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Everything posted by Basic204

  1. Well I was just making a Cryo Revolver for Champions. I think that counts as a cool Gun.
  2. 100 Cryo Revolver Multipower, 150-point reserve, all slots 128 clips of 36 Charges (+½); all slots OAF (-1), Unified Power (-¼) (225 APs) 5v Cryo Shot 1) Blast 16d6; OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), Perceivable (-¼), Linked (Frozen; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) (80 APs) 3v Cryo Multi Shot 2) Blast 8d6, Autofire (3 shots; +¼); OAF (-1), Perceivable (-½), Linked (Frozen; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) (50 APs) 5f Puts out Fire and Heat 3) Dispel Fire and Heat 25d6, Area Of Effect (20m Radius; +1); OAF (-1), Perceivable (-½), Unified Power (-¼) (150 APs) 5f Deep Chill Charged Shot 4) Blast 30d6; OAF (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Gestures (-¼), Unified Power (-¼) (150 APs) 5f Strong Freeze 5) Entangle 15d6, 15 PD/15 ED; OAF (-1), Perceivable (-½), Unified Power (-¼) (150 APs) 2f Deadly Cryo shot 6) Killing Attack - Ranged 5d6; OAF (-1), Linked (???; -½), Perceivable (-½), Unified Power (-¼) (75 APs) 5f Powerul Deadly Cryo Shot 7) Killing Attack - Ranged 10d6; OAF (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Unified Power (-¼) (150 APs) 2f Frozen 8) Entangle 7d6, 7 PD/7 ED; Vulnerable To Heat and Fire (Very Common; -1), OAF (-1), Unified Power (-¼) (70 APs) 7v Make Brittle With Ice 9) Drain PD 10d6; OAF (-1), Linked (???; -½), Unified Power (-¼) (100 APs) 2f Make Brittle 10) Drain PD 7d6; OAF (-1), Linked (???; -½), Unified Power (-¼) (70 APs)
  3. what about if I wanna make each charge like each round in the guy have 6 shots in them so each so each of the 6 cells in the gun have 6 shots in and of them self. so it will be more like it has 36 shots hmmm maybe that will be a upgrade for the gun do I just pick 36 for the charge ?
  4. 120 Cryo revolver Multipower, 150-point reserve; all slots Unified Power (-¼) (150 APs) 3f Cryo Shot 1) Blast 16d6; 6 Charges (-¾), Beam (-¼), Unified Power (-¼) (80 APs), Linked (Frozen; -½) [6] 3f Multi Cryoshot 2) Blast 12d6, Autofire (3 shots; +¼); 6 Charges (-¾), Linked (Frozen; -½), Beam (-¼), Unified Power (-¼) (75 APs) [6] 4f Puts Out Fire and Heat 3) Dispel Heat and Fire 16d6, Area Of Effect (20m Radius Explosion; +½), Cumulative (+½); 6 Charges (-¾), Perceivable (-½), Unified Power (-¼) (96 APs) [6] 4f Deadly Cryoshot 4) Killing Attack - Ranged 6d6, Armor Piercing (+¼); 6 Charges (-¾), Linked (Frozen; -½), Beam (-¼), Unified Power (-¼) (112 APs) [6] 2f Frozen 5) Entangle 4d6, 4 PD/4 ED, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+¼), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+½); Vulnerable To Fire (Very Common; -1), 6 Charges (-¾), Linked (Frozen; -½), Unified Power (-¼) (70 APs) I could not find fast reload in the program
  5. I wanted to make a weapon for a hero. This weapon is what I am calling a cryo revolver. I wanted this gun to be able to freeze enemies in place. Also causes them damage at the same time. The revolver only holds 6 shots. The gun can also go between killing a target and harming a target depending on the settings on the gun. I was trying to find away to make it in the hero system do I just make it in a multipower ? or a compound power ?
