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Posts posted by Fredwidge

  1. Re: Best genre to learn HERO system?


    The best genre to learn HERO is...


    The genre you want to run.


    I know, cliche, but trust me on this.


    It's cliché, but I'm starting to agree with this... I'll even go so far has to say that it's not just the genre, but the enthusiasm and the people that make a better difference.


    Besides, I'm finding that any genre can start low, without any of the big powers and optional rules. Just skill and perks.. and then move up when everyone is comfortable with the rules. Small bites, a good story and lots of nachos&beer is what is needed... that and carefully concealed shurikens to throw at dice stealers when playing ninja hero. ;)


    Had lots of fun with a friend last monday when we made up team players for a Bloodbowl game with Hero rules.

  2. Re: Best genre to learn HERO system?


    The problem I have with a fantasy setting is that it is often synonymous of a dungeon crawl. I think that D&D is responsible of reinforcing that view in new players' mind. I'm not saying that every fantasy settings ARE dungeon crawls; just that it can attract dungeon crawlers. I don't want to generate loot tables and see my players go "Giggity giggity goo!" à-la Quamire in front of a +2 flaming bastard sword. ;)


    There is nothing wrong with dungeon crawling either, and honestly I do it from time to time, but I want something refreshing. And until I don't have group with the desire to role-play in a fantasy settings, I'm not risking it.


    Keep in mind that I don't have a group of people to play with yet and that I have to search for role-players. Hitting the next D&D local store with templates of mages, thieves and knights might attract false impressions and create a dungeon crawling expectation" syndrome.


    @BNakagawa - You're right about Pre-gen chars. I also took a look at templates. Templates are nice for new people too. I'm not ready to create balanced templates yet, but I'm looking forward to using those. I just read the chapter about it last night. Seems to ease the pressure off of players a bit.

  3. Re: Best genre to learn HERO system?


    The sidekick book will have to wait until I get more familliar with the rules, but I'm 100% sure that buying at least one book will pay out in the long run. You never have enough books when the players want to level up. (I know, I know.. i should say skill up ;) ) I'll also encourage new players to have a look at sidekick if they want to buy a book. There is always that over-zealous player that want to buy everythng right away. ^_- It's even easier on the wallet with sidekick and you can go around doing the karate kid's crane move! "HEeeeeyyyyyaaa!" Ouch me leg Mister Meiyagui...! Errr uhmm...Sorry about that..>.>... Also, I'll have Hero Designer for sure just for the sake of easy NPC design.


    But has Hyper-Man said, removing the powers out of the equation is something to keep in mind. So I was thinking of going for the Star Hero genre, but having the players being on a penal colonie world. Some cheesy cataclism brings it back to a stone/medieval age. The players have to find a way to get out of this mess(think fallout). They can stumble on technologies on their way to the top( introduced at my will, has we get better with the rules.) And then, once they charm/subdue/manipulate/trick/kill the local nobles who own the place... get a transport out of this hellhole and have fun on new adventures or just get stuck up in a postapocaliptic world to my delighted machiavelic pleasures...


    Still, it's only thoughts and nothing is fixed. If after a couple of pratice runs I get very good with the rules, we'll go for the genre that inspires us the most. But thats far away down the road. I'm far from mastering the rules and having a full group of player that fit together yet. I give myself up to the end of novembre to find a partner with whom I'll hammer down the basics, then ... well it's recruitment time... and x-mas time... Yay presents! :0~


    Anyways, good ideas guys. It's very motivating, thanks! =D

  4. Re: Best genre to learn HERO system?


    Learning and experiencing the elegance of #2 is the key to hooking new players imo. And creating characters is far easier when you take the POWERS section out of the equation.


    Ahhh thanks, exactly what I needed to know. Why get entangled with the billions of power combination when you can have fun right away... :thumbup: It's so brilliant and obvious that I'm ashamed I haven't thought of it... hehe.

