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BoloOfEarth last won the day on April 7

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About BoloOfEarth

  • Birthday 06/17/1964

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    Database programming

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  1. So I've changed my view about God saving Trump (he says in jest). My therapist sent me a meme: God wanted DJT to live... so he can lose to a black woman.
  2. That little alligator. He totally didn't deserve to be made into a pair of boots.
  3. Kermit, followed by Miss Piggy, Fozzy, and the rest of the Muppets.
  4. Probably scoring chess point against people trying to *catch* lawn darts. In their mouths.
  5. Obviously she hasn't heard from Trump. I mean, her husband gave his life protecting his family. In Trump's mind, that makes her husband a chump.
  6. For those who say that God saved Trump... I have to wonder, did He take the days off when Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and others were assassinated? Did He also save Adolf Hitler from the (many) attempts on his life? Did He save Mussolini from the assassination attempt where the bullet merely grazed his nose?
  7. I really have to wonder, when Trump became president, whether he came into possession of some incriminating info on various people in power, and has been using that ever since to get them to bow down to them. I mean, people who were staunch critics of him before the 2016 election suddenly became butt-kissers after he's elected. And that continued after he was out of office. If it was just a reaction to him being president, you'd think their attitudes would change back after he was voted out.
  8. I should be a jerk and say "Professor Steriaca, with his Seeker Missiles (turning people into clones of the Champions 4E Aussie martial artist Seeker)."
  9. ??? I don't recall sending an email recently to you. To what are you referring? PM me here if you'd prefer.
  10. I dated a girl (Jennifer) back in college. She dumped me, rather harshly... and then began dating my friend (who was my roommate while I was dating her). Then she dumped him, same way. (Refused to talk to him or even acknowledge his presence, wouldn't even say they were done, just pretended he didn't exist.) About a year later, they started dating again (guess he was a glutton for punishment) but then after a while she dumped him again. A few months after *that* he told me, "Oh, by the way, I ran into Jennifer the other day." I replied, "Let me guess. You had to drive over the curb and through a hedge, but you got her anyway." Strangely, he didn't find it nearly as amusing as I did.
  11. But did they start eating the chicken first, or the egg first?
  12. If four months until the election is an eternity, what are the four years *after* the election?
  13. Y'know, I never even thought of having it be a fully independent character. That's an idea worth pursuing. With it having Desolid, as LL suggested. Though I'm thinking that rather than just transmitting to Malva, it will also translate to those backwater Terrans and their primitive forms of media, so Firewing can dishearten Earthlings as he beats their strongest warriors one by one. So while it will transmit in Malvan, it will also transmit (and speak) in English.
  14. Cool idea about the Desolid. Thank you. Yes, the drone's purpose is just to broadcast and snark, maybe accidentally provide the heroes with some incidental background along the way. I was actually thinking of Firewing having brought a Malvan scientist with him, who can repair the drone if need be. I plan to keep the scientist (and his ship) in the deep background unless the heroes explicitly go looking for them. Then again, it could just have self-repair nanobots that bring it back to operation albeit with a relatively long down-time. That would probably be easier. I'm hoping for some kind of interaction between one of the heroes and the drone, perhaps digging for info on Firewing, and why he's there while the big bad himself is proclaiming his superiority and beating on the other heroes. I'm starting a long-term story arc involving two other alien races using the Earth as a proxy in their centuries-long war, with Firewing aware of them having done so with another planet in the past. (Blatantly stealing the idea from my very first Champions GM way back in 1983.) Having a friend (of sorts) in Firewing's camp could prove very useful to the heroes later on.
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