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Posts posted by Bengalelf

  1. I just recently purchased the Villains and Vigilantes module Terror by Night.


    Is there an existing supervillain vampire in the Champions world that I could use for Baron Victor Heinrich? I know about the greater vampire in the bestiary. I was just hoping there was an existing one I could use. I looked through me Conquerors, Killers, and Crooks. I was unable to find one. I am aware of Stalker from the Asesinos in 4th edition. I was hoping 5th might have one.


    Anyone have any ideas???????

  2. Re: Concepts you wish your players would play


    I would like to see heroes, winners not whinners! I would like to see characters who keep trying even after all appears lost. Characters who even though Dr. Destroyer has beaten the team, dropped everyone to 5 STUN; still have the courage to stand up and say "No Dr. Destroyer! Today you lose!"

    Heroes like this are a joy to have in a campaign.

    I am tierd of hearing is this a "capture the party scenario"? No, I created a challenge for once. Or hearing why did I get knocked out and he didn't?

    I have a Native American Archer in my party now. He is always whinning about running low on arrows. He is a efffective martial artists without his bow, the player never realises this. He runs out of his 24 arrows and begins to whine on how uneffective he is now.

    Players that appreciate the fact that I am challenging them for once, and have fun with it instead of whinning. See the new challenge and find a way to beat it. That is the true defintion of a hero to me. One that can find a way to succeed when all appears to be lost

  3. Re: New Plot Seeds


    Since I stole about twenty of the original plot seeds, I thought it only fair I donate some this time.


    Lady in Distress


    Carnival Cruises, or any other cruise lines has lost communication with one of their ships. Satellite images show the ship about three hundred miles off course. No one on board can be reached. The ship was carrying Dr. Miguel Salceda and his experimental virus Aqua-Staphylucaccus. The ship is believed to have been hijacked by terrorists, who probably plan to use the virus as a biological weapon. The heroes are sent in to investigate.

    Once on board the heroes discover that crew and passengers have been turned into zombies. They are being used to collect all the valuables on board. In one of the great rooms, sit the super villains going through the valuables that the zombies are bringing to them.

    For added drama, have the ship on a collision course to a major populated harbor, like Long Island or New York. The super villains have no idea the virus is on board.

    I used the Maestros from Enemies Assemble. Necros was the one who turned all the crew and passengers into zombies.

    To bring it to fifth edition, I suppose Takofanes, the Undying Lord, or Talisman with a new magical device, or maybe even DEMON could work.

    The old Top Secret module TS003, Lady in Distress has a wonderful map of the cruise ship Corona. I think I bought mine on EBAY for $3.00.



    The Champions have been missing for about three weeks. A large hovercraft has been sighted heading toward South America from Antarctica. The craft is only moving about 40 mph. It has large storage tanks on top it. It is headed toward the southern most populated area of South America.

    Once the heroes investigate, they noticed the Mechanon is piloting the ship. The tanks are full of an organic killing agent. He has captured the Champions and has mind controlled them to assist him in killing all organics. The ship doesn’t have to be fast. Mechanon wants to be sure to get all humans. He estimated it will take him about five months to kill all organics. This is why the Champions wear captured to help him.

    If the Champions and Mechanon are too tough for the party, make the mind control devices an OAF that can be taken off various members, who then recover and help free the rest of the Champions. The heroes can then have the Champions help them with Mechanon.



    Photon’s DNPC, and lover, Greg Betts has been discovered by UNTIL. He has been arrested by UNTIL on drug trafficking charges, false or real. They plan to use him as bait to capture Photon. During the trap something goes wrong. Photon manages to destroy most of the UNTIL force sent to capture her, but fails to free Greg. The survivors go to the party characters and ask them to retry and capture Photon.

    Now that Photon knows it is a trap who will she recruit to help her fight the party characters? Did Greg learn that Photon is really Colleen during the UNTIL fight?

  4. Re: Millennium City walled or not


    Okay, let me see if I have this right. The wall looking thing on the map on page 22 is the Millennium highway Loop. Which joins with all major highways to form the only ways into the city. There is no wall, but the Loop, being the only way into or out of the city, which also circles the city, (like a wall) insures all vehicles inside the city are VVC.

  5. I have read the Millennium City Sourcebook and I am confused.

    Going by the map on page 23 of the sourcebook, it appears that there is a wall around the city of the future. There is no mention of this, that I am aware of, in the sourcebook.

