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Posts posted by nHammer

  1. Cool Stuff. I don't know if I would use the stuff, but I appreciate your hard work. Good job.


    I don't know if this stuff could be made apart of the Hero Games website. Copyrights and Trademarks and stuff like that. The way it is now is just fan related stuff, but I don't think Hero Games has a right to support this information.

  2. Originally posted by innominatus

    Well, the whole "head flies away while the body self-destructs" power construct was done in an asinine way to begin with. If it's bought as Duplication, but the original form (the chassis) is destroyed, than the head can never merge back with the original and have Mechanon go back to his old, fully humanoid form until he spends 5 XP's to buy x2 Duplicates and build another one. Hmm...come to think of it, even THAT wouldn't work, since the extra Duplicates would just be copies of the disembodied head, not the original humanoid form. And what's the point of spending all those points on a self-destruct mechanism when it's all just special effects anyway? No one can actually "salvage" any gear from Mechanon's body and use it as their own.


    Sometimes I wonder if they even read their own rules before designing some of these characters...


    Remember, kids: consider the SPECIAL EFFECT first, and the game mechanic will follow naturally. Mechanon's consciousness goes from being contained within a humanoid body to being contained strictly in a disembodied head. That means the power SHOULD be built as a Triggered Shapeshift (with a -1/4 Limitation on all his weapons systems "Not usable in 'head' form"). You could also use Multiform, but since the personality is the same as well as his powers (except for the aforementioned Limitation on his attack powers and some "Not Usable in 'head' form" Limitations you could tack on to some of his stats), Shapeshift would be the most logical choice. With either power, you would add an additional Limitation to indicate that Mechanon can't switch back to humanoid form until he has time to re-attach himself to a new body. You could also throw in a lengthy Set Up Time and possibly Concentration for preparing the Trigger to indicate the time it takes his automated factories to assemble a new body. The chassis, as mentioned before, is just a special effect; it's now an empty husk and the GM can just wave his hands at it and say, "It self-destructs and is now effectively junk." This would save Mechanon at least 100 points (not that he needs to worry about point balance, but point totals ARE a good rough indicator of how powerful a particular character is), as well as being a much more accurate description of what really happens when Mechanon exercises his "escape clause".


    And while I'm at it (just as a sort of informal survey), how do most folks pronounce Mechanon's name? Is it meant to be "Muh-CAN-un" or "MEH-kuh-nawn"?


    I don't know what annoys me more in this post; The insult to the creators of the game, or that I agree with what is said about Mechanon.


    I pronouce it like Killer Shrike does.

  3. Originally posted by Al_Beddow

    I've been thinking about the project over the last week and my wife pointed something out. I am working on becoming a "Legion of Hero's" demonstraitor. If I do that and also put up the conversion website, it could easily be seen as something "psudo-official" by DoJ/Hero Games.


    So, I've had to change my approach. I'm still looking for an angle on putting up a fan website supporting HERO 5th Ed, but I can't head up the conversion project webeffort.


    Nobody at DoJ/Hero Games has said anything to me about this, and I haven't asked. This is coming totally from me after considering the point my wife made.


    Thanks for all your interest. Maybe next time I get a great idea I'll think it through a little better first.


    :confused: :confused:


    Where's the problem?


    At the top of the webpage in nice readable letters you put "UNOFFICIAL CONVERSIONS".

  4. Re: Build your Avatar


    Originally posted by Mightybec

    Here's the challenge. Write up hero stats for your avatar. Try 250pts w/ 100pts disadvantages first, then maybe a "maxed out" version.




    So where's your write up for Grendel?

  5. Originally posted by Blue

    Even at that, the problem with things like this is that in most cases folks haven't played ALL of the games.


    I looked at the list and wound up voting in only the suggested HERO related categories because those were the only ones for which I had any frame of reference. For example, I don't play CCGs and didn't recognize most of the ones listed. I think most people voting tend to pick something in each category that "sounds good", same way that people at home watching the oscars have typically only seen one or two out of the five nominees so they vote for the one they know and like.


    Solution: GAMA should give us copies of everything. To review of course :D


    You at least have an understanding of gaming, whether it be roleplaying, wargaming, or CCGs, you've played.


    Getting people to vote for gaming awards if they have never gamed is wrong.(IMO)

  6. Re: Dang! Nothing more to read!


    Originally posted by Hitchhiker

    Greetings. Looks like my old account has been deleted. :D


    Anyways: I have read (and used as well as enjoyed) Hero System 5th Edition, Hero System Bestiary and The Ultimate Martial Artist.


    Now, onto my question: What the heck should I get next? I have played several fantasy and scifi campaigns so far. What would be wise additional literature to widen my horizon regarding the beloved Hero System? I have no plans for a new campaign so far.


    Thanks for any help or suggestion




    Star Hero

  7. Many years ago in a campaign the majority of Utah got destroyed. All the PCs were killed.


    When we started playing again with 5th ED. we invented New Salt Lake City. It's an ultra modern city. Because it's a high profile city in the world, it's prime picking for super viallins. Us player characters are super hero cops.

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