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Everything posted by JmOz

  1. Here they are http://jawedel01.wixsite.com/kountry-gaming/copy-of-hero-games Tell me what you think...
  2. Not including any of the details on them (ie no background or power descriptions), as generics I feel the person who plays them should add details like that. Having said that even their names are not really names as nomenclatures to reference them by
  3. I have got 5 of the 7 ready to go (the two X-men based to go) Will go live tomorrow on them Last question: The web site talks a lot about my campaign world, including a house rule that would save them all a few points (Between 5-15 depending), do you think I should include a side bar on them to make them Centurion Earth compatible?
  4. Characters are done, but I am having a slight bit problem getting things onto the site... Last bit of art
  5. One other thing...on MP you will run into some alternate terminology on the slots. They use to be called Ultra (Fixed) and Multi (variable) in older editions and a lot of us old timers still call them that
  6. This is the last one...Bolt
  7. First off, while math is a skill that can be developed, there are natural aspects to your ability to learn it as well. For some people it is a lot more difficult to develop than for other (like any other skill...I consider myself to be quite capable of learning, but foreign languages are a weak spot for me) One REAL simple thing to do is to change the attack roll (kind of) Write OCV as (11+OCV). So if OCV is 9 you would write it as 20- Then you subtract the 3d6 roll, this becomes the Max DCV you hit. Make a note of what "1/2 DCV" means...ie 1/2 dcv=-5
  8. Second Group is a group of generic Heroes. Still need to make one more for this group named Bolt, but they are Blur, Belt, Brick, Blast, Brain, and Brawler (aka beast).
  9. Recently been making a lot with Hero Machine...Will post them here for review First group are the Heroes of San Corona. A group of heroes who step up when the Fox goes missing: Midnight Avenger, Brute, Dragonfly, Tengu, Coral, & Bandit
  10. Decided to put 15 point blocks (1-2 each character) on each character called "Custimization (Name)" Basically these are skills that could easily be pulled off to change but they have a default on each character)
  11. Do you guys think it is a good idea to put some points aside for custimization? thinking between 10-20 points on each for specific skills to help flesh out the character?
  12. Last two art for now...Thinking of adding a speedster...
  13. Cool Pics, but not the one I am looking for. I just need to go into the storage shed and find my old mayfair books
  14. I would love to get ahold of a pdf of the batcave from mayfair...if anyone knows where I can get a copy legaly...
  15. Reworked Brawler...Changed his name to beast (Seamed appropriate...but might change it back because of Hank McCoy). Removed the MP, lowered the strength and End (Both are now 25) an added a couple dice to the HA. Now it is an 8d6 HA AP 0 End (with Strength this is a 12d6 HA AP-2 END) I know the End seems very low...But he has a REC of 25....so He "refills" each turn...
  16. It does alude to it however on page 156. I think the advantage on strength is the way to go...Just makes more balance sense to me...The complexity can be summed up in one quick note (This attack is a 12d6 AP attack)
  17. I wanted to avoid the STR add rules on HA, though I was using them on the HKA so go figure. Right now he is Str 30 (a little superstrength).
  18. I had thought of Boy Scout already...however I think of that as more a personality type that I don't think of this type as having
  19. Reexamining Blast's MP. Do you think Variable advantage would be to complicated for the goal of "easy to run" characters. +1/2 level (so +1/4 advantage). The power has reduced END on it already at 1/2 level so a list of: AP, AE, 0 END, Var F/X (color), and 1/2 range mods. Would allow for the complete ditching of the MP with very little loss (no Flash or RKA)
  20. Valid point. I have not shyed from MP's in the builds (4 of 5 have them)...maybe I should reexamine that. While definatly needed for Belt & Brain, I could drop Blast and Brawl to not having one and simplify Brain's
  21. A new name is a good idea There are three classes of humans in the world. This has to do with certain people breeding millenniums ago, while everyone has some of their blood at this point, when enough is in someones genetic code... Baseliners: see above Paragons: These individuals are "normal" humans without the above complication, there stats are limited to something called HCM (1.5 NCM) Nitchez: can develop "real" super powers Excuse spelling...i'm tired
  22. For PC's they would still be expected to pay in points.
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