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Everything posted by Basic204

  1. Question. if i use his Hat Trick Power to lets say pull out a sword or bat or something how do I go about making it in hero designer ? Yea thinking bout it I think it would fit more for him to learn to remote teleport (Aportation) others as his ability get stronger hmmm or replace spatial cutting with it. hmmm thinking
  2. oo thanks. i like it alot just gotta add the remote teleportation attack. I enjoy the idea of teleporting some one a mile up and letting them hit the ground lol or I guess that is something he could learn later. only other thing is he can't use spatial targeting and any of his other attacks at the same time. hmmm unless I can just use to help me when he gets stronger. how much hmm might add the complication from his job.
  3. Ok So now I rised his Dex to 19 STR: 12 Dex:19 Con: 13 INT:18 EGO:12 PRE: 10 OCV: 8 DCV: 6 OMCV: 3 DMCV: 3 SPD: 4 PD: 10 ED: 6 REC: 22 END: 60 Body: 20 Stun:20 Is that better ? I lowered his Multi Power to raise this stats his multi power is now 170
  4. Oh and here is the file. I figured out how to upload it now. Spatial Manipulatior vr 4.hdc
  5. Do you have a game I can play in then ?
  6. How is the Dex below average. in the book it says average is 10. I i did the same for skills Oh I did not think about adding the file I thought the pdf was enough.
  7. Anyone running a Cannon Champions game ? So far I can't seem to find anyone running a game at all really. Is there anyone looking for a player ?
  8. In my head I have some of his physical stats lower because he got this power and is still learning the ropes of being a hero. Thats why he does not really have a name of costume yet. He just uses motorcycle armor I planned on using his in game XP to mostly build up his physical stats. Because in game I was thinking he would have only been doing this hero stuff for a total of a week or more. He is training in his apartment every day try to get in good enough shape to keep him in a fight longer
  9. ok so now I changed his stats STR 10 DEX 13 CON 13 INT 18 EGO 12 PRE 10 I lowered his END to 60 brought his REC to 21 I lowered his swimming to 2 and leaping to 2 and his running to 7 Also anyone know a cannon champions game looking for a player ?
  10. Hey guys I'm trying to figure what what fighting style would be best for a teleporter. Also if there are none what should I do to make one hmmmm and what should it be called ?
  11. Ok I got the character to 400 points what anything you think I can change or optimize ? Also Still Can't think up a super name for him So far this is what I came up with but I feel like there is a better name out there. Warp Ender Hedron Zero Spatial Manipulator.pdf
  12. Yea I could drop the Divine power manipulation. Leave that for me to get in game through XP. The Teleport Boxing. I got from the powers book.
  13. Well so far. I wanted to use teleport as his main mode of travel and be able to use it to teleport the team to locations. being that no one can fly or has super speed or some other way of traveling to far off places. Being I wanted him to be a spatial Manipulator I thought it would be cool to do alot of teleport stuff. Like being able to teleport enemy's away as an attack or teleporting people out of harms way. Then a apart of his space warping I was using telekinesis to represent him being able to move stuff through space. I think I will remove change environment that seems pretty advanced. I was planing on having change just having random shifting spatial distortions that cause gravity to keep shifting to make it hard for anyone inside to move So far the GM really likes the background but this is his first time running the game and told me to go to the forum for help in figuring out how to get the powers to work.
  14. No he does not have armor. I just came up with the idea and liked it and thought it was cool. You don't have to make fun of it. You could be constructive and maybe give ideas on what would help make the origin better
  15. Oh his normal INT is 17 then he can use that power when concentrating on a something his intelligence is raised to +35
  16. I'm confused why would his INT drop to zero ? I'm still learning the system. As for a background. Alex was a tech guy for the NSA before quitting after when stuff about Edward Snowden came out he got fired because of budget cuts. He started working for his friend Megan Marco at her company. Its small little start up that builds custom tech people want. Being he is pretty good at inventing and building stuff she took him in really quickly. Alex always wanted to be a superhero so he has for years tried to build a super suit but no money so its not even a prototype yet but even so he tired to be a hero by helping people. He got his powers one night when he was just in his apartment sleeping. Unknown to Alex there was a Cult that had be working on a ritual to summon there extra dimensional god into the world for century's but that's a very long time and well they got there math a bit wrong for were the center of there ritual was. The center of this ritual happen to be Alex's room right down to were he was sleeping in his bed. When they did the ritual being the math was off when the god was trying to come through it got destroyed but its magical energy got infused into Alex. Its did not just wake up his latent mutant mutant powers but also allowed him to do magic. His latent mutant power is the ability is Spatial Manipulation and so far he has learned a bit of Divine magic. Unknown to him he is immortal and can't died well unless (Thinking of something good right now of what stops his Resurrection. Thinking of something good right now for that.) Also trying to come up with a name but so far nothing is coming to me right now.
