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Everything posted by Storn

  1. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Oh, there are straps, just that they are seamlessly colored to her flesh tone... uh... yeah... that's it. really folks. I was told to do a lot of skin on this one. Just the nature of the character.
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Onto some art. This is another commission for Chad R. A hotshot heroine totally comfortable in her own skin.
  3. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Just a head's up. Continued adventures for our Weapons of the Gods {actual play} thread is here: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=244081
  4. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. LOL... it is too damn early on this side of the pond. Nope. That was a mistype, not an intentional pun.... although I'm known for punning. I can't believe I did that. geez. someone, get me some more coffee....
  5. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. As threatened.... Here is another off kilter commission from my longtime patron, Death Kibble. It is Ptera Don!
  6. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.
  7. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. this is Angry Wren two... from my WotG game. I wasn't quite happy with the first take. I am still not quite happy, but the attitude is a bit closer.
  8. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Dunno. I love dr. gravatic. A few commissions made it into mutants and masterminds 2nd ed too... but I can't keep straight who's pic is who's commission. Except for Death Tribble, patron extraordinaire.... his sense of humor is memorable. Btw, DT, I'm working on yours hopefully today... I got to put some M&M sketches to be first though.
  9. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.
  10. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. The jedi is actually an older commission, but held back from public view per request of the patron. He wanted to surprise his game group. He gave me permission to post it now that his group has seen the character. Next up is a commission for the Hero Board's very own Jeff T.
  11. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I had a period of down time from publishers projects and commissions and my own projects moved to the fore. Now, I'm swamped with (shameless plug time) for World of the Dead for Eden Studios... Zombies in all flavors!!!... and the Mastermind Manual, Green Ronin's expanded optional rules for M&M. And, oh yeah, finishing up one L5R card. But I'm definitely having fun working and have a nice groove going. Which is following a down period when I was sick after New Year's. I definitely have cycles of high production, low production. This is a high production time.
  12. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Here is another go at RL's Watcher. A 7th Sea character, but with a bit of batman attitude.
  13. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I think some might be interested in how the Weapons of the Gods game is going. Here is a link to an actual play thread: http://www.eos-press.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=785
  14. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Another NPC for my upcoming WotG game and more experimenting with Painter, this time heavily using the oil brushes as opposed to the watercolor stuff earlier. This is Angry Wren
  15. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Dunno. Right now, I'm hitting the learning curve of Painter pretty hard. What has been years of Photoshop exp, sometimes gets in the way. On the other hand, I do think Painter does an easier job of bringing texture into digital artwork. Photoshop, so far, seems to be easier for me in handling layers and things like "multiply". As for WoTG handling Avatar. It probably could...although I'm not sure better than Hero. So much of WotG is rooted in the mythic China bit. Much of what folks do on Avatar is more like spells (throwing fireballs, constructing water walls) than they way kung fu is mechanically represented in WotG. Although, reaching out and hitting someone at range is definitely possible with certain styles... it would be childs play to come up with fireballs and the like. Also, WoTG beginning characters can easily, in 10 secs, take out 10 normal folk. I'm not sure if the Avatar power level can do that. Having said that, WotG has absolutely awesome Chi rules that tie in nicely with their martial arts system. It also handles Disadvantages in a way that I really like. There are cool "doing things with Style" and making up Kung Fu stuff through Chi expenditure. The die rolling mechanic is different and interesting to me. I'm very excited about trying it. There is a fair amount of support material in pdf format on Eos website. The "what is WotG" really gives the core die mechanics. Check it out.
  16. Re: Herophile Fantasy art Here is an NPC for my upcoming Weapons of the Gods game (tomorrow!). This is Forceful Leaf, spirit of the Eagle Forest Valley. She is a quasi-spirit... but of course, knows kung fu. Because anyone of worth in WotG knows Kung Fu. It is also new software for me, so it was a lot of struggle trying to figure out how to do stuff. This was done in Corel Painter IX (I've been a photoshop boy up to now.)