  5. Re: A bit of advice for fellow newcomers...




    For example, consider Xena. I thought her chakram was pretty dang cool. I think I want one. How would I build it? Well I could do an RKA or an EB or... wait, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. :tsk: What does it actually do? Well, Xena throws it, and it hits people. Or other objects. Sometimes it kills people, sometimes ...


    :lol: I'm learning the system atm and it is exactly the mistake reflex that I would do... Thanks for opening up my mind.

  6. Re: Best genre to learn HERO system?


    Yeah I know that, but sadly I think I haven't expressed myself properly.


    Considering that I have no group of people to introduce to HERO, which genre recruits people more easily? I don't mind any genre, that's one of the reasons I chose HERO system. I can play anything with only one rulebook. Heck, I plan on playing a good chunk of all the genres. It all depends on the people I come across and what gets people to turn their eye on this system.


    What I am curious about, is what genre is easier to get people who mostly never played role-playing games or just played D&D. Cyberpunk is fun, but sometimes too obscure. Horror genres are... scary at first. :P Western spaghetti are lone coyotes in the desert, only dedicated fans will love. You get my drift?


    Four color superheroes look casual enough and light so that no one will feel out of place when role playing.

  7. Hi folks,


    I bought the 5edRev rulebook last year but never had the time to commit myself to learn the rules yet. But today is a grand day! I HAVE time! :celebrate


    I wanted to know which genre is the best to start up has a rusted GM. I mean start up from scratch... learning the rules, finding players, teaching them how to role-play and rule-play ;), creating my universe... I say from scratch because most of my friends aren't interested in role-playing and I'm new in town. (Montreal, Canada)


    The idea I had was to find a "champion" with whom I would learn the rules and try out different things in small non-persistent stories. Once we get a good feel of the game, we'd go out to recruit people. At first glance, it looks like the superheroes in tight pants would be the easiest genre to start with. It seems like it has less optional rules. How does that sound?


    I also thought about buying that character generator software. I'm convinced it will help to get into the good meat rapidly and then go under the hood only when we are more familiar.


    Hero system seems very hard to learn by yourself, so I'm trying to make this task less daunting by taking baby steps...

  8. Re: Sci-fi swear words?


    I like inventing mines from my game's culture and then handing them to players for abuse. It helps reinforce the immersion of the game.


    Say you're making a game in a world which was ruined by the greedy powers of federated megacorps and their full scale corporated war... The S-word could be replaced by "fedcred"... for federal credits : the currency which lead people to that dreaded apocalyptic war. I'm sure you can come out with better ones, even though it's a bit off topic. ;)

  9. Re: Unarchetypal Heroes


    I always wanted to explore to the fullest the gnomish engineer concept who builds trilions of gadgets and bombs without knowing any spells at all. Can't do it in my current D&D game. Kinda like the dwarven smith Captain Obvious mentioned earlier.

  10. Re: Der Psychology of der Super Human




    IMO, the most likely societal structure that would develop out of a metahuman world, would be a feudal style system. Cities, states, spheres of influence would develop around a single powerful metahuman, or group of likeminded metahumans... with lesser powers ringed about them... normal humans on the outside, as you have to choose allegiance to one power or another to survive. Micro-societies would live and die as did the metahuman they were spawned around. Long lived, powerful metahumans would aggregate power over time... maybe even create stable, participative governments that invest even normals in the structure... but in the end would still be dependent on the benevolent dictatorship of the strongest ruling metahuman.




    I sense a taint of Magneto in your words... He would be proud. Has thou joined the Brotherhood? ;)

  11. Re: Der Psychology of der Super Human


    I can easily see the blasters being insomniacs. Ever had twitchy nights where you were kicking or jerking sporadically? This behavior kinda happens when you had a troubled day or when you recently experienced something disburbing. How many times does that happen to a superhero? Imagine having a nightmare only to wake up after with the roof and the three apartments above your bed blown to oblivions... "Uh... oops!" :fear:

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