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Posts posted by Kaeto

  1. Re: WWYCD "super" registration


    Well Shimmer would fight this in the senate. But if it was passed she would refuse to register. And (The Diety of your choice) help anyone who came after her or her family as she is the latest generation of a long line of superpowered people and she is arguably the most powerful of the line.

    One of her ancestors was powerful enough to turn main battle tanks into limpid pools of chicken fat (and he did in one fight) with just a thought.

    Then there is her boyfriend who is a Warhammer 40K space marine. And she has given him through her powers access to the entire arsenal of weapons and armor of the space marine.

  2. Re: Seven unusual propeller-driven vehicles


    In a series of Home Handyman books I have there are a couple of sets of plans to homebuild prop powered sleds. One using a modified outboard motor for the engine.

    To give you an idea how old these books are the outboard is rigged up to use the radiator from a Crosley automobile for cooling.

  3. Re: How long does tech last after The End?


    Whilst not actually asked about (and it may be that cyst13 already knows this), I would point out that stored petroleum goes "off". As I understand it, the modern stuff lasts 6-12 months at best. Older stores (fewer additives, less refined) might last longer, but probably not forty-odd years.


    On the upside, the original concept for the diesel engine was as an internal combustion engine that would run on just about anything (diesel oil is actually the leftover of petroleum refining). A suitably skilled mechanic might possibly rig up an older model diesel engine to run on, say, vegetable oil.


    No real rigging needed for a diesel to run on vegetable oil. My uncle runs his diesel farm tractor on nothing but used fryer oil that one of his daughters brings him from the greasy spoon she works at.

    All he does is run it through a filter so he has no particles in it.

  4. Re: Comics and cannibalism:two great tastes...


    Actually old English hangings involved an Iron ring around the neck to which the rope was attached. And they used a cart under the Gibbet that they rolled out from under the hangee. So they were more likely to result in the person being hung to strangle to death.

  5. Re: Brainstorming Seaview


    One of the coolest submarines is the SSRN Seaview from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. As I look through the various plans for it on the net, I've noticed that the torpedo tubes and airlock systems are, like on the show, in the missile room.


    It's reasonable on the show, because that way you can build fewer sets, but in real life, it should be different. I think that, assuming it has three decks, that the observation nose should be on the top deck, the forward torpedo room on the center deck, and the Flying Sub hanger should be on the botton deck. The diving bell and minisub hangers should also be on the bottom deck, along with the diver airlock and related systems.


    Actually the Diver Airlock exited out the upper side of the Seaview. Also don't forget the Moonpool in the lower deck.

  6. Re: How to get swords on your starship


    Oppressive interstellar government has outlawed guns and body armor to all but its military with the strictest penalties. Even police and security forces are limited to only hand weapons. A century of enforcement has mopped up most non-military sources of illegal weapons. Incidents involving these weapons are handled by the military who's attitude is “blast them from orbit, its the only way to make sure.” Over time, society's mindset has been shifted from the wild west attitude that people do not even consider the use of guns because they have from youth trained themselves in armed and unarmed martial arts for personal defense as a thing of culture.


    As long as the GM resists the urge to introduce bad guys with guns, the players should feel they do not need them.



    Not a Govt. I'd want to live under. If they infringe on some liberties they'd infringe on all.


    Also with no firearms allowed what happens on the frontier planets where the critters haven't been tamed? Do people just let the meat eating animals chow down on them? Because just a knife or a sword isn't going to stop a pack of lions (or whatever equilvalent the world has ) from making the settlers into dinner.


    And the military couldn't protect everyone. That would require too large of a military.

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