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Everything posted by Bookwyrm

  1. You let someone hit you with a 10 pound mace in chain! All I can say is, "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"
  2. farik, what type of blunt weapons did they hit you with while wearing plate or chain? Did anyone hit you with a sledge hammer or are we just talking about rattan swords?
  3. This proves my point about needing grip and leverage. They had to modify the car before they could lift its weight. The roof and floor were removed so someone could climb inside the car and lift the vehicle at its center of mass. No leverage was needed to lift the vehicle. Moreover, the shoulder straps provided the much needed grip. None of them would have been able to just grab the vehicle externally and pick it up.
  4. Weight Lifting is as much about grip and leverage as it is about the weight of an object being lifted. A person might be able to lift the equivalent of a small car's weight on a set of barbells but it is quite another thing to lift a car. On the other hand, how does a 10 STR normal who is 220 lbs. over weight even move will all that extra encumbrance they are carry? There are a lot of people who go about their daily lives every day carrying this extra encumbrance. I think there is a lot more about lifting and encumbrance than a bit of number crunching can solve. I think everyone should apply the common sense rule when it is required. As of yet, I have never seen a lone human being pick up a small car. I don't think it is possible. Humans are just too small to lift such a large bulky object. A quick and dirty rule may be to use a character's Casual STR unless they have a few levels of growth when trying to lift heavy objects larger than themselves.
  5. I own the original Fading Suns RPG and have been slowly converting it over to Hero stats. The old Fading Suns system used a point system to build characters and to purchase weapons and equipment. Doing a Hero conversion is not much of a stretch. I have been using Fantasy Hero more as the backbone for my conversion more than Star Hero. Shield technology and its feudal culture makes the Fading Suns setting more of a Swords and Starships genre. I have found the Spiritual Stuff coverts over to Hero stats somewhat smoothly.
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