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Posts posted by MorpheousXO

  1. Re: Naruto


    Actually, I was thinking of making a chakra control skill that you had to roll, and depending on how well you roll, you'd convert End into Chakra each time you need to use a jutsu. Just need to find the right balance on that.


    I get all my naruto needs from narutofan.com.


    I have to go to work now, or else I'd look up where episode 136 is in the manga so you could start at the time skip... well, actually kakashi gaiden first, then time skip.

  2. Re: Naruto


    Oh, and if you want I'll post the jutsu I've converted thus far. they're all in text docs, as I didn't have HD at the time, so the costs might be off as I had to use a calculator.


    Just have ninjutsu and genjutsu, no taijutsu, but that can be done either in the same fashion or as Martial Arts, depending on preference.


    Maybe sometime I'll input them all into HD and revise them to boot, I have a bit more experience with HERO now, some effects might be better done differently (there's alot of jutsu that are basically the same except for SFX).

  3. Re: Naruto


    Oh yeah, and the filler has bored me so much that I haven't been keeping up on the show. The last episode I saw was the one before akamaru goes... whatever it is that happens (don't say anything, I'll watch it eventually). That really is how much I dislike the filler, to me it's made naruto boring, partially because I know all the cool stuff that's going to happen after Naruto trains with ero-sennin for 2 and a half years. This filler is just so hokey and pointless with no overarching storyline that I find it boring. BRING ON AKATSUKI!!!!

  4. Re: Naruto


    the hospital scene was early in the filler arc, where naruto pops down from the ceiling inches away from hinata's face. It's also the one where he see's her "naked" (sillouhetted [sp] against the waterfall) and then the next day mentions he saw a super cute girl, and never realizes that it was her. The bug hunt cycle.


    And I highly highly recomend the manga, much much better than the current series, and sakura's cuter to boot! :eek:

  5. Re: Star Wars - The Jedi Academy Campaign: The Final Chapter


    heheeehe supress force powers




    Hmm... maybe area effect force choke!


    Wielding two lightsabers with the force as well as his own! (and the extra, limited speed to back it up!)




    Summon Dark Force Clone(s).


    Drain/suppress Lightsaber.


    Revealing that he's their long lost uncle (even if the characters aren't related!)... I jest, I jest! :hush:


    Well, I'm dry for ideas, not particularly sure how useful they were, though I hope they might at least act as a springboard for better articulated idea-makers.


    P.S. I love your rules for this, and can't wait til I can see the whole shebang (assuming you keep updating the material since the campaign is done).:)

  6. Re: Naruto


    Honestly, byakugan would be somewhat simple. Buy Detect Chakra, put it in sight category, and then you'd add 360 degree vision, and a buttload of telescopic to it. You'd probably need to add a limitation that says only while byakugan is active (possibly -0). Then you'd link his chakra drain to byakugan, along with any other powers he uses with it (kaiten? damn, been too long since I've watched those). As for the weakness... well, it's so small, but it could be a side effect, perhaps, or another limitation that says when aiming for one specific hit location (HL 1 for example) target does not gain whatever bonuses to defense you buy linked to byakugan. Oh yeah, and they have to be "behind" the byakuganka (:rolleyes:).


    Well, that's how I'd do it. Actually, I wrote up a lot of jutsu based off of my friend frankto's Naruto d20 (lots and lots of jutsu there). They're all ranked into D, C, B, A, S.


    As for Gaara's sand control... considdering it's shukaku that gives it too him, I think that it would be grounds for a VPP. Sharingan could possibly be a vpp, but much more limited I'd think than gaara's. Other than that... umm... not sure what else I could recomend at the moment.


    As you might be able to see, I love Naruto as well... though I despise the durned fillers (over a year! :weep:). They just need to continue with the manga story-line because they can't write a good storyline if their lives depended on it (ok, Hinata and Naruto in the hospital was hilarious...). Leave the storytelling to Kishimotosama. Ok, rant off... so sorry. :drink:

  7. Re: mass group combat


    The rules as LL said are located in FH' date=' and they are good. The best mosh-combat rules I've seen to date were actually from [i']Vampire: The Dark Ages,[/i] which, in its original incarnation was a very low-magic, sword & sorcery vampire campaign, and it was fantastic.


    As the battle rages on, the rules only really covered how to describe the action, and how to possibly harm the players with erratic fire, rolling boulders, and so on. Instead of making them the targets, it gave you rules to simulate the condition on the battlefield itself. FH doesn't do this, IIRC, but it could be installed VERY easily, and would be a great way to add an X factor to it.


    I actually side in the middle (shock!) here, in that I think there's a place to run mosh combat, and any RPG can do it, its just a matter of the focus & how well it handles it, and further, that at its heart, White Wolf really nailed it. Here's rules for being IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT. Incoming!



