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st barbara

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Posts posted by st barbara

  1. Re: What are these Ages exactly?


    To "Darren Watts" I tend to agree with your definitions pretty much; although I don't know what you would call the current"age". Although, as you said, we probably shouldn't name it till it is past. "The Age Of Diversity"is one name that I have already seen for the current era.

  2. Re: Foriegn Captain America's


    To "Pampero" So what would "Granadero"have in the way of powers? Naturally I didn't neglect Argentina when I was populating my world with supers and gave them a whole swag of heros; including my "Green Lantern"clone Ëstrella Del Sur"("Southern Star" if I read my Spanish phrasebook correctly) who creates items out of blue light ala "GL"or perhaps "Jade".

  3. Re: Is this sick or what?


    Babies wired into killer robots ! I can almost hear "St Barbara's"blood boiling ! If we can find our way to whoever is responsible for this the court had better have a necromancer on staff because this guy is turning up in an envelope as charred remains !

  4. Re: Foriegn Captain America's


    Let me see "Brazilian Supers"(Looks up book of heros) Well, one that I came up with was "La Carioca"(which my dictionary defines as a native of Rio De Janero") My concept was that of a female beach volleyball champion (I've seen the Brazilian beach volleyballers at various olympics, and they are some of the best in the world) who has "tactile telekinesis"which I defined as a sort of super strength but only for lifting and throwing objects. She also has "Super Leap, acrobatics, and has learned some martial arts (Aikido). Her main tactic is to pick something up and toss it (with amazing accuracy and force) at wrongdoers ! Naturally she is tall, athletic and beautiful and wears a costume similar to those worn by competitors in Beach Volleyball at the Olympics.

  5. Re: What Gold/Silver/Iron Age story or series do you love?


    Like Scott Heine I have a soft spot for those old JLA/JSA crossovers of yore ! "Crisis On Earth One/Crisis On Earth 2"was one of the first Superhero comics that I read and I have enjoyed just about every one since. I guess i'm just a sucker for the "menace so big that EVERYONE has to get together to face it"type of story.

  6. Re: Foriegn Captain America's


    To "Zornwill"and "Ässault" What I meant by "not being political"was that she doesn't take sides in the political conflict but tries to use her powers to improve the lot of the ordinary people in The West Bank and Gaza. As "Zornwill"says she uses her powers to try to stop BOTH sides from hurting innocents (and killing each other). I don't see transforming a dangerous bomb into something harmless so that it cannot hurt anyone as a political statement so much as a humanitarian statement ! As I said she was a difficult concept to arrive at because, if I had come down firmly on the side of the Palastinians and had her be an out and out superterrorist I would have had to justify WHY she hasn't been eliminated by the Israelies (who have a team of supers of their own) On the other hand, if she had been obviously pro Israel how could she function in the West Bank and Gaza ?

  7. Re: Foriegn Captain America's


    Hmm . Sometimes you have to be careful creating "heros"in nations or ethnic groups that are not popular. I recently added a Palestinian super to my list. She is called "The Imp"(I don't know what that might be in Arabic, so I used English). Her super power is the ability to transform anymaterial to any other material. I imagine her as not at all political, but protective of the ordinary Palistinian population and that she goes around doing things like transforming plastic explosive bombs into marzipan and such like !

  8. Re: Foriegn Captain America's


    To "Trencher"sorry No. Or rather only in my mind's eye. I imagine "Bifrost"as being tall, blonde , blue eyed and one of the most beautiful women in the world (She is a professional model as well as being a super), "Northern Star"as being shorter (about 5ft 6"as opposed to "Bifrost's"6ft) with short curly blonde hair and "The Rose Elf" who is only supposed to be about 15 years old as being the smallest of the three (5ft 4") with brown hair in a ponytail. In game terms "Bifrost"has a "Comliness"stat of 33 ! As a contrast, when her husband is in his "Troll"form he has a comliness of 6. I imagine them having a good private joke by going for walks together in costume/character !

  9. Re: Psychological Limitations and You


    To "Zornwill" Interesting point about characters "developing"psych lims that weren't in the original character concept. "St Barbara"has sort of developed a psych lim of" ëxtremly loyal to /protective of teammates"but, because we now haven't played for a LONG time I haven't really had a chance to do anything with it. (The reason we haven't played is because our referee is busy "rewriting"the rules; which aren't really as similar to the original "Champions"rules as I might like). With any luck we will restart sometime soonish and I can find out how the pdych lims will be used in the future. (I'm not holding my breath though !)

