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Posts posted by SatinKitty

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Another possibility is that it is one of the lovely cars that is designed to have it's Check Engine light come on after x mileage to "force" people to get their cars serviced. Rather annoying' date=' though fortunately Toyota doesn't seem to use this trick so I haven't personally been bitten by it. Particularly insidious because most (all?) states won't pass a car for emissions if the Check Engine light is on, regardless of the results of the test.[/quote']


    Do you know which cars do this ? I'd like to avoid them if I can in the future.

  2. Re: The cranky thread


    Yes guys, meet the new me.

    And here is my latest contribution to The Cranky Thread:


    Ow ! ow ! ow! My muscles are KILLING me ESPECIALLY my abs. I did about twenty quick crunches, among many other things at the Dojo on Thurs. It hurts to cough, it hurts to move, it hurts to BREATHE too deeply. If twenty crunches sounds like nothing to you, try it with 50 extra pounds strapped to you, including the equivalent of a D cup on your chest ! The crunches were just two minutes of an hour-fifteen class.

    Ow ! ow! ow !


    Yes, I know, if I go regularly this won't happen. I am endeavoring to do much better in my attendance this year and from now on.


    But MAN this hurts ! :idjit:

  3. Re: The cranky thread


    I know the feeling, Hermit. I once had to tape the lens to my glasses because the frame had broken. I only had about $8 in my account, so I couldn't get a new pair. The lens popped out during Latin class, which caused the instructor to exclaim, "Good Lord, his eye popped out!" The only response I could say was "Yeah, it did."


    My cold isn't much better despite two days of rest. Whenever I blow my nose, it sets off the dog because he thinks someone is ringing the doorbell.


    You have my deepest sympathy for your bad cold, tkdguy, but that line about the dog is the funniest thing I've read all day. :rofl:

  4. Re: The cranky thread


    I love my Mom and Dad. I really do. But their problems with my weight, my (mostly) 16 years of unemployment, every friend and SO in the past they didn't like and EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY WANT X, BUT MY MAN WANTS Z, ALL THE WAY BACK TO MY VERY FIRST SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP IN COLLEGE, are constant sources of tension for me. It is a chronic, neverending thing that has had me pulling my hair out. Tomorrow they follow the other Snowbirds to Arizona. They won't be back till May. Like I said, I love them, but Whew ! Now don't get me wrong ! They give and give, they love me dearly and I always enjoy time spent with them 95% of the time, it's just that 5% that's such a b&*ch.


    End Rant.

  5. Re: Champions "What Ifs"


    What if there were a week long citywide power outage in Mellennium City ?


    What happens when all the Champions become Senior Citizens ?


    What happens if Menton contracts Alzheimer's ?


    What happens if opposite good or evil twins of Supers from other dimensions appear in the CU ? I.E. Professor Preserver. A Menton who is Jesus Christ, Mahatma Ghandi and Mother Teresa combined. A Superteam called the Champions who are not what they seem....


    What if Invictus DOES become President ?

  6. Re: My first post...


    Hi Jamie:


    It's my privilege to be the first of the Red Hot Mamas on the board to say hi. Don't let these guys scare you about the NGD. I spend most of my time there. As long as you know what to avoid, (political ANYTHING ! ANYTHING about rep) you'll do fine. I like the fun and funny threads best.


    If you are still in contact with your old Champions buddies, why not introduce them ? The more the merrier !!! :thumbup:



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