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Posts posted by Basil

  1. Re: Magic item writeup question


    My Gm gave my (what I think is) a cool magic item. We are playing D&D in our group and so I want to convert this item into HERO stats.

    This is called Orb of defense. Oce per day it gives a +7 AC bonus, for the next attack only.


    I wrote it up like this:

    Zhenkir Orb of Defense: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), OAF (-1), Instant (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4).


    The PD/ED amount is unimportant for now. The thing I want to know is if the Instant (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) limitations provides the "for the next attack only" effect?


    P.s. sorry for the typing error in the subject line, but it can't be edited...

    To bring together what others have already said, the best way (it seems to me) to write this up is:


    Zhenkir Orb of Defense: Armor (10 PD/10 ED), Trigger (being attacked, +1/4) (37 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2). Total cost: 12 points.


    The 10/10 can be changed if one wants more, or less, protection.


    Making this work only against one attack is, IMO, GM declaration (in cooperation with the player, of course). 5th Ed., p.182, "Charges normally last for, at most, a character's Phase." {emphasis added}. That seems to me to put making it last less time in the land of Special Effects. If anyone disagrees, adding Instant (-1/2) to the write up is simple enough: the Total cost becomes 11 points.


    BTW, Killer Shrike: I'm afraid you're partly wrong. Triggered will still work even if the "owner" is unaware of the attack. You're right, however, that it won't work versus attacks the "owner" could not sense. :)


    BTW, Icel, you definitely do not want to make it a Recoverable Charge, as that means the character could do something that would make the Charge available as soon as combat is over, rather than having to wait for the next day. ;)

  2. Re: secretary to heroes


    Believe it or not' date=' I miscounted the squares. I thought it was 19 squares in each direction. It isn't. It's 9 by 10 squares. Assuming each square is five feet, that makes it 45 by 50 feet in size, That should be big enough for Carol's office and office space for the liaisons and team leader.[/quote']


    Ah! OK, that sounds more reasonable. :)

  3. While looking for something else, I came across a fact that might make for a scenario/story arc idea. But it would be, well, a peculiar situation.


    Now, the US miltary, like all militaries in the 20th and 21st centuries, has people sitting around doing contingency planning. That is, they go "Say, if we had to fight a war against the People's Republic of Svalbard, how would we best go about it?" And then they draw up plans (usually in broad, sweeping term, not in detail).


    In the 1920's and 1930's, the US military was doing this. One of the plans was "What if we have to fight the UK?" The result was "Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan--Red". One of it's most important components was an invasion of Canada.


    For more info, see http://www.straightdope.com/mailbag/mcanadawar.html


    OK, so why a plan for war with the UK? The article puts it best:

    The plans were an outgrowth of military reorganizations that had led to the creation of the U.S. Army War College (1903) and the U.S. Army War Plans Division (1921). Planning capability having been established' date=' the military figured its planners had better get in some practice.[/quote']


    Now, how would a GM use this info? I can see two ways:


    1) War Plan Red (or just the invasion of Canada part) is put into effect. This is pretty flipping weird, but some GMs might want to go for it. I have no good ideas for how the PCs would be involved


    2) Someone hostile to the US has stolen (a copy of) War Plan Red, and plans to (A) publish it or (B) get a copy to the UK; all this in the hope of embarrassing the US govt. The PCs have to get the plans back, or at least stop the thief.


    Well, there it is. Have fun with it. ;)


    BTW, that article has a lot of info re. earlier invasions/plans. The info would be useful as backdrop info for the characters to have/be given/find out.

  4. Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


    Regarding dual citizenship (aka dual nationality): See http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1753.html


    It's straight from the State Department, so it's authoritative. The most important part is:

    U.S. law does not mention dual nationality...The U.S. Government recognizes that dual nationality exists but does not encourage it


    More precisely, US law does not recognize that anyone can claim to be simultaneously a citizen of two countries, while acknowledging that other countries may have other ways of looking at this.