  10. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


    Hmm "St Barbara"might well go along with it while organizing to have the child spirited away and protected by the rest of her team or anyone else she could find who could be trusted to do the job. AFTERWARDS she might well come looking for this person with intent to severely discomode him ! Gloves off, full power on and no punches pulled nor holds barred ! n If her public reputation was "ruined"by what had happenned being publicised whell what the hell, reputations can be rebuilt and if the public is that fickle , well "St B"couldn't give a damn what they think !

  11. Re: Foriegn Captain America's


    Of all the international super heros that I have created (I dont necessarily PLAY them, but I do like creating them !) the ones of which I am most fond are my Scandanavian team "The Vikings". Now I am not from Scandanavia so I will apologise in advance if I offend any Scandanavian sensibilities but these characters are. "Bifrost"(Sweden) has the power to make light solid, flies. "The Troll"(Her husband-also from Sweden) shape changes to large powerful monster. "Northern Star"(Norway) (Yes I know that I stole the name from "Champions Universe") the prototypical flying energy projector and team leader. "Snowbear"(How could I resist-also from Norway) a were Polar Bear. "The Rune Lord"(Finland) Elemental and Runic magic and "The Rose Elf"(Denmark) a very capable illusionist (Images rather thab mental illusions). Now I realise that having a character with the ability to solidify light and someone who uses Images is cheating a bit but hey I MEANT them to be a formidable team !

  12. Re: Four Color, Silver Age, etc. Defined somewhere?


    Interesting points. I usually don't bother with the "bronze", "Iron", "Adamantium"or whatever ages, but I would have thought that the golden age ended during the 1950's when the popularity of the Super Hero comics was eclipsed by that of the Horror Comics and that the silver age began with the relaunch of Super Heros by Julius Schwartz in the 1960's. Perhaps the best name I have heard for the current period of comics is "The Age Of Diversity"with a large number of companies prooducing comics of very varied types (not just Super Heros) and comtinuing to thrive (or at least survive)

  13. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    Well "Nyrath""Doc"Smith didn't exactly INVENT these concepts as popularize them. He was one of the most successful writers of his era and although concepts such as teleportation had been around since the 19th century few of the readers of 1920's pulp S F magazines would have known about them. What Smith did, he generally did well, but I don't know how much he actually INVENTED !

  14. Re: Weak Supers who just needed better writers


    It might not be quite "on topic"but I was always annoyed by those old Marvel villains who had only one "trick"" and that trick, if it worked as intended, was lethal ! I am thinking particularly of characters like "The Melter" and that guy in "Daredevil" ("Gladiator"?) who had the buzz saw blades attached to the backs of his gloves ! Their original creators (lee and Kirby ?) should have seen how deadly theu could be from the outset but no, they had to make them act stupidly so that no-one got hurt and the villains always lost (as was a convention/rule of comics in the sixties). I'm sure that "DC"had equivalents but I can't recall any just now.

  15. Re: Character Transformations


    "St Barbara" has actually been through at least one major "power upgrade". Which i think stemmed from the time a bunch of villains tried to use her as a living "power battery" to power some infernal machine. From this she got her "Tractor/Pressor" beam and her "EDM" short range teleport. I think that the "Tractor /Pressor" is writen up as "T K. No fine manipulation. Push/pull only". Both of these powrs have proved useful, but she has to be careful with her "EDM" as this can put her in a situation in which she is facing a whole raft of nasties without support.

  16. Re: Help with Mystic/Pulp Hero Characters


    One character type that I might suggest you add to this mix is the "dashing Aviator/Aviatrix"; the brilliant flyer/mechanic/explorer. A female character based on Amelia Earhardt or Amy Johnson could be fun to add to a game, especially if you have a female player who might be interested in playing her ! Such a character could even be a "daredevil" in the literal sense, someone who went around doing stunt flying/ wingwalking displays at county fairs as well as setting records in their special plane. Even if you leave out the Jetpack, a character like Cliff Secord from the movie "The Rocketeer" might work well.

  17. Re: Pulp Hero??


    Hey "Stampede" a D20 version of "Adventure". I will certainly be looking for that ! What is its actual title ? To "Emerald Mask" I envy you your pulp game ! I would love to play in a pulp adventure type game regardless of which set of rules were being used ! I even have rules for "Adventure", "Justice Inc", "Gurps Cliffhangers" and " Daredevils" here but, apart from one attempt to referee "Daredevils" and a short lived campaign of "Adventure" I haven't actually played any of them. Oh yes I just remembered that I played about two games of "Call Of Cuthulu" and then the referee moved to Canberra (I live in Sydney) . Obviously there is some cosmic conspiracy against me playing in aPulp game !

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