  17. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Here is an NPC for my upcoming Weapons of the Gods game (tomorrow!). This is Forceful Leaf, spirit of the Eagle Forest Valley. She is a quasi-spirit... but of course, knows kung fu. Because anyone of worth in WotG knows Kung Fu. It is also new software for me, so it was a lot of struggle trying to figure out how to do stuff. This was done in Corel Painter IX (I've been a photoshop boy up to now.)
  18. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. RDU Neil launched a new chapter in the RDU... or... err.... outside of the RDU... last night. It is a multiverse, dimension hopping campaign where we are Champions of a alternate RDU. Well, with new characters, comes new sketches. This is B's Victoria Hilton... aka Crystal.
  19. Re: Herophile Fantasy art Here is something a bit different from me. This is for my upcoming Weapons of the Gods game. It is a map of the valley that the PCs are from, now being called back as their beloved sifu has been poisoned. Might be useful for Ninja Hero, Dark Champions kinda thing or a Fantasy Hero with oriental trappings.
  20. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Here is something a bit different from me. This is for my upcoming Weapons of the Gods game. It is a map of the valley that the PCs are from, now being called back as their beloved sifu has been poisoned. Might be useful for Ninja Hero, Dark Champions kinda thing or a Fantasy Hero with oriental trappings.
  21. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. It is no easy challenge. It took my 7 years about to get my brush work to where I felt that it was good. However, I strongly feel that Gary Martin's book would have cut 3 years off that if I had it in the beginning.
  22. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Susano, I ain't talkin. Ask Death Tribble. anyhoo... movin' along on the commissions. Here is another Global Guardian Tarot member from JB. Its DEEEAAAATTTHHHH! Not quite what ya expected... huh?
  23. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Challenging? Uh... no. Figuring out the angle to show power armor guy with jet pack is challenging. This upcoming one is just damn funny. Made me laugh when I read it. The image lept into my head before I finished reading the e-mail. So, challenging?... not really. Fun? Boy howdy! I'm really looking forward to doing this one. ...and yeah... this art probably won't get used in RDU. Although, Neil is doing RDU Alternate Universes now.... so ya never know..... I do indeed take Paypal. I prefer it actually. One, it is an extra record. always a good thing. two. I don't have to go to the bank. This chain you guys collectively keep on my ankle, linked to the desk, is a *****. Trying to get the desk through the bank doors... its just embarrassing. btw, thanks Jeff! Appreciate the fans looking out for me!!!
  24. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. uh... I goofed. I call DT's commission Stratospheric. Y'all can call it whatever you like. . And if he was going Mach 1 or 2, his face would peel off. I always meant to put in a face shield and just forgot. So, this morning, viola, face shield! For your comparing pleasure; Stratospheric II.
  25. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Hey input jack, thank you for your kind words. RDU neil is right, boy howdy did I struggle with inking. But I use a brush for *most* of my inking. I ink on everything from vellum, to bristol to illustrationboard, illo board being my favorite, but I only use it for big projects like the hidden lands cover. For most of these commissions, I use bristol that comes for inkjets. It isn't the greatest quality, but it is fair. Certianly works for pumping out tons of sinlge figure illos. The commission below I did use a tech pen to do some of the tech "bits" simply for control. But the long lines were used with a brush and Black Magic ink (higgens, I think). I use Winter Harvest Kolinsky #2 brush. It is not as expensive as the famed Winsor Newton Series 7, but it is a better brush in my experience (I've gone through about 5 W&Ns.). Gary Martin's "The Art of Comic Book Inking" is the book I wish I had when I started. It is awesome. It has diagrams for using a brush. It took me years to figure out I had more control if I held my brush like a calligrapher. duh. The book diagrams that quite nicely. Think about line weight. That is the key. And it should be thought of in the pencil stages. Think about outside lines being thicker... or things close up... are thicker lined. Think about breaking that rule, when can a black shape in the background make the foreground move up... Anyway, here is a Death Tribble request:
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