  17. So I have been building this character for a bit and got him just to were I like him but I need to get him to 400 points and I'm looking for places to cut on the character that I can get later on with XP. I need to lose 119 points. Also trying to come up with a cool name for this guy. Thinking about Gear shift or something being he can warp space. Anyway. Yea I hoping someone whho is not attachted to this character can help me cut it down just right to get it to 400 points. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4ufhwmp5sHLanRQZHVmY0k5cDA/edit?usp=sharing Superhero Alex Johnson updated 3.pdf
  18. So if I entangle some one and it costs 80 then I use another power that is 120 points the next phase will the entangle still be in effect ? or will it go away ?
  19. One more question. If I do a power like lets say I use the power Spatial Tuning 3) Change Environment (Alterable Origin Point, Alterable Size, Long-Lasting Permanent, Varying Combat Effects), Area Of Effect (40 2m Areas; +1 ½) Real Cost: 90 to change an area then lets say next phase I want to use another power that costs 120 will the change on the environment stop ?
  20. Hey everyone. I'm trying to build a powerframe work with a handful of powers in it. the vpp power pool is 120 power points and 120 control points for a total of 180 points to buy. I wanted to know lets say I teleport using teleport that cost 100 points can I do a second attack with blast that only costs 20 ? or even if a teleport using the whole 120 control points can I just wait till my next attack phase to do something different ? This is what is looks like right now before I start changing things to make it work better any tips ? I have never used this system to build a character before and learning. 180 Spatial Manipulation Variable Power Pool, 120 base + 120 control cost Spatial Blasts 1) Blast 24d6 Real Cost: 120 Spatial Slicing 2) Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 (Alterable Origin Point) Real Cost: 50 Spatial Tuning 3) Change Environment (Alterable Origin Point, Alterable Size, Long-Lasting Permanent, Varying Combat Effects), Area Of Effect (40 2m Areas; +1 ½) Real Cost: 90 Spatial Tuning 4) Severe Transform 3d6, Alterable Origin Point, Area Of Effect (1 2m Areas; +¼) Real Cost: 62 Redirected Missles 5) Reflection (91 Active Points' worth), Alterable Origin Point, Any Target (+½) Real Cost: 100 Tear 6) Extra-Dimensional Movement (Any Dimension, Any Location), x8 Increased Weight, Variable Special Effects (Any SFX; +½); Gate (Gate; -½) Real Cost: 60 Aportation 7) Teleportation 5m, x4 Increased Mass, Ranged (+½), Usable As Attack (+1 ¼), MegaScale (1m = 10,000 km; +2) Real Cost: 71 Teleportation 8) Teleportation 1m, No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, x2 Increased Mass, Usable As Attack (+1 ¼), MegaScale (1m = 1 million km; +2 ½) Real Cost: 100 Spatial Sense 9) Clairsentience (Mental Group, Spatial Awareness, Combat Sense, Danger Sense And Detect), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) Real Cost: 50 Fake Reflection 10) Sight Group Images, Alterable Origin Point Real Cost: 15 Spatial imprisonment 11) Entangle 8d6, 8 PD/8 ED Real Cost: 80 Deadly Aportation 12) Killing Attack - Ranged 8d6 (standard effect: 24 BODY, 48 STUN) Real Cost: 120 Teleport Boxing 13) Blast 4d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +¼), Autofire (10 shots; +2) Real Cost: 65 Space Manipulation Area 14) Telekinesis (24 STR), Affects Porous, Alterable Origin Point, Alterable Size, Fine Manipulation, Area Of Effect (4 2m Areas; +½) Real Cost: 93 Space Manipulation 15) Telekinesis (60 STR), Affects Porous, Alterable Origin Point, Fine Manipulation Real Cost: 115 Blink Teleport 16) +8 DCV, Inherent (+¼) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic) Real Cost: 57 Reflex Teleport 17) Teleportation 1m, No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, Safe Aquatic Teleport, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; +¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Safe Blind Teleport (+¼), MegaScale (1m = 1,000 km; +1 ¾) Real Cost: 73 Aportion Point Defense 18) Deflection Real Cost: 20 Portal 19) Teleportation 1m, Position Shift, x8 Increased Mass, Usable By Other (+¼), Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +¼), Constant (+½), MegaScale (1m = 1 million km; +2 ½); Gate (-½) Real Cost: 63 Teleportation Sense 20) Clairsentience (Sight Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Targeting, MegaScale (1m = 1,000 km; +1 ¾); Only to Perceive Teleportation Locations (-1), Instant (-½) Real Cost: 38 Spatial Targeting 21) +6 OCV (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic) Real Cost: 30
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