    Specifically, if Mr. X is a citizen of The People's Republic of Svalbard and The Democratic Republic of Kerguelen, and enters the USA with his Svalbardian passport, and then later tries to ID himself with his Kerguelenian passport, the US will not recognize the 2nd passport. Under US law, in that situation, it is so much bumfodder. Mr. X will be told, politely (at first) but firmly that he has to produce his Svalbardian passport, or report it lost/stolen and go to the Svalbardian Embassy to get a new copy.


    If Mr. Z is a citizen of The People's Republic of Svalbard and the USA, he will not be allowed to use his Svalbardian passport to enter nor leave the US, nor use it as ID while in the US (at least, to ID himself to the Feds).



    About people born abroad to US citizens, see:



    Note that this covers the only way that "before turning 18" enters into things. That is only in regard to such a person establishing his/her US citizenship. Also note down near the bottom, under "CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP ISSUED BY THE IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE" that such a person can get certified as a born US citizen even after turning 18.



    For more information on dual citizenship, renouncing US citizenship, and related subjects, the best explanation/discussion I know of is at http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a4_229.html

  5. Re: secretary to heroes


    Just for your information, the fastness is based on the version of Wayne Manor in the Batman Sourcebook published by Mayfair Games, in 1989 for the DC Heroes RPG. According to the map, Carol's office, the mansion's former dining room, is 90-feet by 90-feet. I just might have her office, which connects to the team's den, also connect to an apartment for her.

    You could just build her a house in the office.


    LOL. That's about what I was thinking.


    90' x 90'? That's one BIG office. ;) Now, office and living quarters, that makes better sense.

  6. Re: Known Space Hero -- Specs For Puppeteer Vision ?


    Except' date=' of course, for his periods when he is in a depressive state, and virtually catatonic. Nessus describes himself as being manic-depressive (IIRC), and while the manic phase certainly would not be disadvantageous for a PC, the depressive state would be.[/quote'] Hmm... True, though I remember Louis Wu was able to get Nessus to come out of "catatonia" by pointing out that not knowing what was going on could be dangerous. E.g., just before the Liar crashs, Louis points out that they need everyone to observe what happens because the knowledge could be useful, and Nessus unrolls.

    I'd call that a Moderate Psych Lim.


    True, but one could make the case that most of the non-humans (Kzin, Puppeteers, Outsiders, Kdatlyno, Trinocs, Grogs, etc) would have "Distinctive Features" on any human world. (And humans would have DF, plus a very short lifespan, on any Kzinti planet during the Man-Kzin wars.)


    I suspect that it wasn't so much that the Puppeteers looked odd, it was just very unusual to see one willing to risk itself in something so potentially falliable as a General Products hull. (After all, Beowulf Shaeffer managed to destroy one)

    I was thinking that even cosmopolitan folks found Puppeteer looks astonishing (consider the reaction when Louis Wu brought Nessus to his birthday party). All the sapients in the Known Worlds are bi/quadrapeds, with their brains near the major sensory organs for sight, hearing, and taste, in one head.


    Except the Puppeteers, who are tripedal, and have their brains well away from their two heads (which do contain the sensory organs for sight, taste and hearing). The general construction of Puppeteers is thoroughly different; enough so IMO to qualify for Distinctive Features even against the Known World background.


    Not to say other non-humans might not qualify for D.F. in some places; however, Puppeteers would qualify for D.F. even where, say, Kzin wouldn't.


    Though thinking about it, Outsiders would also always qualify for D.F., IMO, since they're not bi/quadraped either.

  7. Re: Known Space Hero -- Specs For Puppeteer Vision ?


    It would be a social limitation' date=' call it "Considered Insane By His Own Society". I seem to remember from Ringworld that Nessus was treated basically as a pariah (a useful pariah, but a pariah) by the other puppetteers, and had to blackmail them into getting certain privilages he was denied because he was a manic-depressive.[/quote'] Good point. Social Limitation it is, then. :)


    What else would be included in a Puppetteer racial template? LS: Immortality? In Ringworld Engineers' date=' the Hindmost implied that there was no longer a natural end to the Puppetteer lifespan. High intelligence, a facility for languages and mimicry, the hind leg as a weapon, access to higher technology than the common Known Space folk... what else?[/quote'] LS: Immortality sounds about right. +3 or +5 INT for a Package Deal. Linguist. Their ability to make almost any sounds would be, IMO, Images, Hearing Sense Group, with a limitation to reflect the fact that it's rarely hard to figure it's coming from the Puppeteer. The hind leg looks like a HKA to me. The access to higher tech could be done as a Perk.


