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Posts posted by Slim_McCoy

  1. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    Having not read them in over 20 years, I found a collected edition of C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. A childhood favorite can really take you back...


    I love the narrative style of these books, and though the style of writing is dated, some things never go out of style. Hopefully, the upcoming movie (movies?) will do the books justice.

  2. Re: The Coming of Deth Sturm!


    And since he's drawn by Liefeld:


    Distintive Features: Scar Over Eye, wierd horizontal lines across forehead and elsewhere (con, noticed)


    Distintive Features: Shoulders three times the size of his head, Thighs thicker than his waist, Hands the size of small spatulas (Non-con, Major Reaction: Disgust)


    And lest we forget:


    Distinctive Features: 2x normal human number of muscle groups, 3x normal number of abs




    Distinctive Feet-ures: Really, really small feet

  3. Re: Weapon Summoning


    If I understand your concept correctly, the weapon cannot be taken away, lost, etc. If that's true, Focus really isn't an option. If disarmed, for example, he just manifests a new one (and I'd assume the first would disappear).


    I'm thinking Linked is the simplest way to go with your End Drain, assuming again that you must strike the opponent's body (HKA) to strike his Ki (Drain). That would cover the requirement of having the Spiritual Weapon available.


    Or... make them slots in either a Multipower or an Elemental Control.


    Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (20 Active Points); Limited Power(Must pay END every phase; -1/2) 13 Real Cost


    Drain END 2d6 (20 Active Points); Linked (Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand; -1/2) 13 Real Cost


    Of course, there are probably at least another dozen ways to build this. That's the beauty of the Hero System :hex:


    Edit: re-organized my thoughts

  4. Re: Your character's theme song would be?


    Have had several characters with theme songs, most often Shadowrun characters...


    "Slim" McCoy (Shadowrun Elf) - inspired by Jim Croce "Don't Mess Around With Jim." Later, after the Bug City incident, BOC "Veteran of the Psychic Wars"


    "Kash" (Shadowrun Bodyguard/Assassin)- Golden Earring "Twilight Zone"


    "Beast" (Shadowrun Ork) - Disturbed "Violence Fetish"


    Daniel "Shaman" Moondancer (Champs Mystic) -Judas Priest "Under Blood Red Skies"


    Same Character, Different Game (Shadowrun Wolf Shaman transplanted to Rifts) - Metallica "Of Wolf and Man"


    Juan Carlos Arturio Roberto "Kobra" De Los Santos (Rifts detoxed Juicer) - Metallica "God That Failed"


    "Hunger" (L5R Ronin) -Temple of the Dog "Hunger Strike" / Papa Roach "Of Angels and Insects"

  5. Before I ask this question, let me say this:


    Yes, I know this question has been asked before, and the answer was "see the rules FAQ." Fair enough. However, searching through the "Advantages and Adders" and "Powers" sections, I can't find any FAQ relating to the "Variable Special Effects" advantage... the FAQ seems to end at "Variable Advantage." If I'm looking in the wrong place, steer me right :hail:


    Having said that, here's my question:


    With the Advantage "Variable SFX" on an Energy Blast, can some of the SFX be against PD and some against ED?


    Thanks in advance

  6. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe


    Blob: 8-10 (plus HTH levels)

    Juggy: 10-15 (plus HTH levels)


    Both of these guys seem quite slow in the comics. People never miss them.



    I'd have to say that they are both big enough targets to warrant a DCV penalty from Growth. They're not clumsy or even uncoordinated, but it's like shooting at the broad side of a barn.



  7. Re: Gun Bunny Question - Dual-Purpose Simul-Shotgun


    Here's a question for all of you Firearms experts:


    How would you build this?


    A big-assed double-barrel pump-action Shotgun that can simultaneously fire a solid slug from one barrel and those regular shotgun scatter pellets from the other.




    I'll submit this compound power as a starting point. Note that this assumes that both barrels will be fired simultaneously. Feel free to modify or develop as it suits you. The reduced by range and reduced penetration are for the shot rounds. 6 charges seemed about right for a shotgun.


