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Posts posted by BhelliomRahl

  1. Simplicity in systems, uniformity in systems. No loss to the toolbox at any level. No change to the actual granularity of the system

    I agree with this.


    I am a Hero fan but if its to have a future it need to change.  It needs to be designed so that a new player can pick up the books and easily create a character to play.


    I would want Hero to stay as a generic system at its core but with settings.  I would like to see a Core Book which contains all the rules, but have a number of Genre Setting Books.  Each Setting book would have Basic Rules specific to it but which references to the core.  This would mean that players could get the setting book and play right off, however when they want to expand the their ideas they could look to the Core Book.


    I would like to see a redoing of the Complication system.  At present its for the GM to use and introduce but what would be nice is a system which encourages Players to player their complication.  As mentioned linking awarding of HAP to them would be interesting.  Personally I have introduced elements of the Fate system in to Hero games particularly Aspects.

  2. I voted for the unusual.  I really enjoy have my players and characters leave their comfort zones and have to adapt to a new world.


    I am currently working on a fantasy/Space setting in which the characters start out as your fantasy world but they will start to gather hints that what people consider magic is actually advanced technology.  If they come to this realization the story is designed to take them to space.

    How the story will work out I am unsure but I am sure that it will be interesting. 

  3. I have been roleplaying for about 25 years and I like to think that I have played a very diverse selection of games (most of which I own) and I have enjoyed them all.  However since I got into Hero it has always been my preferred system.  I started playing 4th edition but only had the core books, I really started to get into the system with 5th Edition and made a real investment in both time and money, which I have never regretted.


    Hero is my preferred system because if I can imagine it I can make it and I really like that.  I understand that Hero can be complex, but that is only if I allow it.


    As stated preciously, "Hero is as Complex as the GM makes it".


    My friends always complained about Hero because of the Character creation complexity and complications as they saw it, so I spent several weeks making a step system where the players could choose from options: Race, Background, Profession, Characteristic Blocks (Hardy, Quick, Intelligent, etc).  It was a simple process and my players could build their characters in 30 minutes and they really enjoyed it.  My players had no problem with Hero after this and overtime they wanted more diversity from their characters and started changing parts and in the end are making characters from scratch with no complaint.


    I do still run games with other systems, Fate being the main one.  I started with a Pulp Star Wars/ League of Extraordinary Gentlemen using Spirit of the Century which was very free form and great fun. Fate Core is a great system if I want to sit down and start a game in 15-30 minutes with no preparations (It does have a lot of depth to it if I want to use it - The Dresden Files is a great resource), I carry a copy in my shoulder bag.  What I enjoy is the idea of Aspects, its, something I have implemented into my Hero games.

  4. Here is the text description of the talent Fascination: 


    Description: A character with this Talent has such a melodious voice, or such a knack for speaking or singing, that he can almost instantly attract an audience. He has a harder time getting the attention of distracted people (people who are in the middle of a battle, for example), but sometimes his power even works on them.


    Its a relatively easy build.
  5. I am currently working on a game where one of the key points is that the characters will have to make decisions which will either move them down the path of good or evil.  The path that the characters take will determine how their powers develop and how the world reacts to them.


    I am looking for a method to track this and was wondering if any has any ideas.


    My idea was a simple number system starting at 0 with additions for good actions and subtractions for evil.  These numbers could be used in relation to reputation and as a key for how the powers developed



  6. Name: Echo

    Power: Sonic Absorption and Projection - Able to store sonic vibration (noise, talking, etc).  She can replay it specifically or piece it together to form sentences.  She is also able to combine all the stored sound and release it as a sonic force.  With time she has learnt to manipulate the sound characteristics (Frequency, Amplitude, etc) this allows her to disintegrate objects and create areas of sonic interference to negate sound (Darkness Hearing - AOE).   



    Sarah was born mute, although all her other sense work fine.  She was always the target of bullies and was left out of most things.  Her home life was not much better, her mother had walked out when she was 6 with another man and her father had fallen to drink which lead to violence.


    She discovered in her early teens that she could absorb the sound from around her and release it.  With practice she could talk by projecting pieced together conversation she had heard.  From then on she carried a small computer with her and pretended that it was talking for her. 


    When she was 15 she was at a football game and the school bully decided to pick on her as usual.  When the bully hit her over the head she lost control of her power and absorb the sound of the cheering crowd and then released it as a scream at the bully.  The stadium was destroyed by the combined sound of all the people.  The bully suffered sever injury and was rendered permanently deaf.  


    Luckily for Sarah no one realized that it was her, they were unsure what it was.  This event changed her life, she realized that she did not have to be a victim and when she learnt of what had happened to the bully who had tormented her she was happy.  She started to get back a the people who had always bullied her including her farther.  People started to realize that something was wrong in town and when suspicion pointed at Sarah she fled.  She used her powers to take what she needed to survive, never staying in a single place to long.   