    One of my players brought up the idea. After looking at the map, I see where he came up with idea that the city is walled. I do not know hwat good this would do in the modern world.

    It would make sense to try and keep super villains, like Grond, out and I am sure a wall would be a good idea, but how high and to what DEF?.

    What do people think....

  6. Here is the situation...I run a Saturday night 350 point Champions and I run a 200 Teen Champions on Tuesday night. Some players play in both, but not all.

    The Saturday group will be starting new characters this coming Saturday. One is a human put into alien slavery. Captured off Earth and sold to the Varanyi. He managed to escape and steal a FTL ship. Along the way he met up with a five crested Varanyi princess who was running away form her people, because she does not agree with their views for what ever reason. The princess is played by my wife, needless to say. With her is also her new born baby who has no crests. She is fleeing to save her baby. She knows at best it will be taken from her, worst killed.

    With the princess is her bodyguard a lower crest Varanyi soldier, another player character.

    The whole group heads toward Earth.

    Now to get the whole party together, some are heroes from Earth, I have come up with the following idea. At Ravenswood is Lhakpa Gyaltsen, a member of Sha-Prylen royality hiding from the H'zeel. He has brought nine members of his family with him. One being Root who atends classes at Ravenswood. In these other eight family members, I created Root's younger brother, Sapling ( I really have not named him yet).

    Sapling is tried of having to hide at Ravenswood and goes out on the town against his father's premission. He goes to the Urbana Galleria Mall to learn about human culture. While there he runs into the space pirates, who have been searching Earth for the Sha-Prylen royality, to collect the H'zeel bounty, for about six months. They are ready to give up. When who do they see, but Sapling. They capture him and return to their ship.

    From there they contact PRIMUS and threaten to destroy Millennium City if Lhakpa Gyaltsen is not turned over to them. PRIMUS tells Lhakpa about his son. They also tell the party characters on Earth, and ask them to try and stop them. Since none can fly in space, an Earth genius had created a teleporter that can get the heros onboard the pirates craft.

    About the time the heroes teleport onto the ship, the pirate captain decides to fire his lasers at Millennium City. Just then the renegade Varanyi craft "beams" in. It takes the shot for Millennium City, but its FTL is knocked out. Hopefully both sets of heroes have to work together at some pointto defeat the pirates and return to Earth.

    My plan for Teen Champions on Tuesday was, I though, I could have them protect Root from the pirates at the Urbana Galleria Mall, maybe him and Sapling went together, got seperated and some of the pirates went after Root. He runs into The Tuesday group and they defend him from the pirates.

    Has anyone bothered to write Root up yet? How do people feel the Tuesday group would react if I were to try this idea. They save one person, but not the other, and they will not be given a chance to save his brother, because that is for the Saturday group. We are doing The Alchemy of Love now. We just finished Crime 1. I could easliy run my Mall idea before Crime 2

  7. I just recently bought this 43 scale diecast truck. I thought it would make an excellent Stronghold van (Stronghold Prisoner Delivery truck). Any ideas on what colors to paint it? I was thinking of the blue and yellow from the old Stronghold cover. I was also wondering if anyone has made up a Stronghold seal they would be willing to share.

    Also has anyone made up any fifth Ed. Stats for a Stronghold van yet? I realise the new Stronghold book is due to come out in 2006, but that doesn't help me now.

    I would really appreciate any help.

  8. Re: Advice for new GMs


    It would probalbly help if all of my players were paying attention. I seem to have the ability to lose players during combat. My party really enjoy rolling all of the dice rolls one at a time, no matter how many times I suggest the "nine ways to speed up comabt". The only thing that seemed to help my situation is the Hero tracker Program...:-)

  9. Re: The Hero curse


    Speaking my character can do better than that. I introduced my wife to gaming about three agos. About a year ago I started running Champions. I noticed since Champions was introduced, every action movie we watch I notice her saying, "my character can do better"

    Behold, the curse can be past on to loved ones. I feel like I am watching the birth of a gamer sometimes.

  10. Re: Advice for new GMs


    When I first started GMing Champions, combat seemed to be my biggest hurdle. To run a simple fight between the heroes and a villain group could take two game sessions, sometimes three. Three full nights of combat five hours of fighting real time and we were lucky to get through a whole minute in champions time.

