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Everything posted by tiger

  1. tiger

    Hero's Resource

    Good news! I just finished a talk with Dennis over at heroic publishing. and he suggested that I include not only the original group but the new characters that they've brought in such a Spark Plug, Icicle and such. So it looks like their particular book will get a little bit bigger
  2. tiger

    Hero's Resource

    I've decided to make these part of my TPP Champions Organizations series. The series is setup to show NPC organization for GMs and I think they would fit in that series better than my SID series or a individual book.
  3. tiger

    Hero's Resource

    I knew they were the original champions campaign group. I did not know however they were called the Guardians originally
  4. tiger

    Hero's Resource

    I'm not 100% sure I'm going to release it as a book, although that's what I'm leaning toward. I could just make them part of my SID line. Just want to see what people thought and what they'd like to see
  5. tiger

    Hero's Resource

    Nope. The Guardians original name was Justice Inc. Jason preferred I rename them 😁
  6. tiger

    Hero's Resource

    The Guardians are my creation where the League of Champions are the original hero group introduce in Champions, Giant, Flare, Marksman and such. The Watchers if Avalon is quite different from Circle. The group is neither good or bad and rarely takes sides, though individual members may, in the conflicts in a super's world. They merely watch over this dimension and protect it from the forces of other dimensions using the forces of this world to do so.
  7. Thinking of a new product called Hero's Resource. It would consist of a three groups that heroes (PCs) can turn to for help and information. The groups would be The Guardians, a good guy group akin to the Avengers, The Watchers of Avalon, a supernatural group guarding this dimension from threats from other dimensions and the League of Champions, the original Champions from way back when. This material is owned by Heroic Publishing and they are graciously allowing me to use. Would this be something of interest? What information for the groups would you like to see?
  8. That's about all I know of them as well I appreciate it too
  9. Haven't thought about it, have to do homework on WITCH not very familiar with them
  10. Forgotten Enemies #8 is out and soon will be in the Hero webstore
  11. Just wanted to make it clear. The prices on DriveThruRPG and the Hero Games webstore are the same for my titles, other than the odd sale I run on DriveThru RPG. This title is $19.99 for the PDF & $24.99 for the PDF & Hero Designer files on both sites. Unfortunately, Th Print On Demand is only available on DriveThruRPG. It's $32.99 for the Print On Demand & $37.99 for the Print On Demand, PDF & Hero Designer files. I hope this clears everything up
  12. The 24.99 if the PDF & Hero Designer files. However, prices are the same on both sites. Although the print on demand is only through DriveThruRPG
  13. Grimoire Arcanium is now available at DriveThruRPG and soon to the Hero Games webstore. Available in PDF format, PDF with Hero Designer files and Print On Demand. Hope you find it useful and enjoyable.
  14. Proofs came in and looks good. Plan released is mid-february. I hope everyone enjoys it and finds it useful
  15. The proofs are in the mail now, should get them this week. If everything checks out it will be released in mid February.
  16. I was hoping to keep it low if I could. Won't know what Vol III will be for a bit. Working on another project at the time.
  17. Unfortunately, there is no option in the POD for that as far as I know. I also can't have those pages as card stock and the rest regular paper. So this was the best fix I could do, sorry.
  18. Here they are if anyone is interested Oeramm.pdf Terror Inc.pdf Villains.pdf
  19. They are part of the files you can buy for $5.00. You get the PDF, HD files & Minis
  20. Sorry, decimal point in the wrong spot
  21. Hey All Just an update I should have the proofs within the next few weeks, if that happens and they are all ok the Grimoire Arcanium should be able to be released in January. The finial price tally will be $19.99 for the 262pg bookmarked PDF, $29.99 for the printed book and you can get the PDF and HD files with the book for an extra $5.00
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