    Boom Gun:


    (Total: 80 Active Cost, 26 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Ranged 2 1/2d6 (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4) (Real Cost: 12) plus Killing Attack - Ranged 2 1/2d6 (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4) (Real Cost: 14)

  8. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    "Night Watch" by Terry Pratchett.

    Another installment in the Discworld series, centered around Commander Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. A bit of accidental time-travel has potentially huge consequences. I hugely enjoyed the glimpse into the past and the explanation of how some of the regular gang got their start. Some more serious scenes than most of the Discworld books contain, but plenty of humor and the usual host of bad puns.


    "Virtual Light" by William Gibson

    As was said a few pages back, it's the Gibson-ian idea of bringing completely unrelated characters together in what are pretty far-fetched plots. Lots of sizzle, but not much steak to this one. By and large, it's good mood music for cyberpunk/shadowrun inspiration, but not a whole lot more.


    Currently re-reading "Desparation" by Stephen King. I'll hold comment for a few more days until I've finished it again... and may re-read the (sort of) companion book, "The Regulators" by (King, writing as) Richard Bachman as well.

  9. This may be a silly question, but it's one of those where the rules and logic don't completely jibe:


    If the power Hand Attack is bought with the Area of Effect advantage, is Personal Immunity, Selective Targeting, or Hole in the Middle necessary to keep the character from hitting himself?


    Logic tells me that the character would not strike himself, but that's an assumption that doesn't seem to be backed up by the game mechanics.


    Couldn't find this one in the FAQ, and I don't have acess to UMA at the moment, so any guidance you could offer would be appreciated.



  10. Re: Need ideas in Native American mystic...


    More on topic' date=' what about human who manifest as this or that totem? Or would that just make you another sort of hero with a mystic origin? This was used in Horror Enemies for a team called (ironically enough) the Totems. Basically genocidal Native American terrorists, which seemed to be a somewhat unfair use of several of the totems listed. Coyote wasn't *that* nasty...[/quote']


    FWIW, I used this idea in a Rifts game some years ago. The character was a Shadowrun-era Wolf Shaman who was recruited and placed into cryogenics for awakening after the apocalypse. Found out that in Rifts, magic was MUCH more powerful... he had aquired the ability to take on the aspect of Wolf at will, resulting in a 7' wolf-man. Long-term development suggested that he would be able to take on the form of a normal (maybe larger than normal) wolf as he gained understanding of the nature of his totem.


    Sadly, the bulk of what I know of Amerindian mythology is from Shadowrun.

  11. Re: Does your character blog?


    I joke with my players from time to time that they could just 'look it up on www.supervillain.com.'


    None of them has tried the address yet, so I haven't yet decided what is actually there...


    But it will have to be something, just because, well... it has to be.


    There was an old issue of Impulse where he found a villain's residence by going to the guy's homepage to get directions, and I've always wanted to do something silly like that.


    Yep, that website name is too good to go to waste.


    Soldier, the only Champs character I'm currently running, is still figuring out this whole "Internet" thing. Raised in near-isolation in a severe police state (see Kurt Russel's movie, Soldier for a general idea of his upbringing), he's fascinated by the variety, diversity, and oddity of Americans.


    Would he have his own fan page? Not likely. Primarily because he's still in the bush leagues... more than a Neighborhood Hero, but not big enough to rate more than page 6 in the tabloids.

  12. Re: Good bye


    If a person makes a factual statement ( "the Champions Universe does not need powerful superhumans to explain why the villains haven't taken over" )' date=' how *are* you supposed to say "You are wrong, and here is why??"[/quote']


    How are you supposed to say it? That's actually a very good question. Tact goes a long way. Tact could be defined as telling someone to go to Hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


    Some suggestions:


    Qualify your answer with "In my opinion...", "In my game...", "In my experience...", etc.


    Don't say "This is...", say "I think this is..."


    Don't be afraid to just walk away from a thread.


    This thread started, as I see it, because two people got into an argument like two dogs fighting over a bone. Either of them could have walked away, but they were both apparently so afraid of losing face that they couldn't just say to themselves:

    "Man, that guy is SO stupid. I'm not even going to waste my time trying to educate him." and go post somewhere else.