  6. I guess being its a NPC I could just say they have the power with out making it.
  7. Ok the NPC has the power of reality warping. Reality warping would be able to create, change, destroy, or even alter reality just by thinking about it Like being able to change a players gender, or suddenly making the sky purple or doing stuff like bringing a building or objects to life or bringing people from the past to the future. They can create anything they can imagine. the NPC is a 4 year old the PCs will have to deal with. The character is 4 and is from another dimension were everyone can do this but in ours its a big problem but being this NPC is only 4 and has no real idea what they are doing is wrong the players will have to figure out how to deal with a small child with the power of damn near a god. With reality warping they could also change physics and so on all of it real but it stops once the user is knocked out. Is that good or do you need more details ? http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Reality_Warping
  8. I'm currently trying to build an NPC with reality warping power. I wanted to know how do I go about doing that so far I'm using transform and transform with an area of effect would that work ?
  9. Basic204


    A player of mine wants the power to be able to absorb heat attacks and be able to add it to his blast for one turn. Can Absorb do that ?
  10. I was thinking of using some kind of Mind Control or Mind Blast or maybe transform happens everywhere but being this is such a huge negative for her it should be pretty cheap because se can't keep money in a bank or things in a deposit box or a facebook page or contact with friends.
  11. I was sitting down and looking through images for super characters. I got an Idea for the Image below Most people looking at this image would think she is brick. I started thinking what if she is immortal. Can't Die, Has Healing powers but every time she uses her healing powers it causes everyone who knows her and every scrap of evidence that shows she exists just blanks. Also some times for no reason it happens. Thinking of putting another power on top but can't think of one yet thinking maybe something like she can project a type of light bolt at enemies I'm thinking she has these powers because she is in existence because of a paradox. That causes her to exist when she should not. How would I make a power that erases the memory of everything about the character every time she heals some one happen ? Also thinking the light bolt is just a projection of the raw energy of the paradox surrounding her she lets lose. Also Healing she is causing the energy's of the paradox to heal some one.
  12. So far i'm trying to figure out how to make she-hulk in champions for around 500 points. So far I'm having a problem were her strength is squared by her normal strength. Physical Transformation: As a result of a blood transfusion from her cousin Bruce Banner, AKA the Hulk, Jennifer Walters is able to alter her physical form into a female version of the Hulk. As She-Hulk, Walters' skin, hair, and eyes all turn green. Her frame also gains another 9 inches in height and 560 lbs of muscle and bone tissue. Unlike her cousin, the Hulk, much of Jennifer's gained muscle and bone mass is condensed and several times as dense as that of a human. As a result, though she is noticeably much larger than she is in her normal form, she looks much lighter than she actually is. Also unlike the Hulk, or rather certain Hulk incarnations, Jennifer retains her full intelligence and personality in her She-Hulk form. Most of the time, Walters is able to control her transformation, enabling her to change back and forth at will. This is because she did not suffer as much psychological trauma as a child as her cousin did. And while it augments her abilities, she retains greater control than her cousin. Superhuman Strength: As She-Hulk, she is proportionally stronger than her Jennifer Walters form. This means that any extra strength gains as Jennifer Walters through intense physical training will be amplified, making her She-Hulk form that much stronger. As a result of her intense training, She-Hulk's calm strength currently surpasses the base strength levels of the Gray, Savage, and Professor incarnations of the Hulk, at least while they're in a calm emotional state. Originally She-Hulk was listed as only "class 50" (this is only a comparison scale regarding which character is stronger than who, and should not be taken literally. For example: Thor was listed as "class 95" at the time, and Hercules at exactly 100). [1] Right after she came back from the first Secret Wars as Thing's replacement in the Fantastic Four she began to workout with Thing's weights and got her strength up to at least class 75 [2] but through her career she continued to lift even greater weights, and the uppermost limit of her potential remains unknown. After prolonged weight-lifting training, she was able to easily defeat the Champion of the Universe, effortlessly supported the Thing's maximum weight with a single arm, was speculated to be stronger than Hercules, and manhandled a Thanos clone. She is currently listed as above "class 100" (Listed equal or stronger than Thor and Hercules [3]). It has been stated and shown that like her cousin, her strength increases with her emotions, such as fear and rage.