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Everything posted by Crimson

  1. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Luke Moore was the runt of a family of movie stars. He had looks and talent enough to make it, if only he wasn't always being compared to his better looking and more talented brothers. He got suppporting roles in a number of swashbuckling and sci fi movies and even tried his hand at tv, but his career was going nowhere. The only thing he had going for him was that he always did his own stunts. He mastered several fighting styles while waiting for his agent to call. He waited a lot. His life changed when he happened to meet Circe. It turns out that she liked the idea of adding a movie star to her stallions. He was handsome enough not to need enhancement and he already had fighting skills, just a little enhancement to his abilities was in order. With his preexisting narcissism, he only needed flattery and a small application of her charms to agree to join up. He uses his connections, acting skills, and combat abilities to serve Circe's cause as Heartthrob!
  2. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Magni As the son of Thor, Magni is a being of immense strength. He has the potential to be one of the worlds greatest forces for good. Unfortunately, he feels that he has the great deeds of his father and grandfather to live up to. He tends to jump into battles he is not ready for. He relies on his great strength to solve all problems, even when he should use cunning or trickery. Most of all, he is not a good team player. He sees himself as the natural leader of the Aesir, his teammates don't really agree. He sees combat as a competition with the other heroes and spends an inordinate amount of downtime bragging about his exploits. Many is the time that his battle lust and impatience has forced the Aesir to bail him out of a jam. For all his faults, when it matters he really is good in a fight.
  3. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! When he just could not take any more, Eddie Erickson ran away from his abusive parents. Unfortunately life on the streets was not better, just a different kind of pain. Eddie had a plan to end the pain. It was another kind of running away, forever. He was on the bridge, looking at the dark waters far bellow him when his life changed. It was on the edge of the bridge like someone threw it out of a car not quite hard enough to get it in the river. It was a metal glove like a knight would wear. It was so out of place that Eddie had to investigate. When he touched it, the power was like nothing he had ever experienced. Then he put the glove on. It took a lot of practice, and a couple accidentally destroyed abandoned tenements for Eddie to learn to control the gauntlets fires. Now he can get the gauntlet to produce flames at will and shape them into a number of useful effects, he just cannot always stop them once started. He joined the Heat Seakers for their help in protecting his fellow runaways and street kids. He is the Flaming Fist.
  4. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Anna Andrews always wanted more, more than her boring family or her boring middle class home in a boring middle class neighborhood. When she found the gleaming golden gauntlets on her way home from school it seemed like the answer to her prayers. Now she protects the residential areas of superheroine city as the Golden Idol. Unfortunately, she doesn't really know how to control the gauntlets yet. She is constantly fumbling things and the blasters seem to go off on their own sometimes. "Sorry about your garage mr Jones. I wasn't aiming for it, really."
  5. Re: Heroes to Villains I don't generally change the heroes to villains but I probably should. I find it easier to create heroes. I have far too many of them laying around.
  6. Re: Best/Worst Characters? Worst- Titanic, an attempt to make a low powered superman with ALL of the powers. He was not very good at anything, but had all of the attitude as if he was. He got smacked around a lot and his teammates hated him. Best- at least most fun to play, crimson crusader was a psionic in a teen heroes. He didn't think his powers were flashy enough and had an inferiority complex.
  7. Re: Cassandra's Corner I am new to the game so I may not fully understand. I would tend to think that if the player did not take either complication then it should not come up very often. If the gm wants to make it into a recurring plot point he should give the character the complication and the points to use for something else.
  8. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns? Most of my npcs are copies or tributes of some kind. My favorite is flying fox who was bitten by a radioactive squirrel and gained squirrel powers.
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