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Posts posted by Alibear

  1. Too true. In this day and age we don't need to go to our local gaming stores, we can order it online. We'll even get free shipping from lots of places. We don't need to have to deal with unwashed, unprofessional, uncaring, geeks who are more interested in playing Magic with thier friends than selling us what we want and thereby helping to ensure they still have a job next month.


    If I had that kind of attitude in my job I would be looking in the jobs section of tommorows newspaper while kissing my gf and sending her off to work..

  2. Yamo, have you thought about basing encumberance on casual Strength instead of on normal strength? I mean, people historically did not take a trip down to the tavern or to the next town in 8PD armour.


    (edit) After re.-reading this I thought that I needed to clarify.


    Casual Strength is what you can carry and lift without thinking about it, which is perhaps, what a D&D fighter going around nearly all the time in his armour represents. We do not see real world soldiers wearing armour when not at war for lots of reasons already highlighted in this post.


    Fighter-lad with 20 Str now has 10 str for the purposes of casual everyday-wear-armour. The armour that he wears "all the time". He could augment that when going to war and take the appropriate penalties inherent in heavy armour and having ten str instead of 20. Is that more clear?


    Otherwise, you, as a GM, have to impose some of the problems of walking around 24-7 in full battle armour.

  3. Originally posted by Dauntless


    As for damage ratings, remember to add in DC's from STR or from martial maneuvers...so that 1 1/2d6 sword could potentially turn into a 3d6 attack,


    Erm no. 3d6+1 actually.



    And someone else said location 14 doubles damage, that should be location 13.

  4. Originally posted by Toadmaster

    Armor Piercing (188 pts)

    RKA 5d6, +7 Increased STUN multiplier (+1 ¾), Beam (-¼)


    High Explosive (149 pts)

    Energy blast 17d6, Explosion (+½), Increased maximum range (+¼)



    I have to question the 5d6 +7 stun mod?


    I kinda expect bricks to be bouncing shells of the old ribcage..but not in this case.


    And the 17d6 explosion? How big is that blast? YMMV


    The rest looks good to me though.




    In the Shermans defence against the Tiger and such, they were produced in much, much greater numbers.:)

  5. Originally posted by Trebuchet

    ...better even than the vaunted Germans.



    Well, that is because Germans are more interested in getting to, and leaving from work on time than actually doing anything when they are there. :D


    Plus, they get a whole lot more holidays than North Americans, me I get 42 days a year.




    eddited for relevance.

  6. Bullets aren't made of lead anymore, are they?


    To answer your question. No, silver is just a special effect. Should fire or electrical EB's pay more just because someone theoretically might be vulnerable to them?


    Anyway people might just as easily be vulnerable to steel or whatever bullets are made of these days..

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