[4] She-Hulk's strength has extended into her highly developed leg muscles, enabling her to leap great distances or heights. Superhuman Speed: Due, at least partially, to the great muscular strength and development of her leg muscles, she is capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Superhuman Stamina: She-Hulk's highly advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. She can exert herself at peak capacity for about 48 hours before fatigue begins to impair her performance. Superhuman Durability: She-Hulk's body is highly resistant to all forms of conventional injury. Her skin is capable of withstanding tremendous pressures and temperatures, falls from great heights, field-artillery canon shells, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining any injury. Superhuman Agility: She-Hulk's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body's extremely high resistance to injury, it is possible to injure her. However, she is capable of rapidly regenerating injuries that result in great tissue damage and blood loss within a matter of minutes. However, she is not capable of regenerating missing limbs or organs. She-Hulk's highly efficient metabolism renders her immune to all drugs and toxins as well as total immunity to all known Earthly diseases. Body Switch: Thanks to training by the Ovoid alien race, She-Hulk can exchange her physical characteristics and powers with the physical characteristics and powers of another being by simply focusing on a mental image of the person and willing the transfer to take place. The actual intent of the Ovoid skill is to exchange the minds of the user and another being, but it was theorized by the Ovoid who trained the She-Hulk that some factor of her gamma-mutated physiology causes her use of this talent to manifest in a different way. She rarely uses this power; unless she initiates this exchange with another superhuman being, she will become basically human in ability, but still green-skinned and generally recognizable as the She-Hulk, and thus vulnerable to attack, a fact that the super-villainess Titania took advantage of the one time the She-Hulk did use this ability.
  13. This is a test of chracters suit possible color plate.
  14. I did the sword because I think swords are awesome. Also this a prototype. So far thinking I will change the color of the costume also. Hmmm thinking a dark purple.with green. Hmmmm any color plate suggestions ? What makes him seems like a villain ?
  15. Concept of characters costume. Still working on it but this is what i got so far. Thinking he might have a eye mask he uses and a helmet as back up for other stuff. hmmm gonna change a few more things. I gave him a sword because swords are cool. Thinking about changing the color maybe to a grey or a dark purple/ green. I thought about a cape but no on that. Thinking maybe when he has time he will build a HUD in the helmet.
  16. I was just getting power from the book under the teleport power. After the GM said it makes it look like I would never take damage. I dropped it and changed it already to something else. It now has armor piercing so I can use to escape from stuff that says I can't teleport through it. Also for future reference this is the power from the book that I took. REFLEX TELEPORTATION Effect: Teleportation 10m, Trigger (after Teleporting or using a Teleportation- related power) Target: Self Duration: Constant Range: Self END Cost: 2 Description: To give himself some extra combat flexibility, the teleporter has learned how to activate a short-range Teleport at the end of other uses of Teleportation or various Teleportation tricks. This is particularly handy for (a) getting away from opponents in HTH Combat range, and ( not having to return to the character’s starting location with powers like Teleportation Boxing. Game Information: Teleportation 10m, Trigger (whenever character wants to after after Teleporting or using a Teleportation-related power, activating Trigger takes no time, Trigger immediately automatically resets; +1). Total cost: 20 points. Alexander Frost Spatial Manulipulation Superhero updated 5-31-14.pdf
  17. Well I already changed the power now its armor piercing so I can get thorough stuff that normally blocks me from teleporting.
  18. But if the attack is using teleport as an FX why would it need indirect if its already teleport ?
  19. Questions are there effects of attacks in the game ? Like if I used my missile aport to teleport a nail into some ones hand that is on the floor. Does that mean they are pinned to the floor till they can pull the nail out ?
  20. Killing attack like his deadly Aportation can do alot more then kill people. You get creative. Example I teleport lets say a bunch of marbles into a steel beam cutting it or maybe I teleport the lead from a bullet into the gun destroying it and so on.
  21. Hmmm for me I would think it depends on how the power works. Like if they are powering it wit the souls they seal once the souls are taken they would die and turn to dust.I think it depends on the GM and the Player
  22. Hat Trick tear I only wanted to pull items out. Also shield and barrier same thing.
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