    It was in her early 20s when she first broke into a bank by disintegrating the wall of the vault.  It was shortly after this that she came to the attention of the Mutants of Mythos. 

  7. To determine cost I would ask 2 questions:


    1) Does the character have to use the power: a) for a continuous period or B) can they use it in a day for only a set period but broken up how they desire?

    2) How long in the game do daily encounters run?


    If usage is b and the encounters are relatively short which in a lot of my game the actual period of combat can be only a matter of turns I would not give this as a limitation as it is likely not to cause any complication.


    However if usage is a and encounters can take long periods on multiple occasion over a single day I would allow the Limitation: Continuous Charge 1-hour (-1/4) on the applicable powers.

  8. I have had a look at the Kickstarter and it looked great, so I have pledged.


    I would like to thank Jongibbons and mikelaff for posting here and keeping us informed of their plans.   I really hope that you can do a Hero version because it would round out the selection.


    I do use the Hero books as a Rosetta Stone for most games I run which are not Hero and it would be nice to add Extreme Earth to that list.

  9. My group are looking to run a new game with young super powered characters just coming into their powers.  I have just read "Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Super Villain" and found the young mad scientist character very interesting.  I'm looking to build a character with the same power as her.


    The power is: Intuitive Mad Science


    Power Concept:

    Intuitive creation rather than reasoned.

    The character wants a tool or device to do something and the design comes to his mind, the character blacks out and while in this state builds the device.  The devices design and construction is beyond anything they would have knowledge of or skill to construct, in most cases beyond the knowledge or ability of anyone on the planet.  Overtime the character will be able to remain semi-conscious and observe the work, possible understanding some of it and this will help him understand how it works.  If he attempts to exert too much control over the construction process instead of letting it work he could lose the design from his head and come fully awake.


    The Power also allows work which could potential take days to take hours and still built to an exceptional quality.


    At present the power does not like to repeat itself, cannot attempt to bring the design to mind a second time.  Also will only come up with interesting ideas, if the problem is boring or basic the power will not kick in, he has to think of the idea in interesting and out of the box ways.  With thought in the right manner can get specific themes integrated into design. i.e. Steampunk, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, etc.


    A second aspect of the power is knowledge of the design of other devices.  How they work and how to repair them if necessary, again in that semi-conscious state.


    Power Build:


    1) Skill: Inventor

    2) PSL: Offset Penalty for reducing base time of skill.

    3) Knowledge Skills with Limitation - Only for use with inventor, offers no conscious knowledge.

    4) Skill: Mechanic

    5) Professional Skill: Electronics, Robotics, etc.

    6) Skill: Weaponsmith 


    I would be interested in peoples ideas and takes on the concept.


  10. I have a metal based character that uses a swarm of metal for various power effects. She absorbs Iron and Steel and turns that into End for her End Battery. She can also Absorb Iron to heal herself. (Frack that's a messy build in 6e, much easier in 5e)

    Interesting.  I would like to see the build for this character if possible.  I use 6th most often but I could adapt some of the 5th material.

  11. In the Infamous computer games beings can absorb specific elements to use abilities related to it.  A Fire user absorbs fire, a Paper user absorbs paper, etc.


    I was wondering how to represent that characters need to absorb a specific element to power their abilities.  My thought was to use an Endurance Reserve with a Limited Recovery (-1/2) must be in presence of Element.


    I was wondering what ideas people have on this?




  12. Hail of Lead is interesting but it seems that it is replicating the Firearm Maneuvers from MHI p.204 - Multifire and Precise Autofire, which were taken from APG1 as Christopher mentioned.  Although I did House Rule that these powers could be used with any Small-arms gun with or without autofire to make it simple for my players.


    I like the idea of an AOE Non-Selective attack to represent a Hail of Lead and have used it in a previous game. 

  13. I have done it in an Anime Cyberpunk game.  I built a number of drones (Humanoid & Insect) and Vehicles (Exo-Suits, Aircraft & Cars).  I sold the INT back on the drones and built a selection of Computer programs.  Programs were built for a number of tasks; Combat, Pleasure, Secretarial, Transport, etc.

    The Players could load specific programs and additional skill packs into them for variable tasks.


    It worked out quite well.  I might have the Hero Designer Files backed-up, if I locate them I will upload them. 

  14. I'd get hold of the graphic novel Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface although you may also need the first series to make much sense of it. It's a cyberpunk series, in which the major character (intentional pun :)) is a full body cyborg. She speculates as to whether, she's a actually a cyborg: is there really an organic brain inside her body? She can't tell. Maybe she's actually a fully digital personality. At the risk of  spoilers, she actually does become a fully digital personality and then (subsequently) does inhabit multiple different bodies, very much like changing clothes. In fact, multiple characters do that (which can be a bit confusing at times).

