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Everything posted by nightbringer256

  1. Re: a PC OOPSED started a new thread: my game and whats happening in it.
  2. well here is the roster for my players and the games background HAWK: the team leader and face man. one power 20" flight. also has a bird-a-rang. based off of the team leader from gatchaman (great movie!). the player is a great guy and GM, whos been playing for 10ish years. he always is helping me out and then tears my plot to shreads CATCH: the teams deflection artist. can grow many hands at will. absorbs all damage, and can funnel EB into his EB (which starts at 0d6). great person. been in my game from the start and helps push plot. FISHBOY: a hydromancer who suprise suprise looks like a fishboy. he has a multitude of powers and is distracted by shinies. (which makes for great side plots). GOLDEN SUN: the archer mystic (who started this thread) he is also new to the system. he tries his best to help, but often makes things worse. but he tries so its all good. RIU: the teams mystic. channels power from the one true source (like robert jordan novels) he is also a mentalist. he helps the team out with the mystic stuff. good player. BLACKRIDER: a cop, whos night job is as a hero. he uses a motorcycle as his main weapon/transportation. the player is a bit spaztic, but all around a good kid. LINK: the teams weapon master. the character IS link. he works well with the team, and the player is always realy helpful. CHAMELON: the teams alien and shapeshifter. also a jack-of-all trades and infaltration expert. the player is a good guy, who like a good game. COLLATERAL DAMAGE: the teams brick and mr. money-bags. he, as his name suggests, sometimes can use a "bit" to much force. the player is a good guy. SCOPE: a powered armor merc/assasin who really hasn't joined the group yet. but the player is a good man. so it willl work out evetualy. PHOENIX: the teams ship and its AI. both of which the stole from DR. D. the ship is fun for me to play and give me many a plot idea. BACKGROUND: this is a wired mesh of genres. the game takes place in hudson city, except HC is on the west coast and has reaplaced hollywood (aka gold city). gold city was destroyed 2 years back in a huge fight with dr. D in the end he fired the orbital cannon and blew up much of the city. the city didn't have a river through it before he fired it, now it does. all that was left of doctor destroyer was his... BOOT. so now 2 years later the city has been renamed and is being rebuilt as hudson city. last sesion the team fought my homemade villian. The MOVIE man. he has one power. extra demensional movement, anywhere in a related group of dementions, AoE hex, usable as an attack. so two of the PCs got sent to movies, one to casablanca and the other to the lotr two towers. the players had alot of fun and jump around to alot of diffrent movies. this week the fight anubis for the first time. that book can't be the real book of the dead!....... can it? i will let you guys know how it goes when i get home
  3. Re: a PC OOPSED oh, before i go any farther here is the hero groups roster. HAWK: the team leader and face man. one power 20" flight. also has a bird-a-rang. based off of the team leader from gatchaman (great movie!). the player is a great guy and GM, whos been playing for 10ish years. he always is helping me out and then tears my plot to shreads CATCH: the teams deflection artist. can grow many hands at will. absorbs all damage, and can funnel EB into his EB (which starts at 0d6). great person. been in my game from the start and helps push plot. FISHBOY: a hydromancer who suprise suprise looks like a fishboy. he has a multitude of powers and is distracted by shinies. (which makes for great side plots). GOLDEN SUN: the archer mystic (who started this thread) he is also new to the system. he tries his best to help, but often makes things worse. but he tries so its all good. RIU: the teams mystic. channels power from the one true source (like robert jordan novels) he is also a mentalist. he helps the team out with the mystic stuff. good player. BLACKRIDER: a cop, whos night job is as a hero. he uses a motorcycle as his main weapon/transportation. the player is a bit spaztic, but all around a good kid. LINK: the teams weapon master. the character IS link. he works well with the team, and the player is always realy helpful. CHAMELON: the teams alien and shapeshifter. also a jack-of-all trades and infaltration expert. the player is a good guy, who like a good game. COLLATERAL DAMAGE: the teams brick and mr. money-bags. he, as his name suggests, sometimes can use a "bit" to much force. the player is a good guy. SCOPE: a powered armor merc/assasin who really hasn't joined the group yet. but the player is a good man. so it willl work out evetualy. PHOENIX: the teams ship and its AI. both of which the stole from DR. D. the ship is fun for me to play and give me many a plot idea. BACKGROUND: this is a wired mesh of genres. the game takes place in hudson city, except HC is on the west coast and has reaplaced hollywood (aka gold city). gold city was destroyed 2 years back in a huge fight with dr. D in the end he fired the orbital cannon and blew up much of the city. the city didn't have a river through it before he fired it, now it does. all that was left of doctor destroyer was his... BOOT. so now 2 years later the city has been renamed and is being rebuilt as hudson city. well thats all for now. let me know what you guys think thanks for the help!