    Then I found through The Hero games, Hero Links the Hero Tracker program. Yes, it did take me a few months to figure out the program and fix the bugs in it. The program needs to be visited by Orkin. Once I got the program under control, I can now go through a combat in one game night about an hour per 12 seconds of Champions time. It took somme adjusting to get everyone use to the program, but now combat goes easy. I have even sent VIPER teams of 20-30 agents against the heroes only to have the combat go soomthly.

    Do I miss the old days of paper and pencil with a calculator by your side. Yes I do, but I need a group of players who have been playing for years and are fimiliar with Champions, my current group has only about nine months of 5th edition under their belt.

    The program really does save time in combat, one quick example is that it automately calculates the Post 12 for all villains. I could waste twenty minutes doing that before. Now one click of the mouse and its done.

    I would learn combat first and then think about the program. Because I spent a good month (in my off time) doubling checking the program and figuring out ways to fix its bugs.

  11. First off, I would like to thank everyone who answered my Entangle Abuse thread. You gave me some good ideas. So good that I would like to ask another question. My wife is playing an egoist that can go invisible. She has bought invisible to sight, hearing, mental, touch, and Radar.

    I really don't mind it because her defenses are only 10/10. I would like some ideas on how to see her to attack her. Besides the old Wolverine smell her. I have enclosed a hdc. copy of her character as I did with Treeant.

    My problem is that she likes to hang back behind the party and cast ego blast. A very good tactic, but very hard to find her. There are always at least five hexes from her to a villain. I have done the old explosion, but I was wondering what other ideas people have....

  12. Re: VIPER Plots


    In my "World" I laid the ground work for "Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth" about three months ago. We did "Showdown at Snake Gulch"(Chapter 1). I figured it would take time for chapter two, "Ophidian Plague" to build. I plan to return to it in about two months or so. I really was able to scare the party with all the VIPER weapons from the module. I must say I had fun that night. No heroes died and the VIPER agents were defeated at the end of the night.

    I just finished at last game session, the old Villains & Viligantes module "Sercet of the Swamp" If you read the thread I did (Entangle Abuse), I enclosed a hdc. copy of one of the characters in my game that is hunted by VIPER. He is the classic VIPER experiement escapee. It was easy to tie that into Sercet of the swamp. The character is based off Swamp Thing.

    I have only purchased Digital Hero 13-latest. Darn you. I had to go back and buy #1 now. And I only have two tokins saved up. Oh well, I planed to buy them all anyway.

  13. Re: Entangle Abuse



    I like the idea of hitting him with entangles. I plan to run Forced Evolution from Digital Hero # 17, this next game session. Spider's web entangle should work well. Should I change it to area effect. If I am correct, I cannot target Treeant while he is in his entangle unless I use a entangle area effect

  14. I have enclosed a character in my group who I would consider a brick. I have enclosed a copy of him in hdc format. He is based on Swamp thing.

    I feel he has been abusing the entangle rules. When the character was made up he bought the "net Entangle" entangle as listed on his character sheet. It is a 4 1/2 die entangle, area effect one hex, personal immunity. He told me when he made the power he wanted to be able to entangle a villain and then walk through his entangle to pound the snot out of them. I liked the idea so I allowed the power.

    Lately he has been casting the entangle on himself, (in his hex) and hiding in it. Last week he hid in the entangle all combat. He did leave it twice to do passing strikes on the villains, but his movement always ended up back in the entangle. He told me he is doing this to force villains to pound through his entangle before they can hit him.

    This feel like he is abusing the Champions rules, I was just wondering how you all felt about it.

    I know on page 167 of 5th ed revised it mentions about a person being entangle and that the entanlge takes damage first before the person trapped inside does, but can a entangle be used as a defense? And can he fire his entangles at other people outside of his entangle do to personal immunity?

  15. Re: Character Concept: Necrosia


    I jst played around a little with your charater, I would put the phase shift muiltpower on Actation 13- and give it 8 charges. This save just over 35 points. I would also lose the regen and END reserve, You can always buy them with experience.

  16. Re: Who is your campaigns "Bad Guy they love to hate"


    Probably me favorite villain to put against the heroes in my champions game would have to be Captain Cardiac. He is a retired surgeon who had an accident in his last operation. He gained the mutant power 9d6 ranged killing attack, linked to a teleportation that teleports the human heart out of the victims body and into Captain's hand.

    Eveytime I bring him out the heroes drop him first. I get great ammusemnet form watching them drop my 60ish year old villain. I am lucky if he last 4 seconds

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