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Posts posted by SatinKitty

  1. Re: Ravenswood Academy Yearbook


    Hey Doc:


    Good to see you again. Only mistake I found after a quick look is the name "Tabitha" is spelled that way. One "b".


    Otherwise, I think you have another winner, just like those "MtG" cards of yours. I am looking forward to seeing how this develops. :)

  2. Re: The Last Word




    I used to map out how a conversation got where it was with friends. They'd sidetrack the conversation, then I'd eventually get my word in edgewidse bringing us back to the original point. This would lead to someone asking, for instance, "How did we get from Borders to an abortion debate, anyway?" And then we'd further derail everything by tracing all the points in the conversation.


    Kind of interesting, actually.


    This is the way OddHat's Mom talks all the time.

  3. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did


    I haven't checked, but does anyone remember Ex- Mutants ? It was in the mid to late 80s, only lasted a few issues, then branched into the New Humans, then dissipated. My favorite was Elfquest, which may still be around. At least it was about 12 years ago, I think. After the end of its first part, in I think 1981, the Authors took a break and invited readers to continue to write them and share comments, opinions and compliments. They must've gotten hundreds of letters a day, at least. One of the proudest moments in my life was when I saw my letter published in the comments and editorial issue they put out before beginning part two of the series. My old Elfquest books and the one with my letter in it are long gone, alas. It was like being published.

  4. Re: What's the best way to conquer Canada?


    Perhaps it's time for Teleois to let a plague loose, wait a year until panic builds, then offer to 'cure it' in exchange for things. He could then try to turn Canada into the world's premeire medical power... selling a varient of the cure (One that merely holds it at bay rather than removes it entirely) to the now infected United States.




    We've got that already. It's called the Pharmecutical Industry.

  5. Re: The cranky thread




    I'm not sure I understand:


    It's 65 in your office and your fingers are blue?


    You must be very sensitive, but I don't know why your coworkers need it that cold. Maybe Archermoo should be doing your job. He considers 70 hot.

  6. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


    After about 15 years, I'm getting back in touch with my College Sorority. It is not one of the Grand Old ones, it is only 25 years old, and I remember its beginning well. As soon as Yahoo processes my membership, I can join their Yahoo group. It will be nice to go back to part of my wild, wild youth. :D

  7. Re: The cranky thread


    I'm so pissed at my Former Hairdresser's Assistant. The Hairdresser is going through a messy Divorce with her Husband who owns the business, and is now gone and not coming back. Now this Hairdresser pried into the INTIMATE personal lives of ALL her clients. So what happens ? The Assistant told OddHat today she isn't telling anyone anything "Because it's nobody's business." Now we KNOW if the Hairdresser or her Mother were there, they would complain and complain about the Husband. But after all the details she pried out of OddHat and I about OUR lives to be told by this snotty Assistant that it's "None of our business" ???


    Also I CANNOT get ATMs that make you slide your card down a slit to work. I CANNOT slide my card right. It takes 3-4 tries IF I can manage it at all. When I finally got one working today, the transaction did not go through. My Dragon Jane would have put her fist through it at that point. I had to stomp all the way to the other end of the Mall to the one at Customer Service that has a different kind of card reader.

    Now my stomach hurts, my jeans are too tight and I am going to go to Karate Class tonight if my stomach stops hurting and punch, kick and scream. :mad:

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