior form of atomic bomb - Nazi / Deep One alliance vs Allied shipping - ghouls begin to worship Stalin as 'The Great Provider' - UK use of psychics to predict Axis air-raids.


    All good stuff :)

  3. Re: Tips on my First Character


    Kenn has given you character design 101 i.e. talk to your GM to discover what is going on. And as Hyper-Man says, grepping other character builds is a good starting point for your own.


    My first tip is a little bit of double-think i.e. decide what personality and traits define the character, who he is in the world, who are his nearest-and-dearest, what was he like prior to be coming a super. And do all this before you build.


    When it gets down to nitty-gritty, you probably want to be working around certain 'average' values that suit the campaign. In our campaign a normal with power armour who wants to be useful out of armour would usually have stats in the following ranges before augmentations:


    STR 15

    DEX 18-20

    CON 18

    INT 13-18

    PRE 15

    PD 4

    ED 4

    SPD 4


    Powers-wise you should probably have a look at the sections on Multipowers as that might be appropriate to your weaponised approach (ranged, HTH, darkness).


    As for the rest, it's a big, varied world. Welcome :D

  4. Re: Smarter than your average Brick


    Ever seen the movie 'Enter The Dragon'? Brick or otherwise, a smart HTH combatant will always choose terrain that suits him. Cut down sightlines and keep things at HTH range. Hit and run (or leap), ambush and retreat, float like a butterfly sting like a 16 inch gun.

  5. Re: Victorian Era, Mystery Driven, Paranormal Campaign… Help?


    The 4th Edition book Horror Hero contains a US Victorian horror campaign writeup with all sorts of stats and sourcebook material ;)


    I have some experience both running and playing in this era. My advice to the GM is to become very familiar with the class and societal divisions of the period. From POV of minimising shooting, earlier is better as you won't have reliable cartridge-loading guns using smokeless powder.


    Inspiration-wise I'd suggest looking to the fiction of Manley Wade Wellman and Edgar Allen Poe. I think there's a Caleb Carr novel set just slightly later than your preferred period. And there's also a rather good Flashman tale set out West.

  6. Re: Pilot Restores Pitcairn Autogiro


    Up until 6 years ago my folks lived in a wee village in S Ayrshire. One of the farmers who lives about 2 miles from the village, is notable for taking his gyrocopter out of the barn for the occasional spin over the Ayrshire countryside.

  7. Re: What Makes a Good Non-Human Fantasy Race?


    Just tossing in the background the races I designed in my original FH 1st Edition campaign and adapted to 4th and 5th...


    In fantasy lit (and RPG) lot of lipservice is paid to the idea that non-human races predate humans. Rarely does the implementation go beyond window-dressing for the world. I wanted a world where the humans were the newcomers, picking up on tropes from pulp-era fantasy from REH, HPL et al. The end result definitely leaned towards the MAR Barker model, no bad thing really. Flavours from Vance and Leiber also seemed to come through.


    At the risk of self-promoting, I'll cite an example; a race of nomadic cat-people, sociologically a mix of Aboriginal and Plains Amerindian Cultures (oral history, close to nature, spiritual development over tech development).


    My own take was from POV of worldview. Start with the world and grow the races semi-logically. The idea of a race filling a niche is a bit weird for me. It's probably the atheist / Darwin / Dawkins influence.


    Anyways, I've found it tough to stay out of this topic so apologies if I'm coming in too late or too haphazard.

  8. Re: Need ideas for Steampunk Over-The-Top Game


    I suggest Space 1899 or Castle Falkenstein.


    Off the top of my head, this depends upon your start year but...


    The superior scientists of Imperial China have developed a small(ish) steam engine of great power and coupled it to a small(ish) version of the Babbidge Engine. One of each is installed into hundreds of lifelike bronze warriors. The Empire has an unbeatable army which has already crushed Japan. Eastern eyes are turning to the West.


    Chinese airships have dropped their warrior troops on San Francisco and the Western US seaboard is under attack from armoured junks using steam cannon targeted by Babbidge Engines.


    Western scientists have failed to analyse an intact bronze warrior or Babbidge Engine. In captured bronze warriors the steam engine overloads with explosive force, destroying the delicate workings. With time of the essence the Diogenes Club has assembled a motley crew of heroes to infiltrate the Chinese production facility and steal the blueprints to the infernal Oriental machines. Once their weaknesses are known, effective counter-attacks can begin.

  9. Re: Realism vs cynicism The world's reactions to superhumans


    I tend to lean towards the idea that many supers would want to be part of society rather than an outsider. For me this idea tends to be poorly explored. A Secret ID does not necessarily constitute integration into society.


    Monkey psychology being what it is, a certain measure of fame may go with this. So you get the Transporter, a teleporting guy who forms his own courier company doing high-priced deliveries. You get the Siren, a super-hot chick who made Big Brother XIII so interesting by showing up all the contestants as parasitic non-entities; she has her own TV show now. You get the Rock, a bulletproof bodyguard who works for those in real danger. And you get the Mindbender, a telepath who is quite happy as a corporate shark.


    Comics tend to be oriented towards adolescent power fantasies and many comics fans are in denial about that factoid. This results in extremes rather than entertaining 'what if' scenarios.

  10. Re: Create a NEW Zodiac


    Must confess I liked the idea of the original Zodiac group but also felt that they fell short in many ways, both in terms of concept and abilities write-ups.


    As written Taurus was my favourite for the background concept, a really clever idea that just needed a little tidying up. I thought I detected the influence of Fred Sabherhagen's 'The White Bull'. The original Gemini also had potential. Most of the others were, well, misconceived and didn't really fit the alleged astrological personalities.


    I like the idea of using the rejected 13th sign - it's the John Varley fan in me. When this article appears please announce it here :)

  11. Re: Our Party: Explosion waiting to happen


    The caveat in these discussions is the idea of realism in a genre where people shoot laser beams from their eyes.


    The pure Boy Scout is a concept that brings a ton of baggage and has the potential to be laughable. The nearest real-world analogy is the cop who has never fired his gun - an extreme rarity if not a hoary old cliche. I often consider that Boy Scouts are blinkered. I do, however, appreciate those who are prepared to assume such responsibilities and roles because the world needs heroes.


    The pure Slasher Vigilante is also weighed down with baggage and just as laughable. Sure, people get away with multiple murders in real life - they're called serial killers (or politicians) and they are usually pursued fiercely then shoved onto Death Row (or retire to Martha's Vineyard) when caught. Some bad guys don't deserve to live. It's how you distinguish that kind from the rest that makes the difference.


    Realism means grey areas, value judgements, compromises, consequences, regrets and mistakes. If the GM has stated that such realism is the order of the day, anyone who comes to the table looking to play one of the aforementioned character extremes had better be prepared for the party games. Likewise the GM had better be open to exploring those character conflicts. Coming to the table without that preparation will waste everyone's time.

  12. Re: Yet Another PA Campaign Idea


    Do the reverse of the phsyics tweak in David Brin's novel 'The Practice Effect'. In that story the laws of thermodynamics are changed so that material things get better the more you use them as opposed to degrading through use (a quantum / thermodynamics fudge).


    If the thermodynamics tweak goes the other way then man-made devices will have a shorter lifespan due to hugely increased effect of wear-and-tear. Natural occurrences would not be subject to such a quantum observer effect ;)


    * BOING *


    Yes, it's rubber pseudo-science but the required effects are not wholly logical...

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