    Now we've got people threatening to leave the board, another being banned, and the bulding of a couple of armed camps. Now all we need is the assasination of a minor dignitary and we can have ourselves a good old fashioned World War.

  13. Re: Good bye


    Slim -- that's a truly excellent post. Mind if I steal it for future use? :)




    Feel free. It's the end result of a series of conversations I've had with John T (another board regular and sadistically talented GM). I'm considering boiling it down a bit further to use as a sig.

  14. Re: Good bye


    OK, this is going out to everybody on the whole board. I've said it in another thread but I feel it bears repeating here.


    You each choose to come to this board, or not.

    You each choose to read a particular thread, or not.

    You each choose to be offended by the thread, or not.

    (Note: by be offended I mean to have any negative reaction)


    Now, by the time you become offended by anything you see on these boards, you have made at least three choices. Your choices, your fault.


    You have the power, each and every one of you, to control your reactions to what you see here. No one can take it away from you.


    Step up and use that power.

  15. Re: Foriegn Captain America's


    This seems like a good place to drop a link and a snippet of the article..





    Next Story | Previous Story | Back to list


    09:30 - 10 September 2004

    He is an icon of all-American heroism - but yesterday it was revealed that Superman is set to quit the US for a West seaside resort. Weston-super-Mare, more famous for its donkeys than costumed crime-fighting, will replace the US mid-West as the place where the Man of Steel's spaceship crashes on Earth in an official comic.


    Co-written by Weston-born Monty Python legend John Cleese, Superman: True Brit, is a tongue-in-cheek look at how the tights-clad hero may have developed had he grown up in the UK.

  16. Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak



    I can jack it to 90 Active Points by doing 2 BODY per turn instead of 1...


    ...or I can drop Resistance to 4, freeing up 3 more points, and increase Spd to 4, making a lot of people happy.




    2 BOD/turn is tempting, but I wonder how often he's even going to take 2 BOD damage in a round. 20 Hardened (multiple levels hardened at that) PD and ED on top of 50% Dam Red (oh wait, no Dam Red vs ED. Okay, he can be hurt). Figuring 3.5 points per die... would take a 6-7d6 KA to even get his attention.


    I tend to agree the speed is a good choice. Even with only 4 Resistance, you still have a 19 (effective) Ego vs Interrogation. The 4 Spd is still in the realm of NCM, so it's not out of reach for a "mere mortal." Heroic, but nothing the kid down the street couldn't match, if you follow.


    BTW, the "Taunt" is outstanding. Kudos to S7Michelle for this idea.

  17. Re: Cultural Superstitions and Forgotten Practices


    I read somewhere (IOW it could be totally made up) that people used to split a tree limb and put an axe head in it so that the tree would grow around the axe head and make an axe.


    I vaguely remember this as well, but I associate it with primitive man. I'm quite sure they would split a limb to insert a stone wedge and bind the split together to hold the axe head. Waiting for the tree to grow back seems somewhat improbable to me, though.


    But as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

  18. Re: Tank chargen: low-strength, high-soak


    28 Healing BODY 1d6 (1 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1), Self Only (-1/2)


    2 questions about this power.


    1) Are you using HD 2.37? I'm showing this power calculates out to 70 active, 25 real. My machine and SK show the Extra time as -1 1/4 (see below)


    Healing BODY 1d6, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)


    2)No Always On Lim? It would make the power activate every post-segment 12 that you were damaged. Without, it would require your activating the power, and waiting a turn... not to mention dropping the real point cost to 21.


    Not to be a munchkin, but 7 points is 7 points... :sneaky:

  19. Re: Cultural Superstitions and Forgotten Practices


    Not sure of the real-world origin, but there's a David Morrel short story that centers around "Sin Eaters".


    This person travels from town to town. The residents prepare a lavish meal for him, through which their sins are transmitted into the food. The Sin Eater, by consuming the meal, takes their sins upon himself. Can anyone elaborate on the historical references?





    BTW, In the Morrel story, the question is raised "Who forgives the Sin Eater?" If you're interested, pick up a copy of his collection Black Evening.

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