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BoloOfEarth last won the day on August 29

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About BoloOfEarth

  • Birthday 06/17/1964

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  • Occupation
    Database programming

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  1. Is "so so" kinda like "so to"? Or was that autocorrected as well?
  2. My favorite comments were: "Her crowds don't leave early" and "He's on his Errors Tour"
  3. Heh. Yesterday I told my wife, "I guess time travelers must be pretty much amateurs."
  4. C'mon, this is the internet! Since when has not knowing enough *ever* stopped anybody... oh, you said "meaningful" comment. Never mind.
  5. Sorry to say, it took me a while to get this. I was thinking of the Thing from Fantastic Four, not the Thing from Addams Family.
  6. This cracked me up. It reminded me of a comedian (I don't recall who) that talked about getting a degree in Sociology. "One year later, I've got no job, I'm lying on my parents' couch watching TV and thinking, 'what book didn't I read?'. So I went back to the college and asked them, 'What am I supposed to do with this sociology degree?'" "You teach." "And my students? What are they going to do with their Sociology degrees?" "They'll teach." "Oh my God! This isn't college! It's Amway with a track team!"
  7. Hmmm... sounds like it's almost time to get your brain transferred to a robot body and begin solidifying your plans for world domination. On a more serious note, Duke, I hope you take good care of yourself and your ailing heart. We don't want to lose you. And if you can afford it, I suggest stopping by the hospital ward with a sandwich tray or something like that for the harried hospital workers, as thanks for taking good care of you.
  8. Those "incoherent old man shoes" are not just on *both* of Trump's feet. There's one in his mouth as well.
  9. Every time I've heard this joke, I've imagined the face of the politician if the check got cashed.
  10. So I've changed my view about God saving Trump (he says in jest). My therapist sent me a meme: God wanted DJT to live... so he can lose to a black woman.
  11. We are so screwed. We are so ******* screwed.
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