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Posts posted by Bengalelf

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From my Saturday night Campaign, Defenders of The Millennium...


    Silverhawk, a Native American Archer, wants to fire his killing attack arrow at Ogre.


    Knowing how much I hate players using killing attacks, the player says to me...

    "It's a little killing attack. 3d6, Armor Piercing!"

  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From my Saturday Champions Game, Defenders of the Millennium...


    The heroes were stopping a bank robbery. We had a new player last night, since he hasn't had time to create a character, I let him run Ironclad from the Champions.


    Ironclad and Silverhawk, a Native American Archer with gadget arrows, enter the bank. Ironclad charges Cateran and engages her in combat, while Quicksilver fires a sight flash arrow at her. The power is 10d6 flash, area effect. As the arrow left the bow, Quicksilver said..

    "Oh S###, Cover your eyes Ironclad!"

    Ironclad turned just in time to see the bright light.....


    Ironclad then said, "Thanks for the warning, jerk"

  3. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    This brings up a question of mine, Storn. I know I can post any commission you do for me to my website. Can I post other people's commission to my website if I get their permission? Would I also need your permission?


    I have plans for some of Death Tribble's commissions. None have been used yet. I do plan to give the owner of the commission credit for it, like I give you credit for your work..:-)

  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From our Tueday night Deadlands game....


    I play a gunslinger named Stone, with a hankin for cigars

    My wife plays a huckster named Liliy

    Erine plays a mad scientist named Eon

    Roger plays a gunsmith named Colin


    We just beat the bad guys, took over their ranch....while searching the barn we found 4 large bags of gold nuggets......

    Stone "I guess we should tell the local sherrif what happened here and that we found these three bags of gold."

    Colin "Don't you mean two bag?"

    Eon "Bags? All I see is four nuggets."


    Earlier that evening...

    Stone "This isn't Champions, we can kill the bad guys!"


    Colin "When in doubt burn something."

    Colin "My name is Colin! Not Colon."


    This isn't really a quote, but it was funny...While searching the gold mine. We brought no light source, but found a oil filled latern at the opening of the mine.


    I tried to make a spark with two rocks, then realized I had a box of matches, so I took one out.

    Eon said, "Why don't you light it with that cigar in your mouth?"

  5. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    stretching snake or mantis style martial artist? intreasting concept

    Actually Stretch is based off Rubberbando Commando. I liked the idea of a stretching martial artist. When I saw Rubberbando Commando, I just didn't like the way the character was done; so I made up my own.

  6. Re: Help with Mental Power


    Don't fall victim to the D&D mentality that characters have to fit a specific archetype. Spider-Man is a perfect example of a top flight comic book hero that defies classification into a single archetype.


    That is a great idea. I have never considered giving a egoist a 60+ strength and the defenses to go with it. I am going to have to make one up. The biggest problem I run into is having time between work and gaming to create my own stoires and characters. I tend to fall back on the pre-gens Hero Games have given us.

  7. Re: New Clix









    Here are some more of my homegrown clix. Like Blue said, I just want to show them to someone. I am rather proud of all them. Of these, I think Blowtorch is my favorite. Black Harlequin was made by putting Harley-Q's head on the Joker. It worked so well, I though I would put Namor's head on Cheetah to make Black Diamond. The end result made Black Diamond a little to butch. On the game map she looks just fine however.

  8. I was looking through Storn's Art and Character Thread earlier today. I came across Death Tribble's "Ringmistress" I was inspired to add her to my Evil Circus villain team. I plan to add her; I was hoping everyone here would be willing to help me define a power for her.


    I am getting tired of players hitting the egoists I put of there. My party finds an egoists and drops them first. darn it.


    I though I would create a new power that uses their mental power to raise their DCV. Sort of an illusion that makes the attacker think they hit the target (Egoist), but really they miss. The problem is, I can't figure out how to write the power.

    In game trems, I am thinking of a sort of mental illusion with a limitation only to increase DCV. Probably would have to have area effect, such as 10 hexes or more. I don't want energy blasters to still be able to hit the egoist, while bricks and martial artists can't.