  4. Re: a PC OOPSED and i've decided what i am going to do with the dad. he is going to train under *drum roll* UTILITY then utility will get a sidekick, gadget. let me know what you guys think
  5. Re: a PC OOPSED a rep for kirby and for crosshaircollie thanks guys for your help, advice a crtism
  6. Re: a PC OOPSED thanks, and i'll try and work on my post structure and rep to you for the advice. i also think that i will start anouther post were i will ppost what i plan to do for my game, that way people can look at it, review it, and catch any mistakes. which will make my all the more enjoyable for my players. thanks agian for the help
  7. Re: a PC OOPSED rep to assault as well. thanks for the help!
  8. Re: a PC OOPSED REP for blue, and rep for a lot of you, once i get more rep points. thanks agian for the help!!! and i am not a soup-nazi! at least i hope i'm not
  9. Re: a PC OOPSED after i finished reading i relised something. i have not done the 2 per rolls or die yet, i was planing to do it on game day tomorrow. and you're right i'm an inexperienced GM i've be running this game for 3 months which is not enough time to become a good GM. but thank you guys for the help. i'm really glad i posted here else i would have done something very stupid. so thanks agian for the help. and for you who asked, yes my game is a gritty game. BH was caught and put in the slammer and the CSI department cleared golden sun, the dad doesn't belive this, so now in a couple months-year the PCs will have a brand new villian running around. i have a back up plot i will run instead, for an ocation where my planned plot doesn't work. the team is going to meet anubis for the first time. the local museme is doing an egyption exibit, and look whats this? the book of the dead? NAH! couldn't be!............ or could it?
  10. Re: a PC OOPSED ok two things. first you guys are right 2 per rolls then death is to extreme. i was over reacting. also by not killing him in his sleep i get a new plot. the second thing is that my game is a champions game that is becoming a dark champions game, just fyi. but anyways you guys are right and if i did that it would be stupid. and blue your right, its too much like save or die. what i'll have happen instead, is even thought the evidence proved golden sun innocent, the dad will still hunt him. but he not hire an assasin, instead he will train himself until he can take on a hero and then become a villian. so in summry: thanks for the advice or i would have done something stupid. second i need to think this plot out a lot more.
  11. i'll give you guys the back ground. the pc is a mystical archer that haas magic arrows, one of which is a healing arrow that sinks into you and heals you. well that all fine and dandy, but this ps would fire these healing arrows at anyone he thought might be injured. well the group got used to it real quick, but civillians well... lets just say the PR wasn't doing so well. well the group was dealing with black harliquen for the first time (the riddles post of mine). well he was distributing killer toys everywhere (the ones from the "look what i made" vpp). so the team split up to look for toys. so the hero, his name is golden sun, heard a scream. i rolled and the jack n' the box crited on the kid. it rolled a total of 16 body on 3 dice to the ... roll roll .... head ... roll ...roll 6 instant death. so anyways golden sun leaps into the window and imdeatly draws his healing arrow and points it at the kid. then guess what happens... the dad gets runs and sees him looming over his child, who's head is exploded out, with his bow draw and ready to fire. the pc was in a tight spot, but with some fast talking he could get out of it. you know what he said? he said "i didn't do it!". so now he has a free hunted. the dad has hired blood orchid, from predators, to kill golden sun. so this saturday come game day while golden sun is sleeping he get 2 PER rolls agianst blood orchid's stealth, and then he dies. now 2 things. one do you think the PC deservies this or not? second have you or one of your players ever OOPSED and done something really really stupid. if so i would like to know, so post it please.
