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Everything posted by JmOz

  1. 3.0 takes a lot of practice imo. 2.5 is really easy but very limited.
  2. Made a minor change to Blurr
  3. Art is via Heromachine 3.0 Mechanics are via Hero Designer Web site is Wix: Not happy they don't have tables and the HTML plug in is a pain in the but, so some minor formatting errors...
  4. Here are some pics to help that I used as inspiration
  5. 5/7 Beast is up. Leaving Belt and Brick the World's plainest heroes
  6. Do a gender swap and add a skirt...
  7. Bolt up. that's 4/7 of them
  8. I must admit, I was hoping for some comments on the costumes of Brain and Brick...See if anyone caught the references...
  9. Second Character updated (Blast)
  10. First character (The Brain) is updated
  11. Yes and no. It is technicaly not "Mook only" a player COULD choose to take it even though it is not really designed for them. Yes it is a major hinderance for a PC to take
  12. I have finished the revisions, but will need to post them tomorow...
  13. Gave him Bola's...5d6 Entangle single target and reworked the glues to be AE
  14. Revisions are a coming: I have reduced most of the attacks down (Blast still has her 5d6 RKA), upped defense on a number of them, tweekedd speed and dex on a few and CV's are being lowered to an average of 9ish. I am trying to come up with another arrow for Bolt right now...I have a really complicated formula and it boils down to needing a 10 dc attack costing 62 points ish...
  15. Yup, reworking her, also making her a runner (with use running as leap...think about it). On the issue of drains, one thing I have done on most is that even if there powers are drained enough of their points are in base characteristics that they can still be fairly effective w/o their powers...For instance right now blur has 30m of running outside of it, with OCV/DCV of 8 and speed 5. Definatly a drop in effectiveness for being drained but not crippling
  16. Thank you Hugh. I have decided to tone down both Brick and Beast to more 12d6 attack range. Might reduce the others as well, but don't think so right now (Maybe bolt...). Want to avoid VPP on belt I intended Brick to have extremly high defence compared to the others, his thing...However I do think raising a couple to higher levels would be appropriate as well (from 20 to 25, maybe one to 30 without the modifiers...
  17. Did not list any combat manuvers so yah was assuming...(Thus the appology) will be modifying it soonish...
  18. I think I will need to add a "Powers/Tactics" section. Beast: Originally had a 3 slot MP that included a HKA and the HA (Plus clinging), was trying to simplify the character...might add it back in Belt: will drop legal description (I copied and pasted from a list of 100 UT belt items) Blur: Redesigning Blast: Think of the RKA as "Used vs robots and walls"
  19. How about the others? I except I need to revise Blur...any other problems?
  20. Really close to the MA package I am thinking (Passing Strike, Flying Dodge, and Passing Disarm). If I go strait CC I would use Martial Disarm over Defensive Strike personally....Just seems so Speedster....
  21. Reworking Blur...The DC issue was my fault...stupid of me to get By and through mixed up...debating going away from core books and using MA...really torn on it...
  22. I was using the guidelines from 6th edition tweaked a bit...Sorry, that came off as mean instead of mildly sarcastic...been a hard day, no offence ment but sincere appology for my attitude. General guidelines are (With outliners) Heroes should be between 3-6 speed Damaged should be in the 10-15 range OCV/DCV:8-12 Defense 20-30 (Don't care about rDef)
  23. On Blur: yes it is called "Move by"...75m/10=7.5+1.5=9d6...however...I kind of made a mistake when I originally calculated it and will need to rework her tomorrow (I divided by 6 instead of 10...OOPS) . Beast should be a 12d6 AP (When you prorate strength ) will add a note on her about it...
  24. They should be CC legal, but if I doubted a rule I checked 6th (so Beast would be doing a 12d6 AP attack)
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