    Which book was that?

  8. Re: Does your GM play too?


    I usually have NPC/PC's that shows up in any game I run. The NPC/PC's is usually more of a helper and clue finder if needed. I work really hard to not have that C become center stage, so it works.


    Opps... I misread this. Yes the others that GM do a variation of what I do above.


    Heehee, NPC/PC, that's exactly what I've always called 'em.


    In any case, first game I ever ran was Vampire: The Masquerade. It was a sabbat game, and I had never played the game before. Thus, I created a character that was higher Generation (less powerful, farther from the bloodline of Caine the First Vampire), was younger, and basically completely out of her element (Country Gangrel stuck in the city cause of the darn Archbishop... heeheehee). I set groundrules, such as This Character May Never Be Leader! and stuck to them.


    It worked out rather well, and later when one player had a craving to run a session, I actually got to play her as a player. In any case, I don't have a problem with doing it because I'm NOT like the GM in the Rifts game(s) I played. Interestingly that was AFTER my Vampire experience, so I just started out knowing the PC's were the stars.


    Anyways, used properly I think it is a lot of fun, especially when the NPC/PC knows even less than the players. They want advice? Turn to the enigmatic Tzimisce Pack Priest that never goes with you because he's always "busy" for some reason, :eg: not the NPC/PC. She doesn't even know how to drive. :rofl:


    In other words... HAVE FUN!

  9. Re: Missile Deflection Variant (Pondering)


    I rather liked the idea of it being a series of adders for block. One adder would add ranged block, then you'd have two more adders for reflecting ranged and melee. If you only them to work against certain "objects", then you would apply the Limitation to the applicable adders. Or you could always just make a new maneuver called Ranged Block, then have adders to each that add reflecting... :confused:

  10. Re: I am hot!


    It might even be fun to make it into a halloween costume & then wear it to the next comic convention. You get in free if you are in costume ;-)


    *Ponders on what the costume would look like...* :fear:


    *Quietly moves back into lurkerdom*

  11. Re: KillerShrike.com Fantasy Update


    Hmm...well, the site supports a "Export to CSV" option on the spell list...you could dump the spell list to csv, open it w/ Excel and viola you have a spreadsheet.


    There is a link at the top that says "Export CSV For Current Spell List (Note: the hex symbol (") replaced with "hx")"




    At any rate the assumption Ive made is that spell lists are useful during character design when Spells are added to character sheets; thereafter the information needed at run time is encapsulated in the character sheets of the characters that have those spells.


    Is this not how most people use spell lists?


    Ahem... didn't know what CSV meant, and didn't know I was supposed to open it in Excel (I don't have much experience with Excel :o ) That would of course explain why it was nearly undreadable for me. Thank you very much, that helps quite a bit! :D


    And on the front of what we always did with spells... umm... I think when I played dnd there were at least three players handbooks about... so we just wrote down what spells we had and then looked them up in the book if we couldn't remember what they did (the clerics are fun though, keeping track of all the spells they could cast... especially since you could just switch to a healing spell anyways instead of preparing mostly healing spells... :ugly: )


    Thanks again!

  12. Re: KillerShrike.com Fantasy Update


    Honestly what I want is an easy way to get a list of all the spells without having to visit the site. Someday I might actually be able to run DnDHERO, and might need a lappy to lug the stuff around with. Anyways, still love the site, and am glad you've gotten back to the fantasy section again. :thumbup:

  13. Re: Eberron Hero


    I'm now leaning toward the idea of an END Reserve' date=' with a Recovery limited to only kick in when the Artificer destroys a magic item.[/quote']

    Hmm... sounds like a World of Warcraft Enchanter... :straight: oh crap, did I mention World of Warcraft in here? *hides*:fear:

  14. Re: Alternate Attack Rolls


    If I ever get to run a HERO game I'm going to be using this method (oddly enough it'll probably be D&D HERO that I do...).


    Also if you want to make it easier for them to convert, you could make skill rolls have a base of 10 as well. Basically you do like d20 (sort of). 10 in an Ability is +0, 15 is +1, 20 is +2, 5 is -1, and 0 is -2. I believe this gives the same chance of success as everything is still the same, and it doesn't affect the CV's (since they're still DEX/3). Also, only having a Familiarity would be a -3 on the roll with no +/- for abilities.


    If you choose to not use that, just stick with the 12 or more as a base. Anyways, please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this as I did it all in my head. :ugly:

  15. Re: d20 Monster Conversion: Babau Demon into HERO


    Hey, KillerShrike, I've been looking around your site, and while I swear I've found it before, I can't find any of your monster conversions (other than the one you just posted, and I can't find even that one without the link). I was wondering if you could point me to their location, say thankya.

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