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Claire Redfield

HERO Member
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Posts posted by Claire Redfield

  1. Re: Left 4 Dead Hero


    Ooh, as a big L4D fan, I really like this. However, I'd definitely have to power up the Special Infected a bit, I think, simply because I play on Expert Realism only, and I take that as the "canon" setting of the L4D universe. ^_~ But I like this. Maybe I'll try statting up the Survivors. They all play the same gameplay-wise, but fluff-wise they should be different. Bill may not be as physically imposing as, say, Ellis, but his skill with a gun and head for combat are unmatched by the others.

  2. I just played the demo for this game and the tone and atmosphere is fantastic. Totally inspired a desire to play a game like it. Since room just opened up on my schedule, I'd like to maybe take on something like this on RPOL or maybe try out that HERO central. It'd be post-apocalyptic survival horror/adventure set after "the Event" (whatever that is; doesn't even have to ever be explained) that ruins the world. Seems like it'd be really fun.


    A little more on the setup: this is much more a survival horror/survival adventure kind of thing. It's dangerous, you sometimes have to fight and kill to survive (with possible supernatural elements?), there are mysteries to uncover and possibly we organize an attempt to rebuild a community at some point. It's not Mad Max. It's much scarier and more serious in tone.


    What do y'all think? Anyone else play the game? Anyone else have a desire to game something like it?


    I have yet to really use HERO, so I'm looking for a good learning campaign. Seems like something like that would be pretty good for it.

  3. Looking around, and looking over the rules, I am guessing that you cannot post threads of character conversions and the like on the forum? I am just recently getting into HERO and I plan to do what I do on the Roll Call forum at Atomic Think Tank, or what I did with Marvel Heroic Roleplaying here, at Myth-Weavers. I will have to make a new forum over at Myth-Weavers if we can't post threads here, but I thought I'd ask, anyway.


    Also, hi, people! :)

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