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Posts posted by SatinKitty

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Today in the South Street, Philadelphia Comic Book Store, I saw T-shirts of the Statue of Liberty with fangmarks on her neck and a dazed expression in the arms of a vaguely-familiar looking Vampire. I asked myself, who is that Actor ? I KNOW I've seen him somewhere. Suddenly I realized it was President Bush. :eek:

  2. Re: WWYCD: Hostages for the Holidays


    Like all Therapists, MINDFLAIR is at her busiest this time of year. If said Villain is not an Egoist, getting him to put down the gun/drop his powers and come with her should be no problem. If he is, she'll rely more on diplomacy and persuasion and hope her reputation wins her a few extra dice of presence. Once he is in her custody there is a long night's work ahead where she gets him to release as much grief as immediately possible and convinces him that THIS WAS NOT THE WAY. Her goal by morning would be to convince him to turn himself in and cooperate with the authorities. She would tell him they would probably go easier if they knew he was getting help, and offer her services. Then he's got the ball.

  3. Re: Which supers movies were better than you expected, which were worse?


    Out of those I had some expectations of:


    Incredibles - this one I didn't really have particular expectations for but heard a bit of the hype; I went in figuring it might be okay, probably not fantastic, but was floored by just what a great film it was.


    Unbreakable - heard bad stuff before, so was quite pleasantly surprised


    Spiderman - each movie was better than I expected


    Hulk - not being a character I care for or ever particularly understood the appeal for, I found the movie to be great


    Batman Begins - horribly disappointed, I expected at least a consistently entertaining film, found it spotty and quite dumbed-down; and to be fair, I had heard it was similar to Year One, when I found out it was nothing really like that, this made for diappointment even if that really shouldn't have been the measure


    Hellboy - quite a pleasant surprise, I never could get into the comic book but found the movie quite engaging and generally a cut above the average superhero films


    I think the others mostly fell more or less into what I expected or I had no expectations and they weren't amazing or a bomb compared (or, in a few cases, they were as bad as I feared).



    ZORN: We better get you some help. :eek:

  4. Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


    2. No Christmas For You: Billionaire (and self-proclaimed Christmas-hater), Milo Sarner, has bought an orphanage and plans to show his contempt for the season by shutting it down on Christmas eve. He boasts the only thing that will change his mind is if he were visited by three spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future – and they managed to do a better job on him than they did on that wimp, Scrooge.

    Use your powers to .... give it to this modern-day Uber-Ebeneezer.

    And Merry Christmas! :-)


    This looks like a job for MINDFLAIR !!! Just give me a small room, two chairs, no windows, no clocks, no interruptions and stand back. :sneaky:

  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Worst I ever remember when growing up was -50something. -86 windchill. But that was in MN.


    I miss my winters...


    You sure aren't me. My Christmas tree this year is three (artificial) Palm trees with a snowbird, a parrot, a scuba Flamingo and Santa in his swim trunks surfing on it. It is my humble opinion of Winter. :thumbdown The only thing that keeps me from moving to Florida or somewhere else warm is the Hurricanes.

  6. Re: WWYCD: A Devil No More?


    MINDFLAIR would be able to find out for sure if he was for real. If so, she would take him on as a patient, insist that he pay his debt to society for his earlier crimes, and help launch him into ordinary life afterward. This is her job, after all. If not, she'd go to work on his mind to make it for real. then proceed as above.

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