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Bud Gray

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Everything posted by Bud Gray

  1. Re: Need help with DEMON plot Thanks for all the suggestions, and please keep them coming. To answer a few questions (in no particulaer order): Yes, Bud is fine. No, the player didn't read the DEMON book before making her character. I had just finished reading it and noticed the similarities and ran with it. The player made it too easy for me when she was stuck for a disadvantage and gave her character a "mystery" hunted. I warned her that I would have to fill in the balnks for that and she was OK with that. The character in question is calling herself Nepthys. I'm not looking to take out any of my PCs. This whole situation just evolved. I origionally planned to drag this plotline out for a long time, but time constraints and just the way everyone role-played and the dice rolls forced thigs along faster than expected. I'm not complaining. I'm thrilled that everyone in the game became so interested in the way things happened. I just need help finding a good resolution that won't slaughter my PCs or seem too forced. I have no intention of having the Inverted Trinity personally show up to fight the characters, though the Black Shepard might stop by to talk to Nepthys. So far, Luther Black has just sensed that someone touched by Qliphothic energy has started being active, he saw her similarity to his visions and started trying to contact her in her dreams. The dreams are of her floating in deep, deep water while a strange buzzing is heard in the background. She feels an oppressive fear and wakes up covered in water. In the first dream, she actually was still asleep and went to breakfast. Her mother asked her "When you looked into the eyes of the King, what did he say?" (It seemed cryptic enough to keep her quessing without revealing too much) and then her mother seemed to turn into a rotting corpse (I descibed what Luther Black looks like now). Since then, I've had other people ask the same question whenever her Mystery Hunted showed up. The one that freaked her out the most was a friend of her character who was in a coma. She also (with some rather spectacular EGO rolls) managed to figure out what the buzzing was in her dreams. It was the sound of millions of voices whispering the same question. Basicly, Black is trying to figure out if she was actually chosen by the King of Lost Hope or if it's just coincidence. She's managed to resist him pretty good so he's unable to find out any more without taking more direct action. But he doesn't want to reveal himself. So far, the player has been activly researching as much as possible and looking for help from others. She has gotten Witchcraft from the Champions involved. I have given the player a heads up about what has been going on, hopefully without spoiling anything for anyone, and she's ok with it. She really wants to do the supermage thing now and has expressed a desire to have her character be an avatar for the goddess Nepthys. I also warned her that that might not be too much better than having the Kings of Edom after her, but she insists. Currently she's borrowing my Mystic World book to better understand how all that is gonna work. So I hope that helps clarify things a little more. Once again thanks for all the help. And I'm sorry if this rambled a bit.
  2. I need some help with a plot I started laying the griundwork for in my current Champions campaign. After picking up and reading through the whole DEMON book, one of my players made up a character that fit in perfectly with Luther Black's vision of the person who would represent the King of Lost Hope. (A young woman with pale skin and black hair, and a shadow manipulator to boot.) It was too good an oppertunity to pass up so I started setting it up that Luther Black was contacting her through her dreams. It's gone on for a few sessions now and I have the player freaked out about it. We're on a break from the campaign as someone else takes a turn running something, so I've decided to finish off her plot when we go back before it gets old and everyone loses interest. Now I'm not sure how to proceed. IN the DEMON book, it seems that when Luther Black is ready for another member of the Inner Circle, the Black Shepard just shows up and collects them. Usually after they commit some evil that leads to their origin. So far, this character has held strong to her morals, no sudden urges to kill a villian or anything like that. In fact she's been horrified with any weird stuff I pull that might tempt her. My current thought process is that the local demonhame would be subtly instructed to put the pressure on. Try to get her to embrace evil somehow. I'm just not sure how to pull it off that didn't seem too goofy (Like a COBRA plot.) Also I am pretty sure that the current placeholder for the King of Lost Hope, Dyer Vander Bleek, would not be pleased with the situation. Here's a little bit about the character in question. She came into her powers of shadow manipultaion after a near death incident when she almost drowned. She's so far been trying to lead a normal life, but got sucked into being a superhero by happenstance and the other characters. She'a based her character after the Egyptian goddess Nepthys. Her attack of preference is a PRE drain (right out of the Superpowers Database book.) She also has a BODY drain that she usually uses on inanimate objects, but she has used it on villians that were too powerful to effect otherwise. This led to a near fatality in the last session. She also had a power surge during one session that led to a Russian mobster being killed and his body inhabited by a Qliphothic entity (this was purely plot driven by me. She just teleported him and the entity took advantage. I really just wanted to scare everyone, he wasn't supposed to die, but it worked so well, I ran with it.) The player has also read the Ultimate Mystic book I just picked up and decided she wanted to have a "radiation accident" and become a full supermage. I figured that the goddess Nepthys herself would have a hand this, though after looking up a little info on her I doubt the player would find Nepthys that much better than Luther Black. Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Actually, has anyone seen the comic book Empire? It's about an aroured supervillain who does take over the world. It can give some good ideas about what a world under Dr. Destroyer might be like.