    The Ghost in the Shell Books are excellent and I would recommend reading them regardless.  I agree with Markdoc in regard to the books been very inspirational in treating the Ghost (Mind & Spirit) as a separate entity which can be transferred to bodies (worldwide) as needed, with these bodies designed for specific duties.


    The GITS stories take this further by having multiple aspects/copies of a person operating and once.  They gain unique experience and knowledge which changes them, these can be merged back into the whole. However in one of the GITS movies it deals with one of the other personalities as the architect of the plan the main character is trying to stop.  Quite an interesting idea.


    Also I would recommend the RPG Eclipse Phase as the main premise of the game its that the Ghost is a program (computer) which can be transferred, copied, backed-up, etc.  You build the character's mental aspect and then select a morph (body) from a wide selection each tailored for different tasks.  Legendsmiths (www.legendsmiths.com/home) has done a conversion for Eclipse Phase to Hero which is very interesting.


    I have done several games with this premise and they are always interesting.

  15. It all depends on the Type of game I am running.  In a Dark Champions game I run actions had consequences, this included property damage from any attack they used.  Even hits could potentially cause collateral depending on its specific effect.  I left it up to the Player on what action they took and what actions they took was reflected in Public Opinion.


    Also years ago I run a Dragonball Z game (Champions 4/ Fuzion) and in that game the landscape was altered.  As a rule of thumb characters are harder than the environment and if they collide with it the environment is destroyed.  They even managed to blow an entire planet up in a battle.

    That was a fun game and I really did not put much repercussion into them and they always had the option of the Dragonballs undo deaths and destruction. 

  16. Interesting Power.  I like the concept for Capital Punishment.  My thought was, what happens to the displaced soul?  From how I read it the prisoner's soul is forced out of the body by the process and I assume moves on, of course the possibility exist that it could become some sort of ghost/spirit and remain on earth.  If the soul moves on I don't see away to reverse the process however I could see the spirit contacting a Warlock/Witch who would be willing to acquire them a body for the right incentive.


    I could see rich people trying to obtain near immortality by having homunculus created to resemble themselves in a younger state and transfer their soul to it (This assumes the homunculus life span was base on its physical form and not the age of the soul)  


    I can see this having a lot of potential for fun.

  17. Can a person recover from this or is it a permanent state.


    Either way I think using a Transform to add a Physical/Psychological Complication.


    Do they have any semblance of Free Will after the feeding.  If not I would also use Transform to Automaton as Lucius suggest.  An Automaton is a being/device which lacks Free Will; the powers are just additional things you can add but are not necessary.  I have used Automaton to represent people who have been robbed of their free will by magic.


    Another effect could be an emotional detached;  This could mean that they are highly resistant to fear and other mental attacks but a negative would be a lack of empathy leading to poor interactions.  

  18. The main way it differs is that it is Demon Iron.  This material is innately Magical and is one of the hardest substances in existence.  A weapon or shield created from it would be virtually indestructible to normal methods.  The magical aspect I need to think of some more.


    Its more as this is a Superhero Game any item I intend to use on a mostly permanent bases needs to be paid for with Character Points.  My GM has given me some leeway using this trick as he thought it was ingenious but has asked me to build it mechanically.  He had agreed to the fact that given time I can craft a metal item crudely or with proper tools very well but would like the items to be described (This was discussed last night).  That is why my initial thought was to use a VPP with limitations relating to Time and Skill to change so I could build what Items I needed.


    I looked at Object Creation In APG2 but it should not be used to create weapons, I could use it for creating small items like a Iron tankard for drink and so forth.

  19. I would appreciate the Link Shadowsoul.
    Sorry my lack of thought, I added additional Characteristics. Mana & Mana Recovery bought with same costing as Endurance, although recovery is per hour. 
    Blood Magic falls into a grey area, it was originally created thousands of years before the current Magic Council and at that time it was referred to as High Magic and was common practise.  However due to incidents it fell into ill favour and it use was stopped/lost in most locations.  Certain innate magical abilities used by some races could be classed as Blood Magic.  High Magic uses Life Force Energy, a specific and extremely concentrated form of Mana which is found in Blood. 
    High Magic was named Blood Magic by uneducated people who saw only certain aspects of it, the fact that Blood Magic is a very apt name caused the negative reputation.  Also a misunderstanding in the word Demon, Demon originally referred to any being not of the this world; gods, spirits, etc.  Overtime the name Demon became solely linked with the evil. 
    So Blood Magic was originally describe as


    "High Magic taught by beings not of this world referred to as Demons used Life Force Mana which is a more concentrate and possible purer form of Mana.  Using Life Force Mana increased the potency of normal spells and allowed access to certain spell only possible using Life Force Mana.  Life Force Mana travels through the blood of all beings and the most effective method of using it is by utilising Blood, however the consequence of this is that using too much can result in injury or death either due to Blood Loss or loss of Life Force Mana which all beings need to survive."


