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Everything posted by JmOz

  1. Finally got the last Hero of San Corona up http://jawedel01.wixsite.com/kountry-gaming/copy-of-heroes-of-san-corona-midnig-1
  2. No update this week...worked on some ideas for a Necromunda/Mordheim mod instead...Coral will go up next week
  3. Thank you for the support...It is just very...painful/hard/draining/don't really know the word each day. I do appreciate the support, and Old-man thanks for caring enough to keep it on page 1
  4. They changed the name to persistent depression disorder...that is what I have
  5. I was over the summer, but due to location and scheduling.... I am on "happy pills" that make me feel like a liar (don't, just don't...I know they help, but I feel the way I do about them)....
  6. I was so desperate for the help I needed that I let him say and do a lot of things like that... I also had and still believe it was HER responsibility to say "That is not right, apologize to him"...that is what ALOT of the fighting has been about. He has an attitude of "why should I"...It's been two years sense he said it...My depression has gotten a lot worse in that time (1 failed suicide attempts)...the comment was made a month and a half after the first suicide attempt, the second time I got to that point was when I checked myself into the Psych ward...It was after a big fight where I was begging her to do some things I feel are just basic human curtisies (Answer my calls, stand up to him, appreciate the pain I am in, be honest with me)
  7. Some background... My wife has serious health issues. I use to lean on my daughter. Daughter got new guy...new guy did not like it She moved out THings got worse with wife's health I begged for the help I needed (Her and her now husband to move in, so I was not facing it alone) He stated they would not because "He needed to be able to walk around naked"... She thought he had a wonderful POV Lots of fighting She has basically not spoken to me since her and his attitude put me in a psych ward...Fathers Day...
  8. I need to put this out in the world, somewhere, anywhere.... I suffer from a type of depression called Persistent Depression Disorder. Today it is really bad...
  9. Added a designer note on the VPP...it may seem weird that it is cosmic, but it is also heavily limited in use, a description of how it is intended to be used is now included...could someone please read over the note and tell me if it makes sense?
  10. Next up is Bandit...Kind of a cat woman type character honestly, with more gadgets... http://jawedel01.wixsite.com/kountry-gaming/copy-of-heroes-of-san-corona-midnig I hope everyone is enjoying them...
  11. WTF: Seems like all the posters I know are passing away...He will be missed deaply
  12. A little off topic, but just posted a precog http://jawedel01.wixsite.com/kountry-gaming/copy-of-heroes-of-san-corona-brute
  13. This week I present: The Midnight Avenger I have also made some minor formatting changes to the generic Bolt Note: Made a couple adjustments
  14. Defiantly helpful, made the change, added the first of a new group of Pathfinder characters, fixed layout issue on blur. Still need to review a Shadowrun character and add a section for Necromunda (Might wait on that one however...
  15. Will do in a bit then, thank you for the help
  16. Do you think it is worth a note under designer notes?
  17. And negative. It adds to when he is trying to be underestimated, sometimes someone NOT knowing what you can do is very useful...
  18. Got my set, here is a video of me opening it
  19. Added the team's Strong Man---THE BRUTE
  20. Yes, but I had forgotten 2 skill fams, and it was intended to be OAF
  21. Had some time so updated Dragonfly, fixing the couple errors...nothing to big, a couple skills were off and the OAF foci added to the tonfa...
  22. Made some minor changes, added list of "Everyman skills" the characters should buy, noticed a couple mistakes on Dragonfly that I will fix when I have time...
  23. On the tonfa...forgot to change it to an OAF.... Yes the whole group has higher than norm DCV and lower than norm pd/ed...plus he is an homage to a certain high agility hero...
  24. Think of it as being used for all the misc knowledge you possess, like what is Romeo and Juliet about or what movies have Angela Jolie been in. Not about What is a car or this is a dog (But maybe the breed of dog). What a GM would normally require an INT roll basically. It was also in part added because it made the "every-man" package of skills an even 25 points (note that they basically also get an additional 25 points to pay for the every-man skills It grants an additional amount of flexibility that is worth it to me, meaning that if your character is "More in the know" about a lot of things it gives an easy way to increase it without requiring higher int (that might not be warranted)..it also allows for somethings like the obtuse know it all, etc... I will add the Everyman package next weekend so you can see that as well,
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