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BoloOfEarth last won the day on August 29 2024

BoloOfEarth had the most liked content!


About BoloOfEarth

  • Birthday 06/17/1964

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  • Occupation
    Database programming

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  1. You absolute tribble. I dunno, sounds like a compliment to me.
  2. I wonder if he would appreciate the irony if someone tried to kill him...
  3. Captain America - not Nazi socks, that's for sure.
  4. Welcome to the HERO Games forums and the HERO System. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. If it's how to draw up a particular power, don't be surprised if you get a half dozen different ways to do it. It's a fun game system, bound pretty much only by your imagination. So anime magic girl phenomenon with sci fi elements? Completely do-able. Enjoy!
  5. Well, it was a nice nation while it lasted. But nothing lasts forever.
  6. The colors are red and blue, with white trim. (Brown and gold is, of course, reserved for the Cowled Cursader himself.) The mascot is, naturally, a Fox. No, a Bat. No, a Fox. Ah, heck with it, it's a Fat Box. Or was it a Fax Bot?
  7. Is "so so" kinda like "so to"? Or was that autocorrected as well?
  8. Yes, Buckeyes, go. Go far, far away.
  9. My favorite comments were: "Her crowds don't leave early" and "He's on his Errors Tour"
  10. This seems to be becoming somewhat redundant.
  11. Heh. Yesterday I told my wife, "I guess time travelers must be pretty much amateurs."
  12. C'mon, this is the internet! Since when has not knowing enough *ever* stopped anybody... oh, you said "meaningful" comment. Never mind.
  13. Huh. They spelled "Evil" wrong.
  14. Sorry to say, it took me a while to get this. I was thinking of the Thing from Fantastic Four, not the Thing from Addams Family.
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