    Overtime this description was corrupted and the key points remembered were Taught by Demons and uses Blood.


    I have diverged from the Dragon Age Background.

  20. When in Demon Form his Body is Iron, he regenerates it in a couple of minutes when not in Combat.


    He can produce the raw material (Demon Iron).  However at present he only has very little ability to manipulate his Iron.  What manipulation he has is most instinctual in association with his attacks.  Given time he may learn to control it to a greater extend.

    As a Blacksmith the key things are that:

    1) He produces his own material

    2) He can generate his own heat to keep the metal malleable.

    3) He can use his hand as an Iron Hammer to shape the material.


    However he would require proper finishing tools (Honing, Tempering, Sharpening, etc.).  He also has to work the material as a normal Blacksmith would, however his advantage his that he could keep the metal at the right temperature which would allow uninterrupted work.

  21. I have been replaying the Dragon Age games recently and like the concept of Blood Magic. The general concept is that a Mage can use blood whether their own or another's to cast their spells instead of mana. Its also possible to enhance their magic and certain spells are only possible with Blood.


    Talent - Blood Magic
    This allows them to use either Body or Stun for Mana at a rate of 1-Stun for 2-Mana or 1-Body of 5-Mana. Am unsure about using the endurance, might remove that and only have it from Body as it meant to represent drawing blood from your body to fuel you spells.

    They also receive a complication relating to the fact that utilising blood magic makes a mage more susceptible to influence/possession by demons. I don't think has much influence in mechanical terms so are not awarded any points.

    Spell - Blood Magic Enhancement:
    Aid Magic 4d6 (24pts), Variable Effect (any Magic Spell; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (Fade at 5 per Hour; +1.3/4); Concentration (0 DCV throughout casting; -1), Extra Time (1-Turn; -1.1/4), Aid Self Only (-1), Requires a Magic Roll (-1/2), Gestures (Throughout; -1/2), Incantations (Throughout; -1/2)
    = 14 Real Points (79 Active Points)
    Must be cast using Blood. Might be better to have this as a Boost.

    Grave Digger / Blood Heal.
    A Blood Mage can draw blood from the recently killed to heal himself. This can be improved to later draw blood from hostile targets in the area.
    Heal – Simplified – Limited Power – Only works when in proximity to recently deceased who had blood.
    Possible method to increase the effect base on available number of corpses.

    Blood Transfer:
    A Blood Mage is able to draw blood from a willing being to power their spells (A sentient being who understands). The risk with this is that the Blood Mage could draw too much and kill or render unconscious his target. I am unsure what the best way to represent it is.
    My initial thought was to just say that a Blood Mage draws the blood from them with the same rate that a Blood Mage uses his own blood.
    Other Option: Drain Body/Stun; Condition: Target Willing. Linked to Heal – Simplified – Heal equal to Drain. This gives the possibility of incapacitating or Killing the target.

    The Blood Mage forcefully draws the blood from targets, the only defence is not having Blood. The pain from this is so intense that it temporarily paralyses the victim.
    Killing Attack 1d6 AVAD – NND (Defence: Does not have Blood), Does Body, AOE – Radius 5m; Gestures, Incantations, Requires a Magic Roll (-1/2).
    Linked – Entangle – 1d6; Takes No Damage (+1), Time Limit (1-Turn; -2½) – Constitution Roll to Resist.

    Blood Puppet:
    The Blood Mage has refined his ability to control blood that they can control the blood in a target to allow them to control them as they would a puppet.
    Mind Control 5d6 – AVAD – Power Defence, Works against Con not Ego.

    What are peoples thought?


  22. I am currently playing a Anti-Hero game.  My character has gained a Demon Knight's Powers focusing on Fire and Iron.  When he transforms his body becomes that of Iron but his blood becomes fire.  This allows him to make attacks of molten metal and fire.


    Part of his back story is that he was a metal worker/blacksmith.  Part of the Special Effect of his powers is that he melts the Iron on his hands when he attacks. He usually leave cast-off metal as he fights but this has not impact on the combat. 

    The thought came to me that he could use his cast-off metal to craft metal tools/implements by melting his body and allowing it to cool and then work it.  What this means it that I am able to fabricate Weapons and Shields but it requires time and planning.


    I was wondering how people would build this?  I am essentially making use of a special effect from my character power, so I would need to build it mechanically.


    My thought was a VPP which has Limitations relating to Time and Skill to change.

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