  12. Re: assassin robot of DEATH!!! here is an updated version. i have lowered its defences, because i realised that if someone dealt 30 body to it, it would take 4, which is just a tad bit over powered for my game. so i lowered its defences and damage reduction, because in the end it is only a assasionation model. however when the PC finally meet the general or combat model that is anouther story. those units can take out a team of heros no problem here it is: Snatcher Player: Val Char Cost 60 STR 50 25 DEX 45 15 CON 10 30 BODY 40 15 INT 5 0 EGO 0 10 PRE 0 10 COM 0 10 PD -2 10 ED 7 4 SPD 5 15 REC 0 30 END 0 68 STUN 0 14" RUN 16 2" SWIM 0 16" LEAP 4 Characteristics Cost: 180 Cost Power 15 Automaton (Cannot Be Stunned) 30 Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 30 Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 46 Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: 200 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep) 10 Clinging (normal STR) 5 well built: Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense 10 shielded systems: Power Defense (10 points) 6 Damage Resistance (6 PD / 6 ED) Powers Cost: 152 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver Hardwired Close-Order Combat 4 1) Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm, +10 STR 4 2) Kidney Blow: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, 1/2 HKA 3 3) Low BLow: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND 4 4) Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR + 2d6 5 5) Roundhouse: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR + 4d6 3 6) Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +v/5, Target Falls 4 7) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 3 8) Martial Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, +10 STR for holding on 3 9) Flying Tackle: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, STR +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove 1 Weapon Element: Blades Martial Arts Cost: 34 Cost Skill 30 +6 with HTH Combat 15 Acrobatics 20- 11 Acting 15- 11 Breakfall 18- 3 Bureaucratics 11- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Combat Driving 14- 3 Combat Piloting 14- 3 Computer Programming 12- 3 Concealment 12- 11 Contortionist 18- 5 Cramming 3 Defense Maneuver: I 3 Demolitions 12- 3 Disguise 12- 3 Electronics 12- 3 Fast Draw 14- 2 Forgery 12- 2 Gambling 12- 3 High Society 11- 3 Interrogation 11- 7 KS: Target's Life & Habits 16- 7 AK: Target's City of Residence 16- 7 PS: Target's Job 16- 3 Lipreading 12- 3 Lockpicking 14- 3 Oratory 11- 3 Paramedics 12- 3 Security Systems 12- 3 Seduction 11- 3 Shadowing 12- 3 Sleight Of Hand 14- 3 Stealth 14- 3 Streetwise 11- 3 Systems Operation 12- 3 Tactics 12- 3 Tracking 12- 18 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Combat Aircraft, Hanggliding, Helicopters, Jetskis, Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic, Riding Animals, SCUBA, Skiing (snow), Small Military Ships, Small Motorized Boats, Snowmobiles, Surfing, Tracked Military Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles, Windsurfing 20 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Early Firearms, Emplaced Weapons, Flamethrowers, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Off Hand, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Small Arms, Vehicle Weapons 3 Linguist 2 1) Language: Russian: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) 2 2) Language: Japanese: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) 2 3) Language: Italian: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) 2 4) Language: German: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) 2 5) Language: French: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) Skills Cost: 237 Cost Perk 2 Deep Cover Perks Cost: 2 Cost Talent 3 Absolute Time Sense 3 Ambidexterity (Reduce Off Hand Penalty to -2) 3 Bump Of Direction 4 Double Jointed 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightning Calculator 3 Lightsleep 3 Perfect Pitch 4 Speed Reading: x10 3 Simulate Death 11- Talents Cost: 34 Total Character Cost: 639 Pts. Disadvantage 10 Vulnerability: called shot to head (-8) locations 3-5, Uncommon, Vulnerability Multiplier (2x BODY) 15 Susceptibility: called shot to head (-8) locations 3-5, Uncommon, 3d6 damage, Instant 15 Social Limitation: Robot, Occasionally (8-), Severe 20 Physical Limitation: Must follow orders of organization, All the Time, Greatly Impairing Disadvantage Points: 60 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 379 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  13. Re: WWYCD: Attraction Loop Paper would notice and not care at all. he is a reclusive nerd at a super hero high school. he would how ever only return the affections of one. Laironess, an evil metalist who he has "fallen" for.