    Contact with an organization (their race) is possible, since all the Puppeteers humans (kzin, etc.) ever get to meet are agents of their race. Reputation; both the Perk and the Disadvantage.


    There are other things, but they aren't really appropriate in a Package Deal, being better for individual (N)PCs: More Contacts, perhaps some Favors, Money, Computer Link, etc., etc.

  8. Re: Known Space Hero -- Specs For Puppeteer Vision ?


    Multipower, with 2 ultra slots.

    ___Slot 1 : 360 vision

    ___Slot 2 : PSLs vs range penalties


    Basically, if they're triangulating, both heads are looking at the same thing.

    Regarding your Slot 2, I'd have to disagree. I don't remember anything from the book that suggested Puppeteers were particularly good at ranged attacks. Further, the widely spaced viewpoint doesn't, in itself, give better "to hits" at distance.


    I'd make it Slot 2: Absolute Range Sense with a -0 or -1/4 Lim that it fades out at long distances.


    As always, YMMV.


    Oh, and I'd make that Increased Arc of Perception, 360 Degrees, take an Activation Roll, 15-, or Limited Power: Not If Concentrating On One Person Or Thing (-1/4 either way); there are times in Ringworld where Nessus clearly focuses on one person/thing to the exclusion of look all around. Plus, there's his "laughter".



    Oh, and Nessusian "insanity" isn't really a Disadvantage for a PC, but might be for an NPC.



    Last note: don't forget Distinctive Features. Even the most cosmoplitan sapient in the Known Worlds setting found those non-humanoid critters astonishing looking. ;)

  9. Re: Sci-fi swear words?


    Not swearing 'zactly, but "mucker" from Stand...


    Oh no I can't remember!:stupid: I feel so BLONDE!:idjit::doi::cry:


    Stand On Zanzibar. :)


    Which also gives us "slotting bleeder."


    "Om take it!" is in one of the Diskworld books; I forget which.

  10. Re: Limitations You Would Like to See More Often


    No Conscious Control If Player Isn't Paying Attention.


    That's in Hero System terms---sorta. The idea comes from a D&D-oid game I once played with a GM who, if he thought someone wasn't paying attention, would call their name, point at them, and snap out a question about the combat. The questions were usually things like "About what fraction of the crowd of kobolds have been killed?" or "Who's been using fire magic?" Not too detailed, but enough to show if the player was paying attention.


    If the player couldn't answer, the GM took over the character for the next action. Which was usually charging into, or out of, HtH combat. :eg:


    The player could reply "challenge!" and the GM had to point to someone else (GM's choice), and ask the same question. If the second player couldn't answer, the first was off the hook. If he could, the GM controlled the next two actions of the character.


    All in all, it kept the players paying attention very closely, but the GM couldn't abuse it by asking too recondite questions.

  11. Re: Pulp Hero art praise!!


    All I can say is "Chapter 3? Hubba Hubba!"



    "And so flexible, too!" :eg:


    BTW, whoever did the aeroplane on page 45 is to be congratulated; far, far too often the Cross of Lorraine is misdrawn as a Patriarchal Cross. Good to see it done right for a change.

  12. Re: Sci-fi swear words?


    BTW' date=' how long ago did your friend use the word? Galactica is over 27 years old.[/quote']


    Um, about that or maybe more. Perhaps as much as 30 years back. In any event, he explained it as common where he came from.

  13. Re: I'll Never Play Pulp


    Just got the PH book a bit ago ... still absorbing it and will be posting some info soon :)


    Thankee kindly. Will be waiting to hear.


    BTW, you are talking about an IRC channel, or other "chat" thingy, right?

  14. Re: Sci-fi swear words?


    "Felgercarb" should be "feldacarb" and is in use for "that, ya know, guck. The stuff whose name I forgot" in parts of the mid-west USA. I had a friend who came from south Indiana, used the word all the time. BTW, that means it's not a swear word, any more than "thingamabob" or "wossname" is.


    "Flup" from Niven's Ringworld stories.


    I, too, always though "smeg" was short for "smegma."


    I'm trying to remember where I saw "ham it to dell". :rofl:

  15. Re: Limitations You Would Like to See More Often


    Something to bear in mind is that a lot of players want to play Champions so they can get away from their day to day mundane lives. Why should they go to a game session and then spend time doing the sorts of things they're trying to get away from in real life?

    Doing that stuff in a gaming session? No.


    Knowing what your character's been doing since the last gaming session? Yes!


    Look at it this way: suppose the GM starts the session by telling all the players, "In the game world, it's now five days since the end of last session (where the heroes did this-and-that). Write down the highlights of what your character has been doing in the meantime." If a player has absolutely no idea -- not a glimmer of a hint of a concept -- of what his/her character does "off stage," that player has to get to work turning a pageful of numbers into a character. Mind you, I'm not talking about a 20-page narration; an outline is probably all anyone is interested in, or can reasonably expect.


    I believe that's what (most) people have been saying. At least, it's what I'm trying to get at. :)

  16. Re: Determining Gravitic Pull


    Yes. Now' date=' "Consider a Spherical Cow...." :D

    The way I heard the joke, it was a spherical chicken. ;)


    ajackson: re. your write-up of a black hole---I don't think you should use STR, because what you're trying to do with "Gravity Well" is all the "strength" the singularity has. As well, I'd change the "Gravity Well" to TK, AoE Radius, MegaScaled, Personal Immunity, Only To Pull Towards Itself. That, after all, is what gravity does---it reaches out and grabs and pulls toward.


    Steve Long: Just for the fun of it---lets have Measurement Man, who can detect and measure very small quantities. He's 100 kg (largish fellow). He holds a 1 g mass; and feels the pull caused by Earth-normal gravity on it. Now, we TP in BigLargeDude, one hex (2 m)from Measurement Man, who tells us the pull on his whole body is the same as on that 1 g lump. How much does BigLargeDude mass?


    Well, since both people involved aren't spheres, we can't tell. However, if they were, BigLargeDude would mass ~5,878,800 kg (~5878.8 Mg {"metric tons", ick}). BigLargeDude, if he touches Measurement Man (we're assuming he's spherical, remember) has a radius of 2 m, a volume of ~33.51 cubic meters, and must therefore have a density of ~175 times water. In short, he's pretty dense; the densest element is Osmium, which is about sg 22.6. BigLargeDude is definately not normal matter. (His density has undergone pretty close to seven-and-a-half doublings, since humans are almost exactly the same density as water) (if allowing point-by-point Density Increase, call it 37 points of DI).


    Now, what if we want Measurement Man to feel a pull equal to that of -- not one gram in Earth's gravity, but one kilogram? Now BigLargeDude masses ~5,878,800,000 kg. (5.8788 Tg). If still the same size, he's more than 175,000 times as dense as water. I don't know what the density of a white dwarf is, but I suspect we're getting up into that range. His density has undergone about seventeen-and-a-half doublings, which would be around 87 points of DI.


    And we're still pretty much in the "flavor" area when it comes to effects on Measurement Man. Not so the ground under BigLargeDude! Let's turn the BigLargeDude of the second example into a cube (same volume, BTW). He now has an area on each face of ~10.39 m squared. With his mass, that's about 5547 MegaNewtons pressure on whatever he's "standing" on. Or, ~55,470 atmospheres. Or, 565.6 million kilogram-force-equivalents/m^2, or 56,560 kilogram-force-equivalents/cm^2.


    Which will punch a hole through everything except Plotdeviceium. ;)

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