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st barbara

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Posts posted by st barbara

  1. Re: H.P. Lovecraft, Otto Skorzeny, and the CU


    You are, of course, correct "Battlestaff"; but then I dont know that "St Barbara"would be entirely rational about her reaction once she heard about the death camps ! Maybe she isn't stupid enough to just go charging in at full speed blasting everything in sight but if she could get herself within range to do a straffing run on the commandant's office (and she might be able to, with a little bit of forward planning) then there might suddenly be a LOT of colourfull explosions lighting up the sky !

  2. Re: Nation Building-Do You Use Fictitious Nations?


    When I was creating my Äll The Worlds Heros" collection of characters I sort of created two "new"nations. "Palestine"(Basically the West Bank, but actually on BOTH banks of the Jordan river so that it is in both modern Israel and Jordan) and "Hispaniola" which is the nation ruled by an evil super scientist which encompasses the modern nations of Haiti and The Dominican Republic.

  3. Re: National Warrior Archetypes


    To "Von D Man" Oh you mean like a Longbow for England, A Claymore for Scotland, either a Halberd or a crossbow for Switzerland, a long handled axe for Norway, a blowgun for Brazil or one of those engraved long clubs that I can't remember the name of (Hani ?) for New Zealand. Hmm, what do we have for Australia. A boomerang ? Hmm how about an Owen gun (Australian sub-machine gun developed in world war 11, very simple and efficient)

  4. Re: National Warrior Archetypes


    Actually Öddhat"a bronzed Surf Lifesaver type (complete with quartered little cap) sounds better for Australia. How about a blonde warrior/valkyrie for either Scandanavia or Germany ? A short, tattooed, muscular Moari for New Zealand ? A limber, ultra flexible guy in a loincloth for India. (Better stop now "St B"you are getting carried away !) Oh yes, and a cute little blonde with fireworks powers for Denmark ! :) ( I can't work the icons properly but consider a smiley face here !)

  5. Re: H.P. Lovecraft, Otto Skorzeny, and the CU


    To "Battlestaff" Nasty ! "St Barbara",being Danish, would be in a bit of a dilemma as to what to do. Would she simply fight the nazis ? Would she help them to try to set history to rights ? or would she go home and join the Danish resistence ? Hmm Decisions, decisions ! Maybe arrange a few "great escapes"from the death camps ?

  6. Re: Character monologues


    I can't think of any "monologues"that "St Barbara"has done. I do however remember one short conversation that took place between her and a bunch of theives at a university. It went a bit like this "St B"was in civvies helping a professor to prepare exams (she was doing the copies of the papers) when she was distracted by someone faking an accident. While she was distracted someone grabbed the papers and ran off around the side of the building. Seing this "St Barbara"took off (on her usual rooster tail of multi coloured flame) OVER the top of the building and coasted lightly to earth directly in front of the miscreants holding out her hand and saying "May I have those back please ?" Not being used to flying girls (and having just had an anime style "gratuitous panty shot")the theives obliged and "St Barbara"was able to go back to what she was doing. I guess that isn't a monologue, but it was a funny incident.

  7. Re: Do You Design Characters for the Team??


    When we first started playing "Champions"(the campaign that is currently on "hold"while our referee rewrites the rules !) we were asked to fill certain niches (telekinetic, gadgateer, brick, energy blaster). I selected the ënergy blaster"niche and the result was "St Barbara". When the campaign restarts (who knows when) the team will certainly be different and I may have to redo "St B"according to the new set of rules, but she'll still be the groups ënergy blaster"and she'll still be 5ft 2'', blue eyed, blonde an ex-gymnast, ex-model with the same delightfully convoluted history that I originally created for her !

  8. Re: [Pulp] Suggested Reads


    To "Blacksword". I don't know how easy it would be to get now but "The Writer's Guide To Everyday Life From Prohibition Through World War ll" by Marc McCutcheon gives lots of useful information about fashion, radio shows, crime, cars,slang and what books, movies and songs were popular in the era. (Published 1995 by Writers Digest Books of Cincinnati Ohio) is a very useful resource for a pulp campaign.

  9. Re: [Pulp] Suggested Reads


    To "Fenrisulf" I agree about A A Merritt; great reading if you are thinking about running (or playing in) a pulp "lost worlds"type of campaign ! If you can get hold of them the "Yesterday's Faces"series by Robert Sampson and "The Great Pulp Heroes"by Don Hutchison are excellent reference works on Pulp writing. Recent fiction worth a look include the "Tomb Raider"novelisations and those that were done for "The Mummy"and "The Scorpion King". Lloyd Alexander wrote a series of books for teenagers featuring an adventurous girl named "Vesper Holly"which are worth a look as are Robert McSkimmin's "Cairo Jim"books, which also seem to have been aimed at young readers .

  10. Re: Forgotten Golden Age heroes


    50's Hell we were getting black and white reprints of "Johnny Quick"(and such classics as "Roy Raymond :T V Detective")in Australia well into the 60's ! For insights into some of the older and less well known comic book heros try to get hold of Äll In Colour For A Dime"and "The Comic Book Book"by Don Thompson and Dick Lupoff. The writeups on "Second Banana Superheros"are very interesting.

  11. Re: Superman for President?


    Hmm If he isn't eligible to be president and REALLY wants to be president might that not cause complications ? Can't he get naturalised and marry a nice girl like Arnold Schwarzzawatsis ? Would that make him eligible ?

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