    I was thinking of about a +4 DCV. Something to make it harder to hit the egoist, but not impossible. Once an egoist is hit, they tend to drop quickly, at least mine do. I just want one with a little more staying power that isn't DEX 30. Any ideas would be weclomed.


    Also is Storn's webpage down????

  9. Re: Flying, mini's and combat


    Everyone in my group has bought at least two 36-6d packs from Chessex. We place flying characters on the top of the empty clear plastic cases the dice come in. It's quick and dirty, but it is visually easy to see who is flying and who isn't

  10. Re: New Clix




    I read your last Clix Thread and was inspired. I have been making my own Miniatures. Here are two I am rather proud of, Cheshire Cat and Mechassasin from CKC.

    I just finished Snowfire (my homegrown), Dr. Destroyer, and Steel Commando. I hope to post them to my website by this weekend.

  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From My Saturday Night Champions game.....

    We just finished Sharper than a Serpent’s Tooth. The module where COIL turns normals into snake men. The heroes have found the cure and MCPD are begining to admisiter it via traq guns....

    Charle Cho, an out of time oriental martial artists asks:


    "How long can we use the excuse he looked like a snake man before the authorties get suspicious?"


    The cure was given to Dr. Silverback and Professor Genesis, a 90 year old cantankerous scientist, who has a rivalry with Silverback. He is also Ken's first character before Charlie Cho. Now he is a NPC


    "Professor Genesis working with Silverback. That is a poop fight waiting to happen. Couldn't you see it. Silverback refuses to follow Genesis's advice."

    Ken as Professor Genesis, in his best 90 year old voice "Why you stupid primate, here let me try something you understand." The Professor throws his own poop at Silverback. This sends the Dr. Silverback back to his primitive instincts. The two engage in a poop-flinging fight.

    When PRIMUS comes to ask about the cure...Dr. Silverback points at Professor Genesis and says;

    "He started it"




    Later that same night we started the next adventure...

    The hereos are to search Memorial PArk for a jogger killer. They stumble upon a sleeping Grond.

    Charlie offers him Micky-Ds, when that runs out he goes to the park's clubhouse and cooks Grond a breafast. Grond has a big appetite.

    Charlie Cho to GM:


    "I spend a half phase scrambling eggs, hold a dodge. I do this until the eggs are cooked."


    After figuring out that Menagerie was behind the Memorial Park murders and traking her down. The heroes set up an abuse.


    Silver Avenger Clark yells;

    "Menagerie, you are surrounded. Surrender and come peacefully!"


    Menagerie says:

    "Who is this Menagerie?" She tries to sneak away.


    Silver Avenger Clark says:

    "Screw it! We fullfilled “Screw it, we fulfilled PRIMUS’s requirements.â€, as his Ego Blast hits her.

  12. I have decided touse the idea from the plot seeds thread in which Mechanon takes over a nuclear power plant and holds it for ranson. My problen is simple. I have no idea how a nuclear power plants works and what the maps should look like. Anyone know where to find a map a a generic power plant. I am sure Homeland Secruity would not like me getting a existing plants floorplans.

  13. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    Is anyone going to post the new versions of Battle Angel and Snowfire?


    Not so subtle hint... hint...

    Here is the final version of Snowfire. I hope to add him to my website this weekend. Complete history and character sheet

  14. Re: charictor picture, teen champions


    Must confess. I did not draw it. I got the original picture from a Marval website. It is a picture of a teenage Peter Parker. I then went tot the Doctor Who Fan site and stole The head from one of Daoctor Who's villains. The rest was cut and paste.

  15. Re: Help with a Super Villain


    The villain, according to the module is a millionare vampire who runs a circus. While it visits the campaign city he kills a couple of beautiful women. The clues lead back to the circus. After the heros follow set clues there, the vampire puts them into a sort of dungeon crawl with high teck robots from his robotics company that have a horror theme.

    All and all he is testing the party's strength and weaknesses. Should he ever return to the area. I do not plan to use him again. The module is just a filler to give me time to write.

    Does this help Gojira?

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