  14. Re: assassin robot of DEATH!!! ya i do here it is. let me know how your PCs do agianst it. oh fyi the robots are officaly called snatchers. they are built to look exactly like there target. they then kill and replace there target. i will eventualy (if the heros don't stop the plot) build a general model, and then a combat model, as this is just an infiltration and assasionation unit.
  15. Re: assassin robot of DEATH!!! thanks for the advice. i'll let you guys know how the encounter goes. oh my heros are going to hate me/snatchers so much .
  16. Re: assassin robot of DEATH!!! thanks, i'll fix that
  17. Re: assassin robot of DEATH!!! ok here is a revised version. oh and i t needs the high ocv, because most of the team can pull DCVs of 10+. i also had an idea to just jive it a skill pool of martial arts, that way it can use a varity of styles and not need to buy them all. let me know what you think Snatcher Player: Val Char Cost 60 STR 50 25 DEX 45 15 CON 10 30 BODY 40 15 INT 5 0 EGO 0 10 PRE 0 10 COM 0 15 PD 3 15 ED 12 4 SPD 5 15 REC 0 30 END 0 68 STUN 0 14" RUN 16 2" SWIM 0 16" LEAP 4 Characteristics Cost: 190 Cost Power 15 Automaton (Cannot Be Stunned) 75 Physical Damage Reduction, 75%, Hardend (+1/4) (75 Active Points) 75 Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%, Hardened (+1/4) (75 Active Points) 46 Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: 200 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep) 10 Clinging (normal STR) 5 well built: Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense 10 shielded systems: Power Defense (10 points) 15 Damage Resistance (15 PD / 15 ED) Powers Cost: 186 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver Hardwired Close-Order Combat 4 1) Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm, +10 STR 4 2) Kidney Blow: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, 1/2 HKA 3 3) Low BLow: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND 4 4) Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR + 2d6 5 5) Roundhouse: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR + 4d6 3 6) Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +v/5, Target Falls 4 7) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 1 Weapon Element: Blades Martial Arts Cost: 28 Cost Skill 30 +6 with HTH Combat 15 Acrobatics 20- 11 Acting 15- 11 Breakfall 18- 3 Bureaucratics 11- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Combat Driving 14- 3 Combat Piloting 14- 3 Computer Programming 12- 3 Concealment 12- 11 Contortionist 18- 5 Cramming 3 Defense Maneuver: I 3 Demolitions 12- 3 Disguise 12- 3 Electronics 12- 3 Fast Draw 14- 2 Forgery 12- 2 Gambling 12- 3 High Society 11- 3 Interrogation 11- 7 KS: Target's Life & Habits 16- 7 AK: Target's City of Residence 16- 7 PS: Target's Job 16- 3 Lipreading 12- 3 Lockpicking 14- 3 Oratory 11- 3 Paramedics 12- 3 Security Systems 12- 3 Seduction 11- 3 Shadowing 12- 3 Sleight Of Hand 14- 3 Stealth 14- 3 Streetwise 11- 3 Systems Operation 12- 3 Tactics 12- 3 Tracking 12- 18 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Combat Aircraft, Hanggliding, Helicopters, Jetskis, Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic, Riding Animals, SCUBA, Skiing (snow), Small Military Ships, Small Motorized Boats, Snowmobiles, Surfing, Tracked Military Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles, Windsurfing 20 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Early Firearms, Emplaced Weapons, Flamethrowers, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Off Hand, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Small Arms, Vehicle Weapons 3 Linguist 2 1) Language: Russian: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) 2 2) Language: Japanese: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) 2 3) Language: Italian: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) 2 4) Language: German: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) 2 5) Language: French: Completely Fluent, w/Accent (3 Active Points) Skills Cost: 237 Cost Perk 2 Deep Cover Perks Cost: 2 Cost Talent 3 Absolute Time Sense 3 Ambidexterity (Reduce Off Hand Penalty to -2) 3 Bump Of Direction 4 Double Jointed 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightning Calculator 3 Lightsleep 3 Perfect Pitch 4 Speed Reading: x10 20 Universal Translator 12- 3 Simulate Death 11- Talents Cost: 54 Total Character Cost: 697 Pts. Disadvantage 10 Vulnerability: called shot to head (-8) locations 3-5, Uncommon, Vulnerability Multiplier (2x BODY) 15 Susceptibility: