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hooligan x

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Posts posted by hooligan x

  1. Re: Disappointment


    I would have LOVED to play the Hero System online. I am legitimately very disappointed. I availed myself of this thread to simply say so.


    Since you are new to the board, you may not be aware of HeroCentral, where many of us play the Hero System online. It is a text based play-by-post so no shiny video, but it's the real deal. And since it runs off of donations and Mr. Simon's toil, you won't need to risk any money.

  2. Re: Hero Podcast: What Would You Like To Hear?


    Length: The podcast length should be as long as you need. Don't have a set time you need to fill. The beauty of podcasting is that it doesn't need to fit into any formula.


    Host: Whoever has time, but I'd like to hear from Steve & Darren every month, even if they only do a small featured segment.


    Features: Design thoughts, a Build This Power Challenge, artist interviews, an old timey five minute pulp radio drama, convention reports, product updates


    Theme Song: I always thought there was a Hero theme song:

    [bonnie Tyler]I need a hero

    I'm holding out for a hero 'till the morning light

    He's gotta be sure

    And it's gotta be strong

    And he's gotta have Faster Than Light[/bonnie Tyler]

  3. Re: Disappointment


    Problem solver: Don't play the game. If you spent $260 on the game and the lifetime package based on a pretty box in the mall, ah well. I don't drop 26 bucks on something I haven't researched online, so I was completely informed on my purchase.


    I suggest you sell your CO account on Craigs List to someone who will enjoy the game. No one has defrauded you. Champions Online IS based on the pnp game. Look, I just saw Foxbat! Hey, Grond beat me up! Just because I am not negative 20 STUN and waiting for a post-phase 12 recovery doesn't mean it wasn't based on the game. It is different. A small amount of research would have told you that before your purchase.


    Good news, however. There is a game based on the Champions game mechanics. It's called Hero 6th Edition and it's a hell of a game. I'll mail you a pencil and a piece of paper to get you started. All you need is a few friends.

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