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Posts posted by Tasha

  1. Originally posted by Nucleon

    Lightning reflexes, CSL's and PSLs within the OIF. Various detection devices, too. My opinion ond only that, of course.


    Cybernetics are another matter, and not worth the same limitation.


    Should Power Armors boost such things as CON and BODY too? Or just provide DEF?


    IMHO powered armor should be able to effect what ever stats that the player wants it too. As far as I am concerned if a player wants to give me the ability to take away her superhuman stats for an adventure that is quite fine by me.


    Con= on board medical systems that provide instant injections of medicine to keep the operator alert. You could also say that those internal dampners also keep the armor temperature at a constant level, and have the entire thing be totally insulated from electrical attacks.


    BODY is from thick armor, the ability of the suit to take punishment.


    Dex could be from detectors, leads and sensors that attach to the brain through the skull, or through a data jack.


    Speed can also be from the same things as DEX.


    In the Champions games that I played in we never had much of a problem with any stat inflation due to competition. We always knew what the acceptable ranges were. The Dexes were from 18-33 (23 being average. Speed being from 4-7 (5 being average). We always played that Bricks had lower Dex and Speed, Martial Artists and Speedsters were at the top and Energy projectors were in the middle. It all seemed to work out. We used teamwork on villains that we couldn't just hit one on one.


    It wasn't until I recently started a champions game with a new group that these assumptions came into question. The players all wanted to have a huge dex and speed. Kind of frustrating as I really like to run a game that is lots of roleplaying (talking heads and character/ plotline development) punctuated with at least one combat per game. It keeps everyone happy, especially me who doesn't really like to run combats.


    Tasha :)

  2. Originally posted by Reln

    You are corect a Masterwork sword in D&D is defined as a bonus to hit or damage. I wanted to save bonuses like that for purly magical weapons. I wanted to make Masterwork something different.


    I do like your idea of reduced stun I might have t swipe that mysellf :)


    Just to be picky. In 3rd edition D&D a Masterwork sword is +1 to hit. No other bonuses are possible unless you enchant the blade or make it from one of the special materials


    So the idea of +1 OCV would work perfectly to simulate a D&D style Masterwork weapon.


    Special materials:

    Mithral: the Weapon is 1/2 weight

    Adamantine: DC 1-3 base weapon = 1DC & 1 OCV added; 4-6 dc weapon 2 dc and 2 OCV added. (This is also not dispellable as it is the material and not a spell) This one if a little harder to mess with. It does feel like it is in the spirit of D&D rules. Though it does kind of feel like it is on the brink of being too powerful.


    You really have to careful with magic items in FH as they can quickly mess up the game balance.


    just my 2c,


    Tasha :)

  3. Originally posted by tiger

    One thing to remember is a Drow loses his MR outside the underdark. Actually they loses all spell abilities. Only retaining the natural Elves' resistance to sleep and charm.


    Of course I also know GMs that totally ignore this as well. Although TSR/Wizards have stated this many times, it seems that they don't enforce it in either their stories or modules :)


    Actually you are thinking in AD&D terms. In 3rd Ed Drow keep all of their abilities, they just start at a lower level to compensate for their powers. So no more stupid "you lose all of your powers when you leave the underdark"


    I seem to remember that Drizzt could use his Levitation and his other Drow abilities in the other books, but usually didn't for some reason. I say this as I remember times in the latter books that he would suddenly use his levitate (during the drow invasion for instance).


    Also if you are going to use a dispel to represent his Magic Resistance you would have to make sure that you make it 0 end, Continous, Persistant and inate as it cannot be dispelled. It is really expensive in Hero.


    Tasha :)

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