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Everything posted by JmOz

  1. I personally would advise against DC:TAS. I just did not feel it was that useful. Good try but even Babe Ruth failed to hit the ball sometimes...
  2. I would consider AVAD hear as well (Flash Defense Hearing)
  3. Okay, just loaded the last of the Five, tell me what you think of the look of them
  4. JmOz

    Signature Weapons

    A little about my motivations here: I have for a VERY long time been working on a gadget book called "The Fox Armory", a guide to "street Level" equipment. The majority of the book is items under 30 AP, and 15 RP, however I want one section of the book to be more expensive gadgets that really "Define" a character. So far I have (and hero/villain names may change, Quotation marks mean THEY WILL CHANGE) Magpie's Wings Marksman's Quiver Belt of Might
  5. I am looking for examples of signature weapons for "street level" heroes. So to define what I am looking for, I don't need write ups, just examples. By Street Level we are talking about Spider-man, Batman (I know, really powerful), most of the Netflix Marvel characters, etc... I am looking for items that help to define the character. I am not looking things like the GL ring or Iron Man Armor, as that is the wrong scale...
  6. Some art Not sure how to post them in thread
  7. JmOz


    Realise that the automation powers are extremley powerful v. some characters and a joke v. others... make sure you know which ones your players are. Automations are single minded as a general rule, they do not adapt like normals do
  8. Next time go with a bunch of time displaced batman's (JL 1M, BB, Etc,,, and use Robin the Toy Wonder)
  9. Update, have all of the characters built, need to do backgrounds still
  10. I would include Terry McGInnes in there as well...Probably instead of Psyco Robin
  11. My world actually uses variants of both PRIMUS and SAT STARS: My version of SAT answers to the DOD, combines elements of GI Joe as well (Special Tactical Assault Readiness Squadron) STRIPES: Is my form of PRIMUS answering to the DOJ, combining elements of the 80's Checkmatee and SHIELD (Special Target Reconnaissance, Investigation, Policing, Espionage Squadrons)
  12. Decided to keephim melee centered, but added some darts to give him a ranged option (1d6 HKA, Ranged based on Str, AF-3, ap, 12 recoverable charges)
  13. I strongly disagree: I feel that IF when the power is in use/activated the source is obvious then it is obvious, the fact that it is hard to detect when not in use is a matter of concealment... Take the GL ring: A glowing aura around the ring in use tells you it is a Obvious focus, the fact that GL has a weird ring on when not in use does not change that it is Obvious, even though you would probably not really notice it. James Bond's pen obviously shoots a laser, so I would say it is actually two powers a RKA and a + to concealment. The plus to concealment is probably an In obvious (Actually a third power for transform as well to represent the pen itself...but lets not get silly)
  14. So went back to the drawing board, the team now Midnight Avenger (Leader) a Pre/Postcognitive batman like character---Bit of a trick ammo type with combat discs Tengu(Lancer) A mystic flyer, Swordsman, shapeshifter (Disguise) illusion caster (yes he is all over the place). Dragonfly (Smart guy): Vehicle based character...May rework to be more ranged centered but right now a hth guy Brute: (big guy) a OIHID Brick Bandit (chick) VPP centered character Please note that as of right now Midnight Avenger and Bandit are both female.
  15. This reminds me of my necessary evil character: He had a suit of power armor he designed and used it as a bank robber, never realizing that if he had sold it to the government he would have made more money that the few thousand a bank actually has on hand---it was a running joke
  16. LSH has a extreme range of power levels...Probably the highest range of any team I can think of. You have practical gods (Brainiac 5. the various Kryptonians/daxamites, Sun Boy, wildfire, etc...) to someone who can make a single duplicate (originally 2 dupes) or turn invisible. I honestly have a hard time thinking of any group with more power levels in it
  17. Okay, this might be overly complicated Character is injected once a month with nanites The nanites start to "die" after the month, causing a loss of X number of points of power per day (thinking about 1/5) The nanites can also be "turned off" by sending a code via radio waves I am thinking the whole thing is a -1/4 version of restrainable right now, maybe also adding a unified power limit as well (debating on that)
  18. THis is something I have thought ALOT about (as a prominent hero in my world is a fencer). I would recomend building his sword as a MP with HA and HKA
  19. Was already planning on making the leader female but not the chick (The term here is being used for "The heart of the team") Figuring right now Bandit (or maybe Dragonfly) and the Leader (current code name Liberty) will be female. so Team as of right now Leader - Liberty Columbia Lancer - Tengu Big Guy -Brute Brains- Dragonfly (However Brute is a genius as well, but personality wise more Dragonfly) Chick - Bandit I want to thank you all for the ideas. BTW GREAT ART I might decide to rework the bracers down a little and give a ranged martial arts package, but I want to make it as Champions Complete compatible as possible (No range MA in there unfortunately)
  20. Ohh I know how to make a shield... been at this for awhile... I like doing homages with a twist so thinking 33 (Plasma) Blasters Bracers (50 point MP, OIF) 3u 10d6 EB 3u 8d6 EB 1/2 End 3u 8d6 EB AP 3u 8d6 EB AF3 2u 8d6 Flash AE cone, No range 3u 3d6+1 RKA 2u +4d6 HA, 0End, HA (-1/4) ------ 7 +2 DCV (Blocking) 11 (60 end/3 Rec) Probably a little Pricey...Would make (with the other powers and gear) the character be about 125 points in powers on a 325 point budget...
  21. I am leaning towards a Cap like character right now. The Centurion earth equivalent to SHIELD anyways has a group of Nanobot empowered superhumans who investigate supers, often work as team liaisons, etc...Thinking something like started investigating something in city, got to close, now off the grid for some reason (assumed dead, framed, etc...). Nice tie in with some of the Big Bad I have planed for the overall story arc in the adventure book Write now I have 3.25 books planned 1) Campaign setting Includes sample character team that will be available as a separate book well before 2) Book of gadgets 3) big book of characters Thinking instead of a shield giving him wrist blasters that have a number of different settings for a blaster (AF, AP, 0 END, RKA, Flash, etc...)
  22. Not saying it is a bad idea by any stretch. BTW Robin has been known to use one
  23. The slingshot is interesting to me...Not sure if I will go with it, but it is a good idea...very not standard....
  24. Okay update Dragonfly is now a woman The Chick (BTW this does not need to be a girl technically) will be Bandit a UT Belt Martial Artist Still working on team lead however. I like the idea of a trick ammo type, maybe bow, but leaning towards something odder Will be reworking Tengu to be more mystical as well and less Hawkman ish
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