  4. Thanks Thanks. That one was done as a wedding gift for my sister. The origional didn't survive the move to a new house. ;-( Luckily I made a copy on a laser copier and scanned it into my PC.
  5. back for seconds. And another.
  6. My turn. Here's one of mine I did.
  7. Just thought of another. I was using Baron Frost against my players. This was after several discussions about Dr. Destroyer and my unleashing of a Nazi mad scientist, Dr. Eisenfaust, on them. Before going into battle, they had a briefing with thier PRIMUS liason. PRIMUS agent (me): Baron Frost was born in Germany... Xander (Alien mentalist/energy projector) in complete emotionless monotone: "First Dr. Destroyer, then Dr. Eisenfaust, now Baron frost. Are all of your supervillians from Germany? Perhapse you should arrest the entire country." Short pause Me: "Shut up." It will be a long time before I can use any NPCs from Germany.
  8. Okay, one more. I had unleashed my big, unstopable, brick, Negaton, on the heroes. While the rest of the team was assembling to help stop him, the team's speedster, Nomad, was faced with the task of keeping the beast busy. He made constant hit and run attacks against Negaton with little effect other than to make him mad. And at the end of every passing strike Nomad would taunt Negaton to keep him focued on him rather than innocent bystander. Nomad: "Come on, Grape Ape, try and catch me!" Negaton growls and grabs a nearby pickup truck. Nomad: "Nonononono, don't do that, I'm coming back!" I still missed the bugger. But I got me revenge with Baron Frost and his damage shield.
  9. Here's another. I was running a fantasy hero game a while back. The heroes had found an evil cult that had been kidnapping the locals for sacrifices. Thae PCs made their way to the main chamber where the cult was about to start a big cerimony. Of course, a fight ensued. While the priest held off the undead, the wizard decided to start tossing molotov cocktails down the hole that the giant leeches (that the cult fed captives to) came out of. This caused the complex to catch fire. Meanwhile, the knight had come accross an evil knight and the two were having an honor duel. Right in the escape path. As the rest of the group came rushing up, trying to escape the flames, the dwarf's player remarked: "Will you just take him as a disadvantage so we can go!"
  10. I did a revamp of Los Asesinoes (dropped a couple members, added a couple new ones, and rewrote a couple) and used them a henchmen to the new Professor Muerte. For a couple weeks I had Stalker seduce the PC, Diva. After they had, ahem, consummated the relationship, he invited to a big party full of rich people, where stalker and his team promptly took everyone hostage as a distraction to Professor Muerte's real plan. Stalker offered to make Diva a vampire and live with him forever. She refused and was taken captive. When the rest of the team showed up and freed her, the big fight began. The french warewolf, Loupe Garou, jumped Horus, the armored hero, and brought him to the ground, but before he could rip his armor open, Horus let loose with his helmet's laser (RKA), killing the warewolf outright, promting this exchange: GM (me): "You now have a dead werewolf on top of you." Xander (team mentalist): "Wouldn't he revert back to his true form when he died?" GM (me): "You're right." (to Horus) "You now have a naked dead man on top of you." (turning to Diva's player) "I guess your character would know what that's like." She promtly jumped up and chased me around the room with a foam LARP sword.
  11. LOL! You should check out Surbrook's Stuff. He has revisions on all the EE character on his site.
  12. I was visiting my local comic/game shop last weekend and found the store manager going through some old games that the owner had finally desided to sell off. It was kind of neat going through some of those REALLY old games. (Some were never played! The counters weren't even punched out!) ONe of the games was the origional Champions boxed set. (That was used. A lot.) I've never seen the origional cover before and was wondering, is the villian on the cover suposed to be the villian Holocaust that is in CKC? The description of his costume is almost exactly like the one pictured on this old cover. Was Holocaust an origiona villian of the Champions game that made it to 5th ed?
  13. <> Actually, there is going to be an Abomination fig in the next expansion. You can see a pic on this site: http://www.hcrealms.com/
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