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Posts posted by Lethosos

  1. Re: Vast Underground


    My particular favorite "underground" region would be from a player-created world called Leirune. Apparently the city of Lanacele sits on top of the ruins of Caldera, home of the Magi who created this anti-deity defense that still stands through the current (7th) Age.


    Apparently the Seal gets broken down and recreated at the end of each Age, and the only ones who know how to do this are some egimatic intelligent artifacts. (My suspichion is that they were the people who broke down the previous Seal upon their natural deaths. But I'm not gonna ask the continuity crator about this.)

  2. Re: Changeling: The Dreaming Hero


    I'm not incredibly crazy about your system--too many Transformations, IMO.


    In fact, you forgot to add their Yava (racial secrets)--in the Cecillian's case, iron also affects them as silver does, they undergo a specialized multiple personality disorder, and that while they don't know the details of their old Yava... it could come back in effect.


    I choose to go by the orignal 2nd Ed, and not the extended version except for certain Breed books (which is noticable by their different header font.)

  3. Re: Changeling: The Dreaming Hero


    You'll want some material covering the were-cats, especially the so-called "lost" werecats that consorted with the Fae in the past. There's even rumors about some still living in Arcadia.


    They're a really quirky bunch, so it's okay if they aren't used--I just need to do a good writeup for BreedWiki.

  4. Re: 7 heroes summoned through time: who are they?


    While Gilgamesh is an excellent choice, sometimes the best are those whose exploits are quietly documented. The era of magic was fairly strong in China throughout the Early-Middle Dynasties. You could put the survivors of the Shaolin purges in your files--I know of at least one would be an interesting choice... the female founder of Wing Chun, a martial style that was based around knife-fighting.

  5. Re: Vast Underground


    The Underdark book for Forgotten Realms can give you some ideas about life underground. Similarily, "Creatures of the Endless Dark", an OGL d20 book can give equally illuminating critters down there. I particularly like the slaver race they have in there...

  6. Re: Generic DND Level and Class conversions


    Well, I went and checked Dragon Magic, and I feel that because you're not actually putting copies up for distribution (free or otherwise) but converting and putting up the base stats in an entirely different system, you're not violating any contractual agreement. In fact, if you destroyed or kept entirely private the copied source material, they don't have a leg to stand on for legal purposes.


    Does that clarify some things?

  7. Re: Generic DND Level and Class conversions


    I think Favored Soul is a tad bit overpowered, too. Thankfully, it feels too much like a scorceror to be of much use to anyone in my D&D group.


    The Builder books are the Compleat series, and Dragon Magic, according to my collection. The Races series are also in this catagory, but they don't introduce base classes in there. The three "elemental" books(Stormwrack, for one) are also builders, but I don't have them and I feel it's a bit pointless right now.

  8. Re: Character for suggestions


    I'm recalling a Dragon mag article about half-dead races--they created four, based on vampires, ghouls, zombies, and ghosts. Might be worth looking up; I'll need to check my copies for the right mag#. The idea was that each of 'em had some inherent trait that was passed down--for example, half-vampires had a smidgen of domiance in them.

  9. Re: Would You Assassinate the King?


    A thought...


    Have them go to the elf-kingdom, and explain their problems with the human king and work out a way to put the prince in power without rocking the kingdom's boat and make the elves happy.


    If you want someone on your side, ask them for assistance in an endeavor that they will be in favor of.

  10. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters!


    I actually peffer the Undocumented Features version... where else can Adam be a Kryptonian? :D At the very least Buster resembles those robot in I, Robot there. (No mention of Troy and Scottie, though...)


    Quite a bit of their knowledge can be considered KS: Estoeric Trivia, so factor that in somewhere.

  11. Re: FF7--Dirge of Cerberus


    PS2, to be specific.


    And if you're expecting it to be another RPG, you'd be dissapointed. It plays a lot like Resident Evil, to be honest--I'd love to get back into it, but I have to do it when I'm not being "criticized" for not doing something "useful."

  12. Re: Show me the Water Powers


    I still think giving her a Mind Control with NND (def being different biology) with the effect of making the target get the tremendous urge to go take a leak is worth being outside the character's schtick. :D

  13. Re: Review of You Gotta Have Character


    I'm still wondering if it was even remotely true that he actually ate King Vitaman cereal...:nonp:


    In any case... it's a great read--I've been meaning to e-mail him with my own take on it. I will agree that there are some spellchecker errors, but other than him not including the Bandit in it, I throughly enjoyed it. The Musashi entry even has given me some ideas for a character for my own setting!


    This is a great book to pick up; I'm thinking about hunting down data on Skip Wiley, one of the most "interesting" Florida govenorers in the past.

  14. Re: Pirate Hero arrrrrg!


    You might want to keep an eye out for Pirates of the Ceruclean Ocean, a campaign setting based off of the interesting background of Puzzle Pirates. There's still some stuff I need to do before starting, but it's intended to be open-format Wiki-based, with outside work allowed. I just need to state some rules, declare certain conventions off-limits, and so on so on...

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