called shot to head (-8) locations 3-5, Uncommon, 3d6 damage, Instant 15 Social Limitation: Robot, Occasionally (8-), Severe 20 Physical Limitation: Must follow orders of organization, All the Time, Greatly Impairing Disadvantage Points: 60 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 437 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  18. here is the assassin bot from the double jointed thread the robots are called snatchers. they kill someone take there place and wait for the right time to strike there target. Snatcher Player: Val Char Cost 60 STR 50 25 DEX 45 15 CON 10 30 BODY 40 15 INT 5 0 EGO 0 10 PRE 0 10 COM 0 15 PD 33 15 ED 42 4 SPD 5 15 REC 0 30 END 0 14" RUN 16 2" SWIM 0 16" LEAP 4 Characteristics Cost: 250 Cost Power 60 Automaton (Takes No STUN) 46 Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: 200 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep) 10 Clinging (normal STR) 15 well built: Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense 30 shielded systems: Power Defense (10 points) 45 Damage Resistance (15 PD / 15 ED) Powers Cost: 206 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver Dirty Infighting 4 1) Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm, +10 STR 4 2) Kidney Blow: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, 1/2 HKA 3 3) Low BLow: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND 4 4) Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR + 2d6 5 5) Roundhouse: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR + 4d6 3 6) Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +v/5, Target Falls 1 Weapon Element: Blades Karate 4 1) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 4 2) Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; +10 STR to Disarm roll 4 3) Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4 4) Knifehand Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 0 1/2d6 4 5) Punch/ Snap Kick: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike 5 6) Side/ Spin Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike Martial Arts Cost: 49 Cost Skill 30 +6 with HTH Combat 15 Acrobatics 20- 11 Acting 15- 11 Breakfall 18- 3 Bureaucratics 11- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Combat Driving 14- 3 Combat Piloting 14- 3 Computer Programming 12- 3 Concealment 12- 11 Contortionist 18- 3 Defense Maneuver: I 3 Demolitions 12- 3 Disguise 12- 3 Electronics 12- 3 Fast Draw 14- 2 Forgery 12- 2 Gambling 12- 3 High Society 11- 3 Interrogation 11- 3 Lipreading 12- 3 Lockpicking 14- 3 Oratory 11- 3 Paramedics 12- 3 Security Systems 12- 3 Seduction 11- 3 Shadowing 12- 3 Sleight Of Hand 14- 3 Stealth 14- 3 Streetwise 11- 3 Systems Operation 12- 3 Tactics 12- 3 Tracking 12- 18 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Combat Aircraft, Hanggliding, Helicopters, Jetskis, Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic, Riding Animals, SCUBA, Skiing (snow), Small Military Ships, Small Motorized Boats, Snowmobiles, Surfing, Tracked Military Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles, Windsurfing 20 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Early Firearms, Emplaced Weapons, Flamethrowers, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Off Hand, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Small Arms, Vehicle Weapons Skills Cost: 198 Cost Perk 2 Deep Cover Perks Cost: 2 Cost Talent 3 Absolute Time Sense 3 Ambidexterity (Reduce Off Hand Penalty to -2) 3 Bump Of Direction 4 Double Jointed 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightning Calculator 3 Lightsleep 3 Perfect Pitch 4 Speed Reading: x10 20 Universal Translator 12- 3 Simulate Death 9- Talents Cost: 54 Total Character Cost: 759 Pts. Disadvantage 10 Vulnerability: any called shot to the upper head (-8), Uncommon, Vulnerability Multiplier (2x BODY) 15 Physical Limitation: must act like a normal human until discovered, Frequently, Greatly Impairing Disadvantage Points: 25 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 534 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 these guys are close combat monsters let me klnow what you think
  19. Re: Double Jointed i know, i read it, but it doesn't seem to quite fit what i want. thats just for flexable movement, but i guess it will work. i will post the assassin bot's character sheet in a new thread in a little bit
  20. Re: i need riddles another plot idea is just to take a random riddle from the et-book of riddles and give it to the heros. then desing a plot based on what they think it means.
  21. Re: i need riddles thanks guys first of all thanks hermit! rep to you it took my players a long time to figure our the riddles. however it worked out great in the end. thanks for the help. and i don't mind if you use my plot McCoy and i do plan on use "how is a raven like a writing desk" to bring the players to the "alice" club.
  22. hi i'm working on a upcoming villian for my game. the villian is a robot assasin. kinda like a terminator. the thing is that i do not know how to buy the fact that it has no joint locks. it's joints are ball sockets so they can all bend in all directions. i could really use some help! thanks. nightbringer
  23. hi guys! i'm doing a story arc involving the black harlequin. however i'm not so good at making up riddles. so iwas woundering if any one would like to help me. i need three riddles that i can think of first one to say "i out of jail and back in town" Second one (left with first) "give his name" the heros K.O.ed him with out him saying his name Third to state next crime "stealing from StarrTech" left at minor bank robbery fourth is next crime "stealing form BioRad" left at StarrTech" fifth is the goal "posion city water" (with the champions version of joker gas) left at BioRad i hope you guys can help thanks!
  24. Re: need help with starship trooper aliens they had quite an interesting fight with the bugs, however the RL (red lantern) of the team put a stop to them pritty quickly. however the RL (actually two characters, the actually RL and then his ring is also a PC) is now on a deep space mission, and the rest of the team is investigating a abondoned reasearch base. they docked on the skyhock station and found 15 dead bodies, skeletons, the brought power back online and took the elivator down. i ended the game with them trudging across the wasteland following the monorail tracks. -=SPOILER ALERT=- members of my game don't read little do they know that they are walking right into an encounter right out of alien. the enemy in this is based of the 40k Lictor. i will be posting my write up of it in the near future. let me know what you think
  25. Re: need help with starship trooper aliens thanks for the feed back the bugs are only losly (sp) based on the ones from the book and movie, i am not going for compelete accuracy. i added the AP to the pincers, upped the growth and DEX, and brought down the body. let me know what you think of this version. also if you guys have any ideas for the other bugs, the tankers and those flying bug, the brain bug, and the ones that shoot the plasma. Player: NPC Val Char Cost 15/30 STR 5 13 DEX 9 15 CON 10 5/8 BODY -10 0 INT -10 0 EGO 0 20 PRE 10 0 COM -5 4 PD 9 4 ED 9 3 SPD 7 6 REC 0 45 END 8 18" RUN 0 0" SWIM -2 3" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 46 Cost Power 60 the hive mind's influance: Automaton (Takes No STUN) 45 Pincers: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (45 Active Points) 4 4 legs, 2 arms, 1 set of pincers: Extra Limbs (5 Active Points); Limited Manipulation (-1/4) 24 damn fast: Running +12" (added to Primary Value) 23 huge body: Growth (+15 STR, +3 BODY, +3 STUN, -3" KB, -2 DCV, +2 PER Rolls to perceive character, 4 m tall, 2 m wide, 1" reach), Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (34 Active Points); always on (-1/2) (added to Secondary Value) 12 Damage Resistance (4 PD / 4 ED) Powers Cost: 168 Total Character Cost: 214 Pts. Disadvantage 25 Psychological Limitation: Animal Instincts, Very Common, Total 25 Social Limitation: No Free Will, Very Frequently (14-), Severe 25 Distinctive Features: Alien warrior, Not Concealable, Extreme Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses 30 Enraged: when delt body, Common, go 14-, recover 8- 20 Enraged: when brought down to brought down to half body (i.e. 0), Uncommon, go 11-, recover 14-, Berserk Disadvantage Points: 125 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 thanks for the help i am running this game tommorow (friday 24, 